الاوضاع الاجتماعية في لواء البصرة من خلال جريدة الزوراء 1869- 1914

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : حسين رضا جاسم الاسدي

اسم المشرف : أ. م. د. نعيم عبد جودة حبيب الشيباوي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

شهد العراق في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر تطورات كبيرة انعكست اثارها في جوانب الحياة كافة ولا سيما الجانب الاجتماعي، إذ بدأت تلك التطورات مع تولي مدحت باشا ولاية بغداد عام ١٨٦٩م ، والذي سعى الى اجراء عملية تحديث واسعة النطاق شملت جميع النواحي الاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية ولعل من أبرزها اصدار جريدة الزوراء في ١٦ حزيران 1869م ، والتي كان لها الأثر الكبير في نشر الوعي بين الناس ونقل القوانين الصادرة من الحكومة ، فضلا عن ذلك وفرت الجريدة فسحة للأهالي لنشر مطالبهم تجاه الحكومة ، وكان دورها مهم في عملية مراقبة الاداء الحكومي للدوائر الخدمية من خلال تشخيصها مكامن الخلل لبعض الأعمال التي كانت تقوم بها تلك المؤسسات ووضع الحلول لمعالجة المشكلات الاجتماعية وتصحيح الاخطاء، كذلك شجعت الجريدة وفي كثير من أعدادها الصادرة على نبذ الجهل والتخلف وضرورة اللحاق بالأمم المتطورة، من خلال إنشاء المدارس وشجعت مقالاتها الاهالي على تسجيل ابنائهم فيها، كذلك انتقدت الجريدة بعض العادات والتقاليد التي كانت تسود المجتمع في تلك المدة ودعت الناس الى تركها والى مساندة خطط الحكومة في تحديث المجتمع ، وعُدت صحيفة الزوراء واحدة من اهم وسائل تدوين الاحداث التاريخية التي حصلت في العراق ولا سيما في لواء البصرة لما لها من أهمية في تسجيل وتحليل تلك الاحداث وتطوراتها .

Rp-The Social Situations in Basra Brigade through Al Zawra Newspaper Perspective ( 1869- 1914).pdf

The procedure that was taken by the ruler Medhat Basha ( 1869-1872) particularly in occurrence of great developments that their reflections had been seen in all life aspects especially the social side that tried to make a high abroad updating process included all aspects. The most prominent one was establishment of Al Zawra newspaper on 16 of June 1869 AD. To be the Ottoman government spokesperson that had great influence in spreading awareness among people of transferred laws issued by Ottoman government to civilians.
Al Zawra newspaper had a big role in the process of observing the governmental performance of the service offices through criticizing some works that these offices perform and putting the suitable solutions to solve the problems and correcting mistakes; in addition, the newspaper gave the locals a space to spread their complaint and demands towards the government.
The study limits the year 1869 which is the date that Al Zawra newspaper was established by the ruler Medhat Basha. The study ended in 1914 which is the date of Basra existence from Ottoman control and its occupation by the British.
The study was divided into introduction, preface, three chapters, and conclusion. The preface displayed the geographical location of Basrah territory, mentioned the most prominent religious sects that lived in Basrah territory, and presented a brief about the minorities that settled in Basrah territory.
The first chapter revealed the Al Zawra newspaper social and cultural treatments in Basrah territory.
The second chapter shed the light on services in Basrah territory. It contained the most important newspaper writings in health, municipality services and fax services, as well the most prominent treatment that the newspaper presented. The last part of this section discussed habits and conventions in the territory with reference to Al Zawra newspaper role in spreading religious opportunities and Eids.
The researcher concluded many results. Al Zawra newspaper was considered the first official newspaper that was issued in Iraq in 1869. It aims at promoting to the ruler Medhat Basha policy and his reformative thoughts in Iraq and spreading Ottoman laws and instructions so as to let people know them. Moreover, the newspaper contributed in observing the governmental offices performance and presented many solutions in this respect. The newspaper initiated in displaying the people’s complaints and sending them to the people in charge. The newspaper also interested in the educational and healthy situations in Iraq particularly in Basrah territory to encourage the local to send their children to the new schools that were established by Ottoman authorities. The newspaper also spread many advertisements to warn people against the infectious diseases that devastated them as Cholera that spread in various districts as Basrah territory in 1869 and 1889 years.
It called people to be curious. Therefore, the newspaper presented solutions in this respect such as establishing health quarantine centers for the district visitors.
The researcher faced many difficulties during the thesis preparation including the difficulty in obtaining the scientific material especially issues of Al Zawra newspaper since the first newspaper issues were not available in Iraq. This is in addition to abstruseness of its pages, difficulty in reading, and its use for unknown linguistic terms that were fashionable at that time.
Finally, I don’t claim perfection for my work or I gave the study its right, rather, if I was right, this is due to Allah favor. If I am mistaken, this belongs to me.