الإبدال وأثرهُ في مرويّات السِّيرة النَّبويّة (دراسة تحليليّة)

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : حنان سعيد حاوي الگريطي

اسم المشرف : إياد عبد الحسين صيهود الخفاجي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

الحمد لله حمداً لا يُدرِك عدُّهُ الحاسبون , ولا يبلُغ مداه الحامدون , نحمده على كلّ نعمة , نعلمها أو لا نعلمها , الحمد لله الذي شمل خلقه إحساناً , وعمهم إمتنانا تبارك وتعالى ربُ العالمين , والصلاة والسلام على خيرة خلقه من الأولين والاخرين رسوله وحبيبه الأمين , الذي بإذنه أخرجنا من الظلمات الى النور , وعلى أخيه الإمام علي(عليه السلام) أعلى البرية شاناً بعد النبي(صلى الله عليه واله) ,وأسناهم في الفضل مكاناً , وعلى الأئمة المعصومين الطيبين من أهل بيته(عليهم السلام) حُجج الله على العالمين الى يوم الدين , الذين جعل الله تعالى جحد فضلهم عصياناً , ومعرفتهم إيماناً… وبعد.
منذ القدم اهتم الانسان بالتاريخ , سواء كان ذلك الاهتمام ناشئ عن رغبة في حفظ المآثر وتمجيد الاسلاف تعبيراً عن الانتماء لموطن سكناه ومجتمعه , أو كان ذلك بوعي علميّ , وبتنوع شعوب العالم وحضاراتهم تنوعت كيفية الاهتمام بحفظ التاريخ , فكان لكل حضارة طابعها التاريخي الخاص بها , وكان من اوائل الشعوب التي اهتمت بحفظ التراث الدينيّ والحضاريّ هم العرب .
كما ان عبق عطر ذكر النبي(صلى الله عليه واله) كان ولايزال موضع اهتمام المؤرخين والباحثين في التاريخ الإسلامي , لان سيرته (صلى الله عليه واله) أسهمت في تطور علم التاريخ ؛ وكانت طفرة نوعية في كتابات المؤرخين العرب باعتبارها بمفهومها العام سيرة تاريخية , ومن جهة اخرى لوثاقتها لانها وِثِّقتْ بالقرآن , فضلاً عن ظهور النبي(صلى الله عليه واله) كشخصية عربية أحدثت تغييراً في شبه الجزيرة والمناطق المجاورة لها , حيث ورد في القرآن الكريم آيات ذكرت سيرة النبي(صلى الله عليه واله) وحياته قبل البعثة وبعدها , فكان هذا دافعاً لدى المؤرخين في الغوص في السيرة العطرة للنبي (صلى الله عليه واله) التي هي سيرة ثابتة ومُصدقة وحقيقية من الذات الإلهية , إضافة إلى ان السيرة النبوية تعد النواة الأولى للتاريخ الاسلامي بكل تفاصيلها .
وعلى الرغم من قلة المادة التاريخية الخاصة بتاريخ العرب قبل البعثة النبوية التي وصلت الينا إلا ان هذه الصفة (قلة المعلومات) كانت نقطة تحول مهمة استغلها الوضّاعون في الاسلام , في وضع روايات لغايات فكرية وسياسية ومذهبية وعقائدية , فضلاً عن الأهواء والمصالح والميول , فمن المعلوم ان الرواية الشفهية كانت أساس علم التاريخ عند العرب, بسبب عدم شيوع التدوين قبل البعثة وبعدها , لا سيما أثناء حياة النبي(صلى الله عليه واله) , فكانت الرواية التي نقلها الأشخاص في أخبار سير الرجال في أخبار الامم السابقة , أو نقل العلوم المختلفة (حديث –عقائد –تفسير) هي أساس علم التاريخ .
ان مطلق الرواية هي ان يقوم شخص عالم أو غير عالم بالنقل , بينما التدوين كان موجوداً بعد البعثة , وخاصة بعد هجرة النبي (صلى الله عليه واله) الى المدينة المنورة , فكان النبي(صلى الله عليه واله) يحثّ عليه عن طريق الحث على كتابة العلم , فكانت المحاولة الأولى لجمع المروي شفهياً هو التدوين , وبمحاولات التدوين أصبحت الرواية أقرب الى الصفة العلمية , إذ كانت هناك مدونات لبعض الصحابة كالإمام علي بن ابي طالب (عليه السلام)( ) , إضافة لأبي بكر , لكنه أحرق مدوناته حسب ما ذكرته ابنته عائشة( ) , وعب
الله بن عمرو بن العاص( ) وغيرهم .
وقد أخذ التدوين الطابع الحجازي للرواية , لان بداياته كانت في المدينة المنورة حيث اهتموا بالحديث, وتم دمج السيرة النبوية معه فأصبحت في بادئ الامر جزءاً لا يتجزّأ منه , لكن هذه العملية لم تستمرفقد تم منعها من قبل السلطات ,وبداياتها عندما أقدم أبو بكر الصديق بحرق مدوناته , ومن ثم بعدها في عهد عمر بن الخطاب تم المنع الرسمي للتدوين .

