القرآنُ في مروياتِ الإمامِ الباقرِ (عليه السلام) “مقاربةٌ معرفيةٌ”

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : محمد علي صادق جواد كشاش

اسم المشرف : الأستاذ الدكتور أمجد حميد عبد الله

الكلمات المفتاحية : القرآن- مرويات- مقاربة- معرفية-السياق

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : لغة القران وادابها

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

إنَّ القرآن الكريم هو النص المقدس الذي لا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولا من خلفه ، وهو عهد الله الذي عهِد به إلى خلقه ، ويتضمن هذا العهد مقاصد الشريعة الإلهية التي تتكفل بتنظيم جميع شؤون الإنسان في دنياه وآخرته بما يحقق له رضا الله (عز وجل) وفوزه في الدارين وفي هذه الدراسة تم تسليط الضوء على جانب في غاية الأهمية وهو ما رُوي عن مولانا أبي جعفر محمد بن علي الباقر (صلوات الله عليه) في تفسير القرآن الكريم وبيان مقاصده واستدلالاته وأدواته المعرفية التي من خلالها قدّم لنا هذا الفيض المعرفيّ المنحدر من مصب الغيب والذي ليس له إلا طريق واحد وهو الطريق المتمثل بالوحي الإلهي الذي جعله الله (عز وجل) خاصة للأنبياء والأوصياء دون غيرهم .

Rp-The Qur’an in the narrations of Imam al-Baqir "Cognitive approach" .pdf


God Glory be to Him) has sent down the Noble Book to His Messeng
may God bless him and his family), and made in it the clarification of everything, so there is nothing that the nation needs except that it is found in the Book of God, then the knowledge of the Book was entrusted to the elite of His creation, and the trustees of His revelation. and the heirs of the knowledge of His Messenger (may God bless him and his family), and they are the imams from the descendants of Ali and Fatima (peace be upon them). Interpretation of the Quranic text and classification of its noble verses

The Qur’an includes what is general, and some of it is detailed, and it contains the decisive and the allegorical, and there is the specific and the general, and it contains revelation and interpretation, and it contains the back and the belly, as it was reported from them (may God’s prayers and peace be upon them
What prompted us to choose these honorable narratives and take them as a material for our research is what these narratives contain of the treasures of divine knowledge revealed by our imam, al-Baqir (peace be upon him), and what they contain of the depth of the Qur’anic purposes, without which we would have no way to reach and encompass them, as they are issued by an imam God entrusted him with the knowledge of revelation and interpretation, as he entrusted his honorable forefathers
(peace and blessings be upon them).

In addition, we did not find a study that sheds light on these honorable narratives and deals with them with the appropriate study as they should be studied, and we did not find a study looking at the unseen aspect of these narratives and the methods of inference presented by the Imam (peace be upon him), and the way through which he dealt with the text Qur’anic, according to metaphysical tools derived from the path of revelation, and how a single verse may be understood in the era of revelation with an understanding that is completely different from its understanding in the era of interpretation

All means of sensory knowledge cannot lead its owners to the arena of complete truth. Ideal knowledge, or what is known as knowledge among idealists, is based on a set of assumptions that distance themselves from the facts and facts of reality that a person seeking knowledge cannot bypass or underestimate. With materialistic knowledge that assumed the absence of everything that cannot be perceived by the senses, which are considered the means through which knowledge can be acquired, everything that the senses cannot perceive, feel, or see is non-existence that does not exist in the world of objects, and this knowledge did not return this matter to the limitations of these things. The senses and the shortcomings that characterize them, but deny the existence of what is not perceived by them, and from this both knowledge (ideal and material) cannot be a way to know the purposes of the sacred texts represented by the verses of the Holy Book and the hadith of the pure progeny (peace be upon them)..