التصوير الفنيّ في كتاب(خطرة الطيف) للسان الدين ابن الخطيب(ت776ه) رحلات في المغرب والأندلس

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : علي رافع عباس عبد الحسن الِكندي

اسم المشرف : أ. د. محمد حسين عبد الله المهداوي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية/ادب

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

ربّما مجهود لسان الدين ابن الخطيب الفارق ذاك، وإبداعه النثري والشعري من جهة أخرى؛ لعلهما زادا النزعة في دراسة هذا الموضوع المحدث، بالامتداد إلى أن أدب لسان الدين ابن الخطيب لم يحظ بدراسات موسعة في فضاء الصورة الفنية ،على الرغم من استحواذه مقومات فنيّة مثمرة تؤمّن له وجوداً حياً ثقافياً ،وذلك بسبب اهتمام الدراسات الادبية غالباً بأسماء معينة دون غيرها، مما أضعف تراثنا الأدبي العربي على الرغم من كنزه بالكثير من التحف، كما أن كتاب لسان الدين ابن الخطيب خطرة الطيف ,قد حفل بالتصوير الفني الابداعي، وهذا ما مسسناه بشكل جوهري في ادبه؛ ولاسيما ما وجدناه من فنون بيانيّة قد نهلَ الاديب لسان الدين ابن الخطيب , وحبكَ نصوصه فيها من تشبيهٍ واستعارةٍ وكنايةٍ ليجعل منها مصدر مهما من مصادر تصويره الفني لما شاهده خلال رحلته.

Artistic Imaging in the Book Khutrat Al -Taif by Lisan Al -Din Ibn Al -Khatib ( 776 AH)

The artistic imaging is the first aesthetic characteristic of creativity of the writer. The artistic image has been studied carefully by scholars and critics , the modernists. It has become from the beginning of the modern era a feature of poets and writers. However, We do not mean that the ancients did not deal with the studies that talked this phenomenon but it might be from dealt with but without mentioning any terminology..
That Arabic literature is what It is proud of as precious thing which fulfills the desired aesthetic goal with the developments it carries in the daily scene, and embraces treatments and solutions for self and social problems.
This idea sparked the researcher in the study of the artistic imaging of the writer Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib’s (713 -677 AH) book Khutrat Al -Taif journeys of Mocroco and Al-Andalus of 1362-1347 . The title of the thesis is therefore came to be Artistic Imaging in the Book Khutrat Al -Taif of Lisan Al -Din Ibn Al -Khatib.
One reason which stood behind our choice of the subject was that it has not studied on the one hand, and because of the fertile material about it from the other side, therefore it is valid for studying, Concerning the problems that the researcher faced in the research was the lack of sources that concern the topic and the way it is presented, but with the help of supervisor the study that surpassed and overcome the obstacles.
Most of the literary and critical studies have been devoted to Western imaging materials , based on multiple literary doctrines, except for the writer Iisan al -Din Ibn al -Khatib who has expanded the horizons of imaging and its characteristics, which was very enjoying, especially in his book Khutrat Al -Taif.
The study came in introduction and three chapters. The first chapter was about the resources of the artistic imaging, and it is divided into three topics. The first is entitled (the culture of the writer) which consisted of three sections, the first of which is religious heritage, the second historical heritage and the third literary heritage.
The second chapter is entitled the surrounding environment and what the writer took an advantage of its features and scenery, with its silent and movable parts in drawing its literary artistic pictures.
The third chapter is about the writer’s travels and his trips that he had , the feeling of the writer and extension of imagination in his artistic imaging. Also, It is divided it into three sections, so the first was entitled (Graphic Arts) and who came from (simile, metaphor and analogy) in the book Khutrat Al -Taif, taking them as the means and the way to draw artistic imaging. The second section is entitled (story narration) in which the writer used in a way to draw the most beautiful artistic images.
The third section is entitled the comparison, which came through the opposing and parallel pictures which the writer used as a way to draw the artistic images.
We end up to the third chapter, which was entitled (the patterns of the image) and divided it into two sections, the first of which was entitled (the sensation image), divided by its types into (visual, auditory, tactile and gustatory.
The second section was about mental image and what came from the book of the Khutrat Al -Taif of the writer, Lisan al -Din Ibn al -Khatib, to inspire the reader with those mental images that are understood through acumen and reason.
After that, we end up with the results and conclusions. A list of the important sources and references that are employed in the research are given at the end of the thesis.
Finally, I want to thank The College of Education for Humanities and the head of the Department of Arabic Language.