Rp- Commutation and its Influence in Narratives of the Prophet's Biography: An Analytical Study.pdf

All praise is due to God, creator of the creation, granting good, praise suits His dignity as he must be praised, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) and his progeny, the light of right guidance whom God removed all impurity from them and to make them completely pure.
The fragrance of mentioning the prophet (p.b.u.h.) was and still is an interest of historians and researchers of Islamic history due to his biography that contributed in developing history science. It formed an quality jump in writings of Arab historians as a historical career in general and from another side for its reliability when it was documented by Quran through the news they were mentioned in the holy Quran; in addition to appearance of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) as an Arabic personality that made a change in Arabic Peninsula and the neighboring regions. Thus, there are Ayas in holy Quran mentioned the prophet’s biography and his life before and after mission this was a motif to historians to dig deeper in the brilliant prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) biography. Besides, the prophet’s biography is considered the first seed of the Islamic history in all its detail.
Despite the shortage of the historical material relating to Arab history before the prophet’s mission that reached us. This feature ( shortage of information) was an important transferring point that fabricators Exploited in Islam to include sayings for ideological, political, doctrine, and faithful purposes, beside, the desires, benefits, and tendencies. It is well known that the oral saying was the base of history to Arab due to unfamiliarity of recording before and after mission particularly during the prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) life. So, it is known that saying is the base of history the figures transferred whether that relates to men’s biographies or news relating to previous nations, or transferring various sciences ( Hadith, doctrines, interpretation).
The concept of saying means that a scholar person or not a scholar one to perform transferring while recording was available before mission especially after the prophet’s immigration to Medina when the prophet (p.b.u.h.) urged for writing the science. So, it was the first attempt to collect oral sayings was the recording. After recording attempts, the saying became closer to the scientific attribute, where there were recordings to some prophet’s companions as Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib and Abi Bakr.
The recording adopted Hijazi impression in saying for its beginnings were in Madinah where they were interested in Hadith, that prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) biography was mixed with it; that’s why it became, in the beginnings inseparable part. But this process did not last long time which was prevented from the authorities. Its beginnings were when Abi bakr burned his recordings, later, Omer Bin Al Khetab time the official prevention was declared.
As a result, of this extermination that many reliable sayings relating to the prophet’s biography lost. Thus, new device for keeping Islamic heritage appeared represented by the documentation. So, documentation is a science relating to Islamic nation. It appeared when Muslims were in need for verification and insurance of what was mentioned by narrators. Documentation emerging was accompanied by another science that is ( men’s science). It is a science that established for falsify and correct base that is considered a principle to accept or defeat the narrator’s saying. Despite the verification and insurance that Muslims followed in accepting or refusing the saying, the fabricators exploited the saying transferring rules and ways of mentioning documentation to insert their falseness. Therefore, the saying documentation and its body were a significance device convey the denial, false, and changed sayings.
It is worth saying that most figures who wrote about topics were interested either in documentation weakness or they were satisfied with the false saying body without clarifying the reason or root of the fabrication.
Saying documentation was changed, that’s why it became difficult to stop at reality of saying and its narrators’ reliability. The extent of its truth after passing long time when documentation series included a large group of narrators, the matter that led to the differences in the organized changed movement in the prophet’s biography started when authority transferred to Beni Umayyad when Muaywiyah was first ruler who opened the door for fabrication when he gave sum of money to narrators and Hadith tellers exploiting some companiona in order to write what he likes thinking that this would lead to enhance the Umayyad right in authority confusing Islamic faith, and covering the prophet’s and his progeny’s virtues from one side and his attempt to uproot loyality from spirits of the prophet’s progeny followers from the other side.
Thus, our choice was devoted to an important part of Islamic history where there were subjects that have been put in narratives and we couldn’t find special and limited names for them. So, we adopted names suggested by our master Prof. Dr. Ayad Abdul Hussein Sayhoud Al Kheffaji.

We had to shed the light on the changed narratives; therefore, our current study title was one of the used terms in Islamic history commutation which was born under the hand of Dr. Ayad Abdul Hussein Sayhoud Al Kheffaji the instructor in Kerbala university his book ” used terms in the historical narrative in 2020) and was put as a little for our thesis entitled (Commutation and its Influence in Narratives of the Prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) Biography: An Analytical Study
In order to cancel the fabricators and the authority historians’ lies that was attached to the prophet biography (p.b.u.h.) which is the least that we can present his respected personality as well to raise dust of fabrication and commutation in his brilliant biography.
The extent of our current study includes from the prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) birth by companied events in addition to the period of his life that followed of Mecca time due to its significance in Islamic history, where his path wasn’t easy. Therefore, it met fighting and enmity from his people; as a result they wanted to kill him. The best example is the commutation that occurred in Dar Al Nedwa evil narratives where deviation against him was huge and deep as well as, we tackled the narratives of Medina stage of the prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) life including commutation that happened till his death. However, we presented a group of inquiries such as who got benefit from fabrication and commutation of the historical narratives? What is the reality of what was conveyed to us? It was clarified that authority was one of the main principle of writing these sources. We find that Al Mensour Al Abbasid ordered Ibn Ishaq to write history from the time of Adam to their day. So, they put it in the books safe for long time. Then, Bin Hisham made it short where he deleted and changed. Thus, we found weak and false narratives roots and branch. So, we weaken its source because most of them were changed during time of Umayyad and their followers which were survived by the need of Abbasid time. The purpose was to distort the prophet’s personality and faith, and to extract the prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) progeny virtues.
We tried to compare the narrative bodies with the historical texts and other narratives. Therefore, we analyzed these narratives according to the historical objective approach in criticism to negate or confirm the narrative that was away from truth so as to distort the historical and intellectual facts that can be done by displaying it to Quran and Sunah and to ensure its contrast to the prophet’s conduct, as well projection of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) progeny to some of them, beside refuting opinions and stating its non straightness to the logical reality.