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University of Kerbala Discussing a Ph.D. Dissertation on Legal Protection of Consumer from Fraud of Medicines and Pharmaceutical Products

Faculty of Law- University of Kerbala has discussed the Ph.D. dissertation which is entitled “Legal Protection of Consumer from Fraud of Medicines and Pharmaceutical Products”. The dissertation is presented by Wissam Ali Hussein.
The dissertation deals with cheating in medicines and pharmaceutical products as one of the crimes that threaten safety of human body and life and lead to disturb the quality of life as it hits the national economy as it is an economic crime imposed on the legislator in all countries to address and combat it by criminalizing all acts that lead to fraud
The dissertation finds out that it is necessary to have specialized persons to investigate this crime and allocating certain courts to look into this type of crime under normal circumstances. As for exceptional circumstances, especially exceptional health conditions, it requires the legislator to find strict and sufficient measures to combat this crime













