الفراغ الروائي في مرويات السيرة النبوية / دراسة تحليلية

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : أكرم حسن محسن الموسوي

اسم المشرف : الأستاذ الدكتور إياد عبد الحسين صيهود الخفاجي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

اهتم الانسان منذ القدم بتاريخهِ والاعتزاز به ، سواء كان ذلك بوعي منهُ أم رغبةً في حفظ مأثر اجدادهُ وفهمها وتمجيد اسلافهِ تعبيراً منهُ عن الانتماء الى الوطن والقبيلة والمجتمع وتنوعت طرق حفظ التراث والتاريخ بتنوع الحضارات السالفة، فنجد ان لكل حضارة طريقة في حفظ تاريخها الخاص، وكان العرب القدماء قد اهتموا بالتاريخ بصورة عامة، وكان للبعثة النبوية اكبر الأثر في تطور علم التاريخ لدى العرب، إذ دخل التاريخ لدى العرب مرحلة جديدة من التوثيق، بفضل القرآن الكريم وما ذكر عن الأمم السابقة، وظهور النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم بوصفه شخصية عربية قد احدثت تغييراً في منطقة الحجاز وانتقل تأثيرها الى المناطق والشعوب المجاورة، وقد اتجهت أنظار المؤرخين نحو شبه الجزيرة العربية والكتابة عن التاريخ العربي، الاسلامي وهنا ظهرت العديد من المؤلفات التي أخذت بالتدوين في جميع مجالات السيرة النبوية سواء بالفقه او بالحديث او بالتاريخ، وغيرها والذي يهمنا هنا هو الجانب التأريخي.
وانصب جل اهتمام المؤرخين على التاريخ الاسلامي بدءاً من سيرة المصطفى صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ، والتي عدت النواة الاولى للتاريخ الاسلامي وبكل تفاصيلهُ، ومن ثم بدأ الانتقال الى تاريخ الاسلام بصورة عامة، وقد شاع عند اغلب المؤرخين ان اساس التاريخ عند العرب المسلمين هي الرواية الشفهية، لعدم شيوع عملية التدوين قبل البعثة النبوية.

Rp-(The narrative void in the narrations of the prophet's biography. An analytical study.) .pdf

Praise be to God, lord of the worlds, first and last good and blessed whose merit cannot be counted by those who count him and whose grace is known only to God and may peace and blessings be upon him the human being Muhammad the chosen one may Gods prayers and peace be upon him and his family is distinguished by great courage and the owner of good morals and many prayers perpetual growing remaining for the rest of etemity
The biography of the prophet and its history has been and continues to be the focus of attention of modern researchers and historians because of its utmost importance beacause it relates to the best and most honorable creatures of all the master of all beings Muhammad may Gods prayers and peace be upon him and his family as its recording and studying occupied the first place from the very beginning in the first centuries of the hijra when books multiplied Authorship and classifications filled the corners of the shelves in Islamic libraries and despite the abundance authorship and classifications they were not devoid of fabrication insertion and filling the narrative void in them in addition to distortion and forgery from the first moment that the novel began to be transmitted orally that is befor the process of codification began this is due to several political and economic reasons and social as weel there are intellectual reasons for this
We find some of them intersect with the historical images presented of the person of the noble prophet may God bless
him and grant him peace indeed it intersects with the approach of the Great Quran the prophets biography suffered from lying deception and fabrication intentionally inadvertently or under the influence of others and this is due to political whims and goals tribal or partisan fanaticism or personal interests and that committing such things was most often aimed at serving the interests of the political authorities at the time in order to gain legitimacy and sanctity in establishing their authority .
This does not mean that we reject every thing that has been reported about the fragrant biography ,but rather that we accept what is consistent with the holy Quran and the semitic dialect ,and we do not forget the virtue of modern researchers and historians for the valuable , comprehensive and historical information they have placed in libraries , whether through discovery or trying to reach the closest point to the truth through investigation , analysis ,criticism and presenting it, to leaking from those images , and this is what Ibn Khaldun said, and he mentioned atext “Historians, slanderers , and imams of transmission often fall into errors in stories and facts because they rely on mere transmission from us or from us, and they donot present it to its origins, nor compare it with what is similar to it, nor narrate it ” by the standard of wisdom, insight into the natures of beings, judgment , and insight into the news they have departed from the truth and lost themselves in the hands of delusion and error, especially in counting the numbers of money and soldiers if they are presented in stories, since they are the umbrella of lies and the vehicle for nonsense and they must be returned to the principles and presented
One the rules they became aware of these blemishes and fabricated deposit on the prophet’s biography and began studying them, and they focused their greatest attention on classifying the works on many topics, revealing the truth, and removing the outsiders from them.
Finally , the study is nothing more than an attempt to present anew and correct vision as much as possible of the impurities that affected the fragrant biography of the personality of the greatest prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, by relying on the holy book of God, the noble Qur’an, and many historical sources, by quoting specific and specific models for study and treatment, and the circle of research and investigation revolved around them .
Due to the difficulty of covering all the narratives that have been reported that contain anarrative viod , the reason for this is due to the time limit set for us to complete the thesis, so the work was done as much as possible , in addition to the fact that this term is newly born in the criticism and examination of the novel, which is the narrative viod, and the one who found that terms is professor Dr .Iyad Abdel Hussein .Al- Khafaji, and that I did mybest to reach the truth , and if there was adeficiency in the work, then perfection is due to God alone, and that I worked hard, and God is the Grantor for success, and if there was my work is successful, thanks to God, from him and his grace