College of Veterinary Medicine / University of Kerbala organizes its second international scientific conference with participation of a group of researchers from inside and outside Iraq.
The conference held in cooperation with Deanship of College of Veterinary Medicine / University of Mosul and Deanship of College of Agriculture / University of Kerbala, under the slogan “Applied research and its role in improving health of human and animal .”
The conference activities attended by President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile;Vice President for administrative, Prof. Dr. Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri; Vice president for scientific affairs, Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul Hussein Al-Janabi, Chairman of Higher Education Committee in Provincial Council in Karbala , Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohsin Al-Kanani, and a group of deans, researchers, and official figures.
President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile, says that University of Kerbala is keen to continue holding scientific conferences that would contribute to improve level of the university scientifically and academically, stressing that colleges of veterinary medicine and agriculture have a major role in protecting and developing economy of the country, indicating that focusing on applied research in scientific conferences would contribute to address many problems facing society. Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile calls for participating researchers to come up with recommendations that would effectively lead to development of livestock in the country.
For her part, Dean of College of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Dr. Wefaq Al-Bazi, states that livestock is an essential part of economy of countries and contributes to achieve food security and economic growth. This conference aims at studying human and animal health and exchange scientific expertise among researchers to protect public health and enhance awareness of the importance of preventing common diseases and giving health guidance and nutritional advice.
Among the activities of the conference there is an exhibition to support Palestinian women, and a large group of artistic paintings.