الأنا والآخر في شعر الدولة الفاطمية مصر وبلاد الشام (358هـ ـ567 هـ)

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : فاطمة محسن هبر المعموري

اسم المشرف : محـمد حسين عبد الله المــهداوي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية/ادب

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

فتعد دراسة الأنا والآخر من الثيمات البحثية التي نالت عناية الدارسين؛ بوصفهما مصطلحين مميزين ، لتعدد زوايا النظر إليهما؛ الأمر الذي أعطاهما أهمية كبيرة في دراسة الأدب في الآونة الأخيرة، فشهد حضورهما اتساعاً واسعاً في دراسة النص الأدبي، إذ يمكن عن طريقهما دراسة النص الأدبي من جوانب عدّة واظهار القيم الجمالية والنفسية فيه.
وتأتي أهمية دراسة ((الأنا والآخر في شعر الدولة الفاطمية مصر وبلاد الشام (358هـ ــ 567هـ) )) من قيمة العصر وأدبه الذي تبوأ حضوراً واسعاً على عرش الأدب من منتصف القرن الرابع للهجرة إلى منتصف القرن السادس في مصر وبلاد الشام أيام الحكم الفاطمي الذي أخذت فيه مصر وضعاً قيادياً في العالم العربي والإسلامي، نافست به الدولة العباسية في العراق ، فقد كانت مصر في ظل هذا الكيان موضع الثقل السياسي، والحضاري، والثقافي، فبنت لنفسها مجداً أبان مدّة حكمهم من (358هـ) الى (567هـ)، واختياره ميداناً للدراسة والبحث في أغوار النص للكشف عن مكنونات النفس وعلاقتها بالآخر، ومدى تأثر أحدهما بالآخر بالاعتماد على ما في النص من معطيات نفسية واجتماعية ، فضلاً عن ظروف العصر السياسية والعقائدية والثقافية المحيطة بالشاعر، وساعدت سيرة الشعراء والمواقف التي تعرضوا لها مع الآخر التي كان لها وقعها النفسي في ذواتهم، فهي معطيات ساعدت في الكشف عن اتجاه الأنا وطبيعتها النفسية، على أنَّه يبقى تحليل النصوص محتكماً إلى النص الشعري بالدرجة الأولى ؛ بوصفه بنية متكاملة يمكن لها أن تعطي موقفاً متكاملاً لذات الشاعر وقراءة معالم الآخر فهو المرآة التي تنعكس من خلالها رؤيتها لذاتها وللآخر، وهذا ما نتج عنه تعدد اتجاهات الأنا الآخر وانماطهما في نصوص الشعراء

Rp- The Ego and the Other in Fatimid Verse ( 358 H.- 567H.) Egypt and Levant .pdf

The study of The Ego and the other is considered one of the most important topics that got the researchers’ interest for they are two distinguished terms due to their multiple views when looking at them, the matter that gave them great significance in studying literature especially in the last time. Their presence witnessed wide spreading in studying the literary text.
Studying the literary text can be done through them from various aspects to show the aesthetic and psychological values in the old poetic text.
Importance of’ The Ego and the Other in Fatimid Verse ( 358 H.- 567H.) Egypt and Levant’ springs from the era’s value and its literature that its wide presence crowned on the literature throne from the mid of the fourth Hijri century to the mid of the sixth Hijri century in Egypt and Levant during the time of Fatimid ruling; beside its use as a field of a study and search in the text depths to uncover the self potentials and their relations with the others as well the extent of influence each one by relying on what is found in the text including psychological and social data.
The research plan required a preface and three chapters due to the subject’s demands, and availability and variety of the poetic texts to the poets from the researcher’s point of view. The preface which was entitled’ theoretical introduction’ has two parts. The first is ‘ the ego and the other’. It tackled studying the ego and the other theoretically and from the linguistic, literary, psychological, philosophical, and social aspects as well the relation of each with the other. The second part which is entitled’ Fatimid dynasty: a general view, discussed briefly Fatimid dynasty in Egypt and Levant from the political, social, and cultural aspects besides, the events that poets lived which had an impact in their spirits.
The first section was about the ego: its directions and patterns has two sections. The second section tackled the go direction, it tackles patterns in expressing its potentials and what it suffered individually and socially that shows its affiliation and its social and political identity. The second patterns of ego where it appeared through its, superior broken, beloved patterns.
The second chapter which is entitled ” the other: its directions and patterns “, has two sections. The first section was about the other’s direction that studied the other from the poetic ego perspective and its relations with it from the individual and collective aspects. The second section tackled the other’s patterns that studied the other from the concord with the ego and the contrast between them.
The third chapter which is entitled” the moral other” treated the inanimate other and its relation with poetic ego and its influence with it and it has three sections. The first section was about the ruins as described by the other. The second section tackled the nature as described by the other. The third section dealt with time as described by the other. Its study came through the influence of this other in the poet’s self and makes him as the other addressed the ego carries including the living attributes through them its targets can be obtained. The study ends with conclusion contained the most important results of the research and a list of the references that the study relied on.
The most important results of the study is the attempt of the Fatimid poet to prove himself and emphasized it in different ways and this belongs to his entity and its feeling of superiority. So, he tries to satisfy or to compensate the lack that it suffers from relying of the psychological factor as well on his poetic ability which is the device that helps him in carrying out his highest target. This includes the agreement that some poets’ spirit carry with their entities which calls to the concord with the group he affiliates. Therefore, his self melts with others’ entities. Thus, he declares their merits in the form of the collective ego. So, the ego her was fair between itself and the group he affiliates.