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Teaching Staff from the University of Kerbala Obtaining Membership of Bdan Academy

Teachers at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Rafid Al-Muhanna, Dr. Haider Salman Mohsen, and Dr. Ibtagha Muhammad Qasim  have obtained membership of the Bdan Academy.

      The Administrative Affairs Associate of the Faculty, Dr. Rafid Al-Muhanna says that this institution includes a number of academic personalities from different Arab and foreign countries and is one of the educational development institutions that seek to provide training, educational and educational services in a modern, modern style that mixes theoretical training with an applied nature.

     Al-Muhanna adds that this step will enable us in a broader manner and in addition to our extensive and valuable academic activities that are constantly organized by the Faculty, to provide support and communication with the community to benefit from our academic experiences as the academy does its duty towards society by providing free scientific and professional courses and workshops without restrictions or conditions.

    It should be noted that the Bdan Academy is established at the beginning of this year in (2020), and since its inception it has relied on the best academics from various scientific disciplines from all over the Arab world.