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Publishing a Scientific Research on Fixed-frequency Beam Steering in an International Journal

          Dr. Mwaffaq Kadhim Al-Hasnawi, at the Faculty of Engineering – Kerbala University, has published a scientific research on fixed-frequency beam steering using the double-gap technique for the leaking wave antenna in the international journal issued by (IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS) which is specialized in wireless communication science and antennas issued in America, which is classified within  a category of (Q1) and an impact factor of (3.51). this journal is considered one of the specialized magazines in the field of communications.

      The paper deals with introducing a new technology in the use of the microstrip leaky wave antenna used in aircraft radar, and this technology works to reduce energy loss during the air survey process and this is one of the modern technologies that provide high accuracy in calculating the height of the ground level from the plane. The importance of the study lies in the design of an antenna that works to scan the air region in a digital way using diode digital switches, and this technology provides high accuracy in the required results within the antenna range.