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University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation entitled Obstacles of Smart Cities


College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Kerbala has discussed the Ph.D dissertation which is entitled ” (Obstacles of Smart Cities: Holy City of Karbala as a Case Study), presented by Hala Saad Mujbil.
The study reveals the size of smart infrastructure on which service and administrative institutions in the city are based.
The study includes an introduction, four chapters, and a conclusion. The first chapter explains artificial intelligence and its relationship to cities, and the second chapter deals with smart infrastructure and its applications in urban reality of Karbala, while the third one includes an evaluation of performance of smart services in Karbala, the last chapter clarifies obstacles of smart cities in Karbala in the fourth chapter.
The study concludes that Karbala is one of cities capable of developing and embracing technology, in addition to suffering from a weak infrastructure.