أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) في مستدرك شعراء الغري دراسة (موضوعية وفنية)

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : ايناس عبيس علي

اسم المشرف : عبد نور داود عمران

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية/ادب

سنة نشر البحث : 2021

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث


جاءت هذه الدراسة تحت عنوان مستدرك شعراء الغري دراسة (موضوعية فنيةا)هادفة الى تحليل نتاجهم الشعري في ضوء المنهج الاستقرائي الوصفي , فجاءت هذه الدراسة مشتملة على مقدمة , وتمهيد, وثلاثة فصول , وخاتمة ,ان شعراء المستدرك في شعر وتناولوا الحياة من جميع نواحيها موظفين فيها قضية الامام الحسين الذي كان غرضه الأصلي من الخروج هو الاصلاح. ان المعنى المقصود من ثورة الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) هو المعنى القرآني و ميتافيزيقا هذا الإصلاح هو الإسلام في اصوله وعقائده. يقول ( عليه السلام)” الا ترون ان الحق لا يعمل به وان الباطل لا يتناهى عنه ليرغب المؤمن في لقاء الله محقاً فإني لا ارى الموت إلا سعادة والحياة مع الظالمين الا برما”, لنهضة الحسينية لها ابعاد غير محدودة في زمان أو مكان معين وأنما تمتد إلى أمتداد بقاع الأرض وكأنه ليس حدث تأريخي حدث وأنتهى كبقية الأحداث التأريخية الأخرى. انها لوحة شعرية رائعة الجمال منسابة بهدوء مريحه للنفس رسمها شعراء المستدرك في شعرهم .أن ثورة الإمام الحسين( عليه السلام) التي كانت من اجل تحقيق العدل ورفض الظلم قد أسست لمبادئ وقيم حقوق الإنسان أصبحت هذه الثورة مدرسة لتعليم وتنمية الثقافة الحقوقية الممتدة من قيم الإسلام الحنيف واحكامه. ان هذه الثورة لها أهداف هي صناعة الإنسان الرسالي اللملتزم بالقيم الدينية والحقوق الانسانية والأخلاق الإسلامية. وقد عني الشعراء عناية فائقة برسم الشخصية ومراحلها فهي صباغ لشخصيات تأريخية يستخدمها الشاعر في سبيل القناع وتخزن الشخصيات كل ما تحمله داخلها من ألم وحزن وصمت كاشفاً عن هواجسه وآرائه و نفسياته ومعاناته التي توحي بنفس مرهفة حساسة عانت كثيراً في غربتها و تأملت في إشراق يوم جديد .

Ahl Al-Bayt in the Mustadrak of Ghari Poets. a Study of (objective and technical)

Since appearance of the holy Alawi shrine in the beginning of Abbasid state, many companions’ hearts directed to him and choose his neighborhood to get the honor of his neighborhood. After short time, the sacred Najaf city established, and Muslims knew that it is one of the houses that Allah permitted his name to be raised in. So, great figures including scholars, faithful people, reformers, caliphs, kings, and ministers directed to Najaf. Since then, Najaf proudly entered the history.
The sacred Najaf is the Islamic world Minaret and its brilliant center. Thus, the city was honored by the shrine of masters of eloquent and speakers is still full of great scholars and the elite of genius and literary men. This holy city has a feature that characterizes it from other cities, that it is the science spring, literature mine, and the poetry ember It protected the culture of holy Quran and principles of Islam religion during dark times when the imported foreign streams were dominant on the Islamic states, and when the intruder ideologies ruled following the colonist control. So, this eternal city stood against those streams and stayed high landmark lightening the literature and science sky, feeding minds, and overflowing with sciences. As a result, it bore the greatest Arabic poets and its greatest leaders and thinkers.
Najaf school was different from others, for its postgraduates, beside their scientific, philological, and Ousoli favor, they got the top of Arabic literature. A lot of great scholars added the literary form to their scientism, to the extent that the reader thinks that they devoted themselves to this side. Their poets, also have lightening scientific aspects. Among those where the literary side was dominant on other scientific aspect were Mustedrek poets. Those combined science with literature, where their honorable, religious, patriotic, and social stands were known. Any follower of the prophet progeny’s poetry knows that these texts were not taken a care from the learners. That’s why, they were premature where nobody tried to study or analyze, the matter that formed the first motif in studying this verse hoping that this study reveals texts that were not collected in a specialized academic study. The second motif was the researcher’s desires to study Arabic poetry particularly in what deeply relates to the prophet progeny ( p.b.u.h.), to be in a relation with it, with what is written about it, what thought are spread, and due to my belief that this heritage is a source of guidance that doesn’t know sayings. The third motif is represented by the researcher’s desire in following the artistic value of poetic texts were based on a faithful intellectual case. All opinions, nearly agree that cessation Affected poetry during the beginning of Islam which it differs from the era preceded Islam or the other eras that followed it, as well as the verse said about Al Hussein in particular and about the prophet progeny in general. Though it lasted to our time, it based on the intellectual ideological principles of Islamic religion, so. It is included in this judgment; due to these reasons and motifs, the researcher decided to choose this verse for the study in order to be an effort that induces the artistic aspects which were features of these poetic texts. This is in order to have efficient ground of the study poetic evidence, in addition to have the efficient freedom to move within the poetic texts.
Our current study is a statistic or bibliographical which is not only interested in gathering and following all poetic samples but its aims to identify and study the created phenomenon from those texts. This phenomenon is based on generalization and repetition, and this is what happened with the verse of Mustedrek nevertheless, I tried to understand the texts relating to prophet’s progeny, as possible, at least, referring them in the margins. That’s why they were interested in the study that was a center for a part and not for all of it. Or they did not refer to the details happened in Kerbala; therefore, I decided to study the poetic texts that were the base on which I built on, and the purpose I tackled regardless of the experiment causes that produced those texts.
The researcher couldn’t find a previous academic artistic study about studying the book Mustedrek of Al Gheri Poets by Kadhum Aboud Al Fetlawi where I adopted the copy issued from Al Adhwa’a press, first version ( 1423 H. – 2002 A.D. ). Accordingly, I decided to account and study the poetic texts that mentioned the prophet’s progeny ( p.b.u.t.), though I couldn’t quote the poetic texts to those whom mentioned in his Mustedrek reaching about 178 poets in his three parts. As a result, the treatment by the topics was comprehensive, and my efforts was no more than documenting the poetic texts in Mustedrek as well my witness on the search margins. Some of the poetic texts can be tackled from several aspects distributed on the thesis chapters and sections.. it was enough to me tackling one aspect in some texts and studies some aspects in various topics in the thesis where I found a necessity to serve the study. Therefore, we find a large number of texts base on the multiple decisions. This clearly refer to the skill of Mustedrek poets’ verse and the control over their language, in addition to the depth of thoughts that they believe in.