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University of Kerbala holding a training course on The influence of food extracts on Pitavastatin Anticancer activity of Pitavastatin in ovarian cancer cell line

Under the supervision of the Dean of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala, and within the framework of its scientific activities, the faculty has  held a free attendance training course for only members of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine entitled “The influence of food extracts on Pitavastatin Anticancer activity of Pitavastatin in ovarian cancer cell line”.  It has been presented by Dr. Muhammad Jassim Jawad,  Teaching in the department of physiology, biological chemistry and medicine.

     The course aims at demonstrating the use of anti-cholesterol (statins) in the treatment of ovarian cancer in humans in the laboratory in addition to studying the nutritional interaction with their therapeutic effect.

 The course deals with the importance of special antibiotics in the treatment of ovarian cancer in humans and the duration of the treatments used.