الشَّواهدُ القُرآنيةُ في كلامِ أصحابِ الكِساءِ(عليهم السلام) دراسةٌ حجاجيةٌ

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : باسم شعلان خضيّر

اسم المشرف : "أ‌. د. مسلم مالك بعير الأسدي "

الكلمات المفتاحية : الشواهد- القرآنية- الحجاج- التداولية-الايقاع

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية واَدابها / اللغة

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

إن الخطاب القرآني شأنه شان سائر الخطابات يستهدف التأثير في المتلقي واستمالته فهو يتوسل لتحقيق ذلك عبر جملة من الاستراتيجيات المتنوعة ولايخرج الحجاج منها البتة , بل يكاد كتاب الله تعالى أن يكون مستلهماً لدعائم الحجاج بصورة محورية كون الغاية الأساس منه هي تحقيق قدرة تأثيرية اقناعية فتدفع المتلقي للإذعان والتسليم لرسائل الباث وكان هذا في البحث الموسوم بـ ( الشواهد القرآنية في كلام أصحاب الكساء (عليهم السلام) دراسة حجاجية وتبعاً لمقتضيات الدراسة فقد قسم على تمهيد بعنوان الحجاج والتداولية قراءة تأصيلية , ثم الفصل الأول جاء بعنوان الحجاج اللغوي , ومن ثم الفصل الثاني تحت عنوان أفعال الكلام ومستوياتها الحجاجية في حين كان الفصل الثالث بعنوان حجاجية الإيقاع, بينما جاء الفصل الرابع بعنوان الحجاج البياني وأثره الاقناعي سبق ذلك كله بمقدمة وانتهت الدراسة بنتائج تلتها قائمة المصادر والمراجع.

The Qur’anic Evidences in the Sayings of Asshab Al- Qessaa (PBUT) " Argumentative Study

The research aims:- to approach the Qur’anic evidence in the speeches and sermons of the Companions of the Clothing by analyzing and studying from a deliberative argumentative perspective, following the mechanisms of linguistic pilgrims, and its persuasive effect on the speech and speeches of the Companions of the Clothing, by investigating the impact of argumentative factors, which in turn are considered one of the most prominent pilgrims’ tools employed in the argumentative discourses for the purpose of hitting The pivotal goal of the pilgrims, which is persuasion, along with the pilgrimages’ ties, the pilgrimages’ ladders with their laws, the role of all of that, and the functions performed by those argumentative mechanisms and tools in the Qur’anic evidence in the sermons of the Companions of the Clothing (peace be upon them)
. The research aims to study the mechanisms of rhetorical pilgrims and their persuasive effect on the Qur’anic witness in the sermons of the people of clothing, and it stops at the argumentative simile, the argumentative metaphor, and the argumentative metonymy, in an attempt to trace its aesthetic argumentative effect on the level of the Qur’anic witness first and the text of the speech and sermon in which that witness is employed second. The research also aims to stand on the argumentative rhythm and its persuasive effect in the Qur’anic evidence in the sermons of the Companions of the Closing (PBUH), by studying the Qur’anic comma and its rhythmic effect, parallelism and its rhythmic effect, repetition and its rhythmic effect, alliteration and its rhythmic effect, the prefix and its rhythmic effect, and the role it played in The argumentative discourse of the Qur’anic evidence on which it was built, and the functions it performed at the aesthetic level first and the semantic argumentative character second, and the coherence of its argumentative aesthetic energies in the furnace of its argumentative tasks in the Qur’anic textual contexts first, and the textual contexts of the sermons of the owners of clothing second. The research aims to study the verbs of speech and their levels in the Qur’anic evidence employed in the sermons of the Companions of the Clothing, through the study of the declarative performance verbs (the command, the interrogative, the call, and the prohibition) and the study of implicit and implicit in both its lexical and synthetic parts, and the role of that in strengthening the pilgrims on which the Qur’anic evidence employed in the speech and sermons of the Companions is based. clothing. The research aims to monitor the argumentative presence with its different levels and types in the Qur’anic evidence employed in the sermons of the Companions of the Kisaa (peace be upon them), and the mechanisms of interaction of the argumentative structures and the rhetorical aesthetic linguistic structures in the furnace of the Qur’anic text employed as a witness in the sermons of the Companions of the Kisaa (peace be upon them). The research aims to provide a comprehensive panoramic picture – as much as possible – of the pilgrims in the Quranic evidence employed in the sermons of the Companions of the Kisaa (peace be upon them). In it, and the role of all of this in influencing and winning over the recipient, and pushing him to submit to the speaker, and to recognize the content of his message, and to adopt specific attitudes and behaviors.