University of Kerbala Discussing an M. A. Thesis entitled” Evaluation of Humoral and Cellular immune Response among different Types of Covid-19 Vaccines”

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled (Evaluation of humoral and cellular immune response among diffrent types of Covid-19 vaccines). It is presented by the (Rwaq Talib Hassan)
The study aims at evaluating the immune response among different types of coronavirus vaccine by measuring humoral and cellular immunity and comparing concentration of antibodies among different types of vaccines.
The discussion shows that there is a significant difference between them, as the AstraZeneca and Sinopharm vaccines are less concentrated compared to the Pfizer vaccine, although there are no significant differences between the divided age groups, which include a category less than 25 years old and a group over 25 years old.
The study concludes that younger age group is the largest response to vaccine and with higher immune concentrations. The study also shows that males have a greater immune response than females, especially those vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine. It is noted that there is a strong positive correlation between cellular immunity (interferon-gamma) and humoral immunity (antibodies to the virus), as the height of one of them It leads to the rise of the other and vice versa
The study recommends a large study with a larger sample size and detection of IGg and IFN levels before and after vaccination and study negative results of vaccination and safety and efficacy of vaccines in immunocompromised individuals.