التحليل الجغرافي لمؤشرات الرعاية الصحية للنساء بعمر (55 فأكثر) في محافظة بابل

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : عدي هادي عبدان شهد العيساوي

اسم المشرف : وسن شهاب أحمد العبيدي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : فلسفة في الجغرافية البشرية

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

تنظر العديد من المجتمعات إلى كبار السن والمسنات على وجه الخصوص على أنهم يستنزفون المجتمع، ويحتاج صانعوا السياسات والممارسين للرعاية الصحية للحد من الفقر وتحسين نوعية الحياة للمسنات إلى تصورهم بأنهم ليس متلقين للرعاية والحماية فقط، وإنما هم عوامل للتغير والتنمية، وتعد الزيادة المضطردة في نسبة كبار السن واحدة من التغيرات الديموغرافية والإجتماعية الأكثر أهمية في القرن الواحد والعشرين، إذ ستؤثر على جميع قطاعات المجتمع، فقد أصبح الإهتمام بقضية كبار السن موضوع الساعة في السنوات الأخيرة.

Rp-A Geographical Analysis of Health Care Measurements for Women in Age 55 Years and More in Babil Province .pdf

Many societies look at old people especially old women as they consume community. Policies makers and health care practitioners need to limit poorness and to improve type of life for old women that describe them as not only receiving the care and protection rather, as factors for change and development. The high increase of old people percentage is considered one of the most important demographic and social change in the twenty first century. It will affect all society fields since the care with old people became the talk of town in the last years.
The study aims at knowing the Health care measurements for women in age 55 years and more in Babil Province as well its diversity on the level of the province administrative units and on the environmental level (urban, rural). It also aims at knowing the population properties of this class through classifying them into age classes for every five years starting from 55 and forward. It also aims at knowing the educational level, marital status, and the monthly income level and their diversity on the administrative units and on the environmental level.
The study contained a brief about the care for old people especially old women in the old civilizations and under the light of Islamic religion. The study showed that there is no international limit for the beginning of old hood. Thus, some consider that 65 and more, some states consider the age 65 for men and 55 for women. This study depended 55 years and more for women. The percentage of women with age 55 years and more in Babil province was 4,12% out of the total Babil population ( 2231136) persons in 2021, where the percentage of urban women for this age was 9,06% out of the total urban women in Babil province ( 535259) persons. The rural percentage for this age was 7,64% out of the female number in Babil province that was ( 568264) persons. The most important result of the study indicated that the highest percentage of the educational case for urban women in this age was for the illiterate women with 21,52% out of the total number of urban women. Concerning women of rural areas, the percentage of illiterate women was 34,9% out of the total number of rural women of this age. The highest percentage of the marital status of urban women was for the married women 46,72% out of the total number of urban women of this age. The lowest percentage for unmarried women was 6,30% out of the total number of urban women. For the rural women, the highest percentage was for the unmarried women 50,92%, and the lowest percentage for the divorced women 6,56% out of the total number of rural women with age 55 years and more. The study concluded that the administrative units that achieved the highest percentage in the measurements of the need to health care for urban women in this age are Jerf Al alnasr district, Neal district, Sadat Al Hindiyah district, Al Meshrou’ district, Al Telea’a district, and Al Hilla district with percentages 87,12%, 71,87%, 67,03%, 65,83%, 65,62%, and 64,35% successively. The administrative units that achieved the highest percentage in the measurements of the rural women are Al Imam district, Al Meshrou’ district, and Al Telea’a district successively. Concerning the administrative units that achieved the highest percentage in the measurements of urban women worries about their health state are Al Telea’a district, Neal district, Al Kifl district, and Jerf Al alnasr district with percentages 53,57%, 50%, 42,85%, and 42,85% successively. The administrative units that achieved the highest percentage in these measurements of rural women are Al Telea’a district, Al Imam district, Al Meshrou’ district, and Al Kifl district with percentages 47,26%, 42,50%, 41,17%, and 32,82% successively. The study also stated that 58% of coefficient relations of health care measurements, their coefficient relations with the marital status, and monthly income level for urban women are coefficient backward relations; 89,65% out of these backward relations are middle coefficient relations while the rest are strong. However, 42% out of these relations are middle whereas the rest are forward strong.
The study concluded that there are differences of statistical indication among rural women of 55 years and more due to the educational state and the monthly income levels. The study also stated that there are no differences of statistical indication among urban and rural women due to other variables and health care measurements.