أثر رأس المال في الدولة العربية الإسلامية حتى عام٤١هــ/٦٦١م

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : ميثاق كاظــم هادي الخفاجي

اسم المشرف : أ.د زمـــان عبيد ونـّــاس

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على خير الانام من بن عبد الله واله الكرام, اللهم صل على محمد والِ محمد.
يعد راس المال واحد من المقومات الاساسية لأي عمل منذ اللحظة التي الاولى التي وجدت فيها المجتمعات البشرية على وجه البسيطة, ومن ثم فأن ذلك العمل أو المشروع سيلاقي صعوبات جمه قد تؤدي إلى انهياره أو وأده مبكراً إذا لم يتوفر له رأس المال الكافي لتغطية مستلزماته الضرورية.
وعلى هذا فأن الباحث اتخذ من قوة رأس المال معياراً اساسياً في ثنايا بحثه, وما يترتب على تلك القوة من آثار رافقت بناء الدولة العربية الاسلامية منذ قيامها, وبعد المشورة مشرفي الاستاذ الدكتور زمان عبيد وناس رجح لي الكتابة عن هذا الموضوع الذي يعد من المواضيع الهامة وقد اطلعت على ما ورد فيها من حودث تاريخية فوجدتها تستحق الدراسة.
وعلى هذا الأساس وسمت أطروحتي بعنوان: (أثر رأس المال في الدولة العربية الإسلامية حتى عام 41هـ/661م) بعد أن قسمته على أربعة فصول تقفوها خاتمة للبحث وقائمة بالمصادر والمراجع.
جاء الفصل الاول بعنوان: مفهوم رأس المال وأثره في مكة قبل البعثة النبوية. بعد أن قسمته على مبحثين المبحث الأول: التعريف برأس المال وبدايات تشكيله في مكة أوضحت فيه المراد من رأس المال وما يعطي من معان كثيرة, ثم تناولت فيه أنواع رأس المال المادي منها والمعنوي.
أما المبحث الثاني: فقد أستعرض فيه الباحث موارد رأس المال وتشمل: ( التجارة والغزو والعقلية العربية مع عدم اهمال الموارد الآخرى) وبوصف التجارة تمثل المورد الرئيس في الجزيرة العربية فقد سلطت الضوء على تجارة الخمور والرقيق بوصفها بضائع رائجة أنذاك, أما العقلية العربية فهي ترتبط بمفهوم رأس المال الرمزي وقد بينت موقف قصي وابناءه ثم أبو طالب (عليه السلام) كيف تمكن من حماية النبي (O) الذي أخذ فسحة تمكن إبَّانها من الجهر بالدعوة الإسلامية.
كان الفصل الثاني: أثر رأس المال في القرار السياسي والديني, بعد أن قسمته على مبحثين جاء المبحث الاول بعنوان: مفهوم الدولة وأثر رأس المال في القرار السياسي. وضع الباحث فرضية: هل أن النبي (O) كان يسعى لبناء دولة أو هل أن ما بناه النبي (O) يصدق على مفهوم الدولة بالمعنى الحديث من عدمه, مما حدى بالباحث الرجوع المصادر أو المراجع التي تعني بهذا الخصوص واعني بذلك المصادر القانونية لدى فقهاء القانون الدولي التي بينت عناصر قيام الدولة(الإقليم- الشعب- التنظيم القانوني- السيادة) وكانوا متفقون على العناصر الثلاثة الأولى ومختلفون في العنصر الرابع (السيادة) يراد به ان الدولة مطلقة السيادة في التصرف لا يقيدها إلا ارادتها . وعند امعان النظر في تلك العناصر وجدتها تنطبق مع دولة المدينة.
ثم اثر رأس المال في القرار السياسي وقد قدمته على القرار الديني بوصفه الراجح عند العرب آنذاك فهم ينظرون إلى مصالحهم السياسية في العلية والسيادة على القوم اكثر منه في المسائل العقدية او الدينية. وعضَّتها بالحوادث التاريخية التي تنسجم وعنوان الفصل.
الفصل الثالث: أثر رأس المال في الانقلاب السياسي والديني, وقسمته على مبحثين أيضا: المبحث الأول: سلطت الضوء فيه على الحوادث التاريخية التي رافقت حادثة السقيفة وكيف انقلبت الامة على اعقابها, ثم المبحث الثاني: اثر رأس المال في الانقلاب الديني والزامهم الجماعة والطاعة خلافا لما جاء به النبي (O) ليمحق الدين رويدا رويدا .

