اسماء الاشارة بين العربية واللغات السامية دراسة مقارنة

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : علاء الدين هاشم مخرب

اسم المشرف : ا د. محمد عونى عبد الرؤف أستاذ اللغويات بكلية الالسن جامعة عين شمس ا. د. محمد بحر عبد المجيد استاذ اللغة العبرية ورئيس قسم اللغات الشرقية جامعة عين شمس

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية/ادب

سنة نشر البحث : 1981

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

اجتهد علماء العربيه في دراسة قواعدها ، بعد ان فحصوا نصوصها المختلفة في عصور الفصاحة شعرا ونثرا ، وحاولوا تصنيف الظواهر وتفسيرها بمناهجهم المختلفة ، غير أنهم لم يحاولوا البحث عن أصول هذه الظواهر في اللغات السامية مع أن بعضها كان معروفا لديهم كالحبشية والعبر والآرامية . ( ) ولذلك بقيت مشكلات كثيرة فى العربية دون حلول منطقي مقنعة ، لأن تفسيرها يقتضى مقارنتها بأخواتها اللغات السامية الأخرى إذ أن هذه اللغات تدور في مجال واحد من مجالات التطورات اللغوية بغض النظر عن بعض التغييرات الصوتية الخاصة بكل لغة على حدة ـ وتزيد عملية المقارنة بروز المشكلات العربية ، التي يمكن عرضها على اللغات السامية الأخرى ، وبذلك يتم معرفة وجوه الاتفاق والاختلاف ، أو الصورة القديمة والصورة المتطورة ، ويمكن أيضا ترجيح الحل المناسب وفقا لما تتمخض عنــــــــه نتائج هذه المقارنة .

وموضوع هذا البحث : اسماء الإشارة بين العربية واللغات السامية دراسة مقارنة “لم يحظ من علماء العربية إلا بفصول قليلة في كتب النحـو العربي ، كما تناثرت شواهد قليلة لهذا الموضوع في أبواب النحـــــــــــو وهذه الشواهد تقل فيها التفسيرات لكثير من مشكلات هذا البحث ، كما أنها تكون أحيانا تفسيرات لا تتفق و منطق اللغة ، ولا يمكن الأخذ بها، وقد تكتفى بعض المصادر بذكر الصيغ الإشارية دون التمثيل لها ، ولذلك لم تكتمل صورة التمثيل لهذه الأسماء شعرا ونثرا ، وقد حاولنا جهد الامكان التمثيل لها في اللغة العربية واللغات السامية الأخرى .وجمع شتات السائل وتصنيفها في ضوء علم اللغة الحديث، حيث أن أهمية دراستنا

لهذا الموضوع تكمن في أنه موضوع لم يأخذ نصيبه الكافي في اللغة العربية، كما أنه موضوع مقارن بين اللغة العربية واللغات السامية ، للوقوف علـى مشكلاته المختلفة ، ومحاولة ترجيح رأى فيها دون رأى .

أما أهم الدراسات التي اهتمت بأسماء الإشارة ، فيمكن تصنيفها إلى

اولا : كتب الدراسات النحوية السامية المقارنة ، والتي تعد من مصادرنا الأولى في بحثنا لاسماء الإشارة فى اللغات السامية ، حيث أفسحت المجال الكافي لاسماء الإشارة بين أبوابها المختلفة ، ولو أنها تميل أحيانا إلى المنهج الوصفي في ذكر اسماء الإشارة في اللغات السامية دون اعمال المنهج المقارن ، تذكر كثيرا من أسماء الإشارة في لغات شتى من اللغات السامية ، دون التمثيل في اغلب الاحوال مما حتم علينا التمثيل لها ، لما يتطلبه منهج بحثنا من النصوص السامية المعتمده في هذا المجال وخاصة الكتب المقدسة المتاحه التي كتبت باللغات السامية، كالحبشية والعبرية والسريانية، التـي لم تذكرها في قائمة المصادر و المراجع فى اخر بحثنا ، وذلك لقدسيتها وكذلك لم تذكر القرآن الكريم ، وهذه الكتب المقدسة التي استشهدنا منها بكثير من النصوص هي

Sign names between Arabic and Semitic languages Comparative study

to us while studying the topic of the Demonstrative
Pronouns in Arabic and the Semitic Languages: A
comparative study.
we spoke of the parsing rules of the demonstratives in relation to their position in sentences-context. We observed the occurrence of the grammatical casses of Arabic demonstrative-execpt the dual forms-accord to their position. We have also noted the supra-verb vowel signs of the nouns demonstrated as the noun de onstrated and the demonstrative pronoun are consider one noun unit. Although Hebrew and Syriac lost thei. parsing cases; they kept the grammatical rules showi the supravowel of their demonstratives. This was sho through the previous examples. The Abyssinian and the Akadian languages gave us declined forms according t their occurrences in the sentences.

