أثر المباني الكلامية في تأسيس القاعدة الأصولية

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : ستار عباس صخي

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية

سنة نشر البحث : 2019

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

في الختام الذي نسأل الباري عزوجل أن يكون مسكا بعد هذه الفسحة العلمية المتواضعة في موضوع سبقتنا فيه القامات الكبيرة في الكتابه فيه . توصل الباحث إلى جملة من النتائج والتوصيات

أبرزها ما يلي:

اولاً: نتائج البحث

وسوف يعرضها الباحث على شكل نقاط لإيجازها وبيانها:

  1. حرص الأصوليون على مطابقة مسائلهمالأصولية مع المباديء الكلامية .
  2. بالنظر الى أن الكثير من مسائل أصول الفقه تعد مسائل كلامية وأن أغلب تفصيلات أدلتها وبيائها في علم الكلام فإن للخلفية العقدية للفقهاء الدور الأبرز في صياغة المنظومة المعرفية سواء كانت على مستوى علم الكلام أم على مستوى علم أصول الفقه أو حتى في بقية العلوم التي لها ارتباط بالشريعة  لذا أصبح الاختلاف بين الأصوليين يعود الى العمق العلمي للمدارس التي ينتمون لها.
  3. في حال تعرض الأصوليين الى المسائل الخلافية كانوا على الحياد تماماً لأظهار الحقيقة ولبيان الصواب والخطأ في الأقوال .
  4. أن الخلاف في الكثير من مسائل علم الأصول مبني على الخلاف في أصول الدين وبأختلاف هذا التوجه فقد أختلفت الكثير من المفاهيم التي لها مدخلية في تأسيس القاعدة الأصولية .
  5. مازال نتاج المنظومة الفكرية الأسلامية في القرون المتأخرة بعيد كل البعد عما كانت عليه في بداية النهضة الأسلامية بالرغم من توفر الوسائل المساعدة للأبداع والتطور إلا في حالات شاذة ونادرة ظهرت أغلبها في مدرسة أتباع أهل البيت (عليهم السلام).

ثانيا :التوصيات

أما التوصيات فهي إن الرؤية العلمية المحايدة اتجاه كل علم تقتضي:

أولاً: دراسة تأثير سائر العلوم الشرعية الأخرى التي لها مدخلية أو تأثير في ذلك الفرع العلمي.

ثانياً: يجب أن لا تقتصر تلك الدراسات على خصوص مسائل العلم بما يجعلها تدور في نفس المحور ولكن لابد أيضاً من الأخذ في أبعاد أخرى تسهم في تطورالعلوم .

ثالثاً : السعي الى تنقية علم الأصول من الأبحاث غير المجدية في فهم الفقه. رابعاً: أمكانية توسيع رقعة علم الأصول بإضافة قواعد أخرى ضرورية لفهم الشريعة واستنباط الأحكام الفقهية لجعله أكثر نفعاً وملائمة لمتطلبات العصر. خامساً : يجب تفكيك القواعد المشتركة الداخلة في فهم الدين من خلال إعادة النظر في علم الأصول وليس خصوص الشريعة والأحكام الفقهية.

سادساً: التوسع بدراسة جميع العلوم التي لها تأثير في علم أصول الفقه بمايتناسب مع الحاجة الفعلية للفقيه والباحث في الفقه على مستوى الأستنباط .


the merciful praise be to Allah, creator of the heavens and the Earth, we praise him ونستعين him and ask pardon him and seek refuge from the evils of ourselves on our ،وسيئات the provider of cattle all his creation, praise him, thank you very much and the great Sultana, hired by the use of no’s It has not, and blessings and peace upon his slave who chose prophets and several missionaries, master of beginning and end, clean Pornstars and company almantgbin, and damnation to their enemies from now until the day of judgement, either:

The science of critical assets, given the impact that through the rules formulated that meet the needs of the scholarly community, so we find that our media listens and sharpen those rules that derive from legal judgments, codified in this Dua Wynn, which classified categories are useful, and which draw various combinations.