The impact of capital in the Arab Islamic state until 41 AH / 661 AD

Capital is one of the statistical components of the desired areas for any business, and therefore it is a source for natural and moral persons; its chief, both vertically and fundamentally, and on top of it and its success with its dependencies, its capital, its capital, its capital, its capital, And he left clear imprints on it since its establishment until its demise, and since it had different types, including material and moral ones, they give the same effect that lies in the power that is embodied in capital to do its work in influencing the course of things, and thus its deviation from the desired path for it, and when following the path of the Arab state. Islam since its inception at the time of the Prophet through those who succeeded him in the leadership of the Islamic nation until the year 41 AH / 661 AD, I find the clear impact of capital in changing the path set by the Prophet of the nation, and here lies the importance of the study.
Accordingly, I named the title of the research as: (The Impact of Capital in the Arab Islamic State until 41 AH / 661 AD), and the definition of the study in the period of time goes back to the statement of what the Great Messenger was aiming for in his heavenly message for which he was sent in the Arabian Peninsula To be a niche to be emulated to correct the path, and the customs, traditions and customs that the Arabs used to follow that are not consistent with the heavenly laws, and for the Islamic state to be the beacon that pervades the world, but some obstacles prevented the continuation of what the Prophet built, In the forefront of
which is the capital, and on this basis the study was determined in the Arabian Peninsula, which includes many cities, the most important of which are: (Mecca, Medina and Taif), as these cities near the main center of the state witnessed, as they had a remarkable impact; After consulting with Prof. Dr. Zaman Obaid Wannas, the supervisor of the thesis, he recommended that I write on this topic, which is one of the important topics, and I looked at the historical incidents that were mentioned in it and found them worthy of study, and here lie the reasons for my choice of the topic of research.
The nature of the study necessitated dividing it into an introduction and four chapters, followed by the conclusions of the research and a list of sources and references. The concept of capital in the language and what it gives of many meanings, then its fixed, movable, ruling, symbolic and intellectual types, which perform the same purpose, that is, they do their work in the ether, meaning that symbolic capital gives the same effect as monetary capital, as the beginnings of the formation of capital Money in Mecca with some historical evidence, either The second topic: It reviewed the capital resources of the time period under study, in which trade is at the forefront of those resources, in which it dealt with the slave trade and alcohol as the popular commodities during that era, without neglecting other resources; I will then turn to the second chapter, which is titled: The Impact of Capital on Political and Religious Decisions; Because of the importance of these two decisions on the one hand, and the correlation and coupling between them on the other hand, it was divided into two sections: The first topic was Entitled: The concept of the state and the impact of capital on the political decision, and I presented it on the religious decision, as it is the most likely decision on the religious decision among the Arabs. The impact of capital on religious decision, in which I dealt with some historical incidents in which capital had an impact, to move then to the third chapter, which I named: The impact of capital on political and religious revolution, after it was divided into two sections as well, dealt with in the first topic: The impact of capital on the political revolution (the leadership of Muslims), in it I shed light on the historical events that accompanied the incident of the shed, and how the nation turned on its heels, to move after that to the impact of capital in the religious revolution, i.e. obligating them to congregate and obey, contrary to what the Prophet of the nation wanted. This is in the second topic of this chapter. I will then turn to the fourth chapter, which was entitled: The impact of capital on political and religious reform, after I divided it into two sections as well. The first topic was: The impact of capital in the face of political and religious reform, in which I dealt with some historical incidents that confronted the religious reform adopted by an elite of the Companions, and the capital had an impact on it. As for the second topic, it was called: The effect of capital in confronting the pioneer of political and religious reform, represented by Imam Ali bin Abi Talib and his son Imam Al-Hassan (peace be upon them). The researcher explained what theory they adopted in reform that came to fruition in correcting the course of the Islamic state, and how it faced the obstacles it encountered, while The capital had the effect of weakening it and then diverting it from its course, then the most important results of the study, which is the beginning of my research.
As for the methodology adopted by the researcher, it is to mention the famous from the name of the author and the book in brief, and it is sufficient to mention the details in the list of sources and references; In order to be accurate, non-repetition and reduce errors and effort and ease of reference upon request, I also adopted the critical analytical approach that is based on dismantling the text and rebuilding it, and then linking it to other texts to come up with acceptable results, and as a result, it remains the efforts of a novice researcher who is plagued by slips and errors and is beset by falsities, While trying to delve into this topic, I encountered It has a number of difficulties in addition to the traditional difficulties from the lack of sources that dealt with the study, as researching this topic is one of the thorny and difficult matters that require double time and effort; Due to the lack of specialized sources with this title, it cost me to search in the bellies of the mothers of historical books of all kinds; To obtain a material through which I can complete the scientific material to complete the research.