In the conclusion, the most important findings of the reseach are given. We have as well referred, in this respect; to some topics suggested for study on the bases of the comparative method. They Occurred
we spoke of the parsing rules of the demonstratives in relation to their position in sentences-context. We observed the occurrence of the grammatical casses of Arabic demonstrative-execpt the dual forms-accord to their position. We have also noted the supra-verb vowel signs of the nouns demonstrated as the noun de onstrated and the demonstrative pronoun are consider one noun unit. Although Hebrew and Syriac lost thei. parsing cases; they kept the grammatical rules showi the supravowel of their demonstratives. This was sho through the previous examples. The Abyssinian and the Akadian languages gave us declined forms according t their occurrences in the sentences.

In the conclusion, the most important findings of the reseach are given. We have as well referred, in this respect; to some topics suggested for study on the bases of the comparative method. They Occurred

two sections: The first is” demonstratives of the remote and the near. We aimed at classifying the Semitic languages according to definite methode used by these languages to distinguish between near and remote forms. The second section deals with demonstrat of place and time. We have obsered that there are distinct forms of the demonstratives of place and the demonstratives of time in the Semitic languages, while Arabic sometimes uses the same demonstrative form for place and time. We also gave exmples of such usage.

The fourthe chapter deals with the demonstrative pronouns and sentences structure. Again this is divided into two sections. The first shows the relation between the demonstrative pronoun and the sentence components in definite points. The first points illustrates the usage of the demonstrative pronun as well as its meaning when definite and when indefinite. In the second point; there is reference
This section includes also the most important features which distinguish between the feminine and masculine demonstrative forms. We also studied the demonstrative forms The second section of this chapter deals with demonstrative structure in pause and juncture. In this section the study in confined to Arabic alone disregarding its sister Semitic languages. This is because stability of the of the forms of these languages which have one form for both pause and jucture, as we have illus- trated in Hebrew and Syriac. While Arabic provides us with forms of pause and juncture. We attempted to return some forms to tother forms because of these two cases.

The third chapter deals with the semantic signif- icance of the demonstrative pronous. It is divided into

involve demonstrative affixes. In this chapter we have also dealt with some demonstrative roots which are composed of two or more demonstrative affixes. But in the second section of this chapter we dealt with the phonetic study of demonstrative roots. This section was confined to the two demonstrative roots: “da” and “ta” as the former is prevalent in most. Semitic languages, while the latter is peculiar to Arabic. This is after we have referred to our study of some other demonstrative roots in the first section of this research as the method of the study requires.

In the second chapter; the structure of the demonstrative pronouns is dealt with. There is also mention of the manner of their structuring. We have; as well mentioned the demonstrative pronouns in the semitic language having indicated their geographical distribution. This chapter is divided into two sections where we studied gender and number in the first section.

trying to clarify the meaning of this term in order to be able to use it in the sense we have defined and to avoid the other determined and inherited complex terms in Arabic. Dealing with the second matter, “About the Origin of Demonstrative Pronouns; we discu- ssed the most important opinions of linguists in this matter; we mentionde the futility of studies done in such subjects, and we also gave our motive to tackling this subject.

The first chapter deals with the phonetic study of the demonstrative pronouns. It is divided into two sections the first demonstrating the phonological study of the dcmonstrative affixes; where we spoke in details of each of these affixes illustrating the most important phono- logical develoment of these affixes as Well as th original supra-verbal vowel signs used to indicate the vowel auality of these affixes; in addition to the most important non-demonstrative forms whose structures


This thesis is composed of a preface, an introd- uction, four chapters and a conclusion.

In the preface; reasons of the choice of this subject are given, and difficulties of research in it are explained. There is also reference to the importance of comparative methodology with the addit- ional aid of the descriptive and historical methods in stating the given linguistic phenomenon in Arabic and the other Semitic Languages.

In the introduction; two important matters of this research are dealt with. These are the demonst- rative strcture and about the origin of demonstrative pronouns. For we have shown the m nner adopted by the demonstrative pronouns in forming their demonstrative pronouns in forming their demonstrative structures. We called this manner “The Demonstrative Structure” (or rather “Nouns”.