Given the background of words most scientists who excelled in developing the building blocks of knowledge assets, it’s clear to see the methodology and vocabulary of theology in deep and severe impact on the fundamentalism, so couched most asset science issues background of lip service, the criminal investigation had been shinier (front This synthesizer pioneers eliminated it), and then followed them into it, each band were ash’ari advocating and upholding its doctrine of fundamentalist arguments. Whatever the science of Fiqh is the flag of Allah almighty understanding settings and Messenger 9, norm draw inference methods and curriculum, underlying the jurist in devising the shar’i ruling, this sense of being a platform for the jurist.

Either in general the Usul al-fiqh is the Muslimworld approach in understanding Shariah interpretation and imagine and downloads, it represents the spirit of Islamic sciences, cognitive and methodological framework to this science, no offense that he can become his bases, directories, and cognitive and methodological bases as ‘ origins of thought

There are important reasons have had significant impact in choosing research title:

1-show perfection of Islamic law and accommodated all people’s needs and coverage of every time and place, and to prove that the bulk of the issues developed in any era ruling proceeded.

  1. statement by the Islamic sciences from power and capacity and ability to cope with whatever variables, whether I was in the first ages of Islam or late. The importance of research emerges through what gets thrown, and the importance of the issues addressed in these vocabulary statement No doubt consider theology independently, is extremely dangerous in terms of racist ideology, as well as in Usul al-fiqh being Abadia costs, perhaps the importance of research, summarized the impact of buildings and questions of theology in establishing rules of science of Usul al-fiqh, and this is the biggie Objects require detailed in the statement of facts, and indeed characterization and developments, in order to achieve the desired end, but don’t take place in view of the complexity of this research by topic. As for the difficulties encountered, not without any scientific research who faced difficulties and obstacles, it boils down to that search includes consideration of specific flags, hard to understand for many mfradthma, it takes a lot of maturity and scientific knowledge of both El Alamein, and your This capacity in the sources and references which are difficult torealise in time researcher, this calls for diversity in reading to collect the pieces. As for previous studies that addressed the topic: as for previous research, after looking at the limits of the possible, competent question and followers of the latest scientific research, I find this topic vocabulary addresses search as our search, but more what it stood a thesis discussed in c University of Kufa at the ends of the seventh month of the year 2018, by typing search, talking about verbal buildings but by another method and its impact on the area and another topic; there are signs in some books, perhaps what it stood four studies: First: the book (Usul al-fiqh, theology) to Dr Mohamed Bin Ali GILANI. Second: the book (common issues between Fiqh and theology) to Dr Mohamed Laroussi.

3: search (development of the rela;onship between the science of Usul al-fiqh and theology and fundamentalist issues) to Dr Mohamed Riad Fakhri, Baghdad University, Faculty of Islamic sciences, a brief search contains molecules do not represent something listed which means search.

4: search (following verbal schools in Usul al-fiqh-physical model of governance) to Dr Khalil Ibrahim Taha, The search has been structured: introduction and preliminary decline of three chapters, and a conclusion, and indexes, and are as follows

: Introduction:

includes the importance of the topic, and its difficulties, and previous studies, plan and curriculum. The introductory discourse: theoretical framework for research concepts and contains five demands.

Chapter 1: the impact of verbal buildings in Intros knowledge assets, ruling and governance implications, convict, and contains three chapters: the first discourse: implications for Governor (and Allah is the Almighty).

Second topic: implications for governance (convict). Third topic: implications for convict (charge) chapter II: the impact of verbal buildings in principles of knowledge assets. First topic: the impact of linguistic detective raised in theology on assets. Second topic: impact altogether in the directory.

Topic III: conceptual issues and their impact. Chapter III verbal buildings impact in matters of knowledge assets, and includes two sections: first section: effect of theology in evidence agreed. Second topic: the impact of theology in different directories.

Topic III: effect of theology in opposing evidence. Conclusion: the most important include search results and recommendations of the Finder. Index sources and references.

Finally I call Allah to be this study point of light to open the window wider, to be a step towards  Allah’s satisfaction. I present my humble research to distinguished discussants professors taking their hands and blessed scientific analysis table, they don’t claim to have perfect with lack of written features and examines the excuse for every bug or shortening with noted the shot right It is Allah and failed it myself, so I’m still for science students, and scientific failings