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University of Kerbala / Faculty of Medicine Holding an International Training Course on Research Writing and Evaluation

Within framework of International Cooperation between University of Kerbala and International Universities, Faculty of Medicine, in cooperation with Al-Sadiq International Virtual University and Imamia Medics International, have held a training course on (writing and evaluating research), with participation of lecturers from different countries of the world.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Ridha Abu Taheen, vice Dean for Scientific Affairs says that this course attended by Dr. Lieutenant Bukhari, Dean of Jammu Kashmir Medical College in Lahore, Pakistan, and Dr. Fatima Jawad, Editor-in-Chief of Pakistan Medical Journal, an international journal classified within in Scopus.
The course includes a discussion of several important scientific topics within medical research specialties, the most important of which are: choosing topics, idea, objectives, writing a project, writing a research summary, organizing refrences, scientific writing, and writing the thesis, in addition to how to publish in international journals.