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Kerbela University Holding a Training Course on Dental Fillings

      With the participation of a number of dentists, the Faculty of Dentistry at Kerbela University has hold a course entitled ” Light cure composite filling for posterior teeth“.

      The course includes the basics of making Light cure composite filling for the posterior teeth and comparing them with amalgam, the most important advice and modern materials used in this field for the purpose of improving and prolonging the life of the white light fillings have been discussed, in addition to mentioning the appropriate solutions to get rid of the problems of sensitivity mentioned before the filling action.

     The aim of the course is to review the latest modern developments in the field of Light cure composite filling for the teeth and to identify the nature of materials and technologies, inform dentists of these developments and urge them to use them in order to raise the level of these fillings and make them strong and long-term and reduce the allergy problems associated with the work of posterior teeth fillings.