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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis on UN Security Council Resolutions to limit the spread of biological weapons

The Faculty of Law / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled” UN Security Council resolutions to limit the spread of biological weapons: a comparative study”. It has been presented by Walaa Kadhim Sarhan.
The thesis aimed at explaining the resolutions that UN Security Council can take to limit the spread of biological weapons since they have significant impact on international peace and security, in addition to being considered weapons of mass destruction that have harmful effects on humans and the environment. These resolutions are many and varied, including the agreement of the major powers to limit the manufacture of these weapons and not to export them to countries that do not own them.
The researcher has concluded a number of recommendations, the most important one is the need for the major countries to agree on setting mechanisms and conditions to limit the spread of biological weapons.