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Lecturers from University of Kerbala Participate in a Scientific Course at Salahaddin University-

Lecturers from Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kerbala have participated in the training course which is held by the Arab-African Organization for Humanitarian Action in cooperation with Salahaddin University in Erbil.
The course in which Dr. Ahmed Murtada, Prof. Dr. Hussein Makki Al-Mimar and Assist. Lect. Haider Ali Muhammad, whom are lectures at Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kerbala, have participated in, scientific topics on (the effect of exercise and respiratory to strengthen lung functions and improve breathing in people infected with Corona virus) and (Arrogance and pride is a scientific crime before being a moral one) and (Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).

The committee of GLP at University of Kerbala has visited Faculty of Dentistry represented by Lect. Dr. Mwaffaq Al-Hasnawi and Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghanimi, and they have been welcomed by Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs, Lect. Hamed Ibrahim Muhammad, so as to see the preparations for the special assessment exam for the academic year 2021-2022, in terms of number of computers, internet service, and the preparation of halls to ensure the accommodations of exams in the best way, in accordance with ministerial instructions.