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University of Kerbala Organizes a Symposium on Draining of Marshes

College of Education for Humanities, University of Kerbala organizes a scientific symposium which is entitled: “Draining of Marshes: Crimes and Victims”.
Being delivered by Dr. Zaid Kamil Jawad, Dr. Ali Kadhim Jawad, Dr. Abbas Abdul Ameer, Dr. Furqan Muhammad Abdul Majeed, and Asst. Lect. Karar Haider Mujed, the symposium aims at shedding light on cultural heritage of marshes, geographical tracking of their distribution, and a sequential presentation of stages of crime of draining them, in addition to clarify results of natural disasters caused by draining of marshes crimes.

The symposium includes many axes, such as theories of emergence of marshes in Iraq and their geographical distribution, stages of crime of draining them, as well as effects of crime of draining marshes, which implies environmental, economic, and social effects.