المرأة الافرنجية ودورها في الحياة السياسية والعسكرية والاجتماعية إبان الحروب الصليبية (490-691هـ/1096-1291م)

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : ليلى سلمان ماضي

اسم المشرف : سلوى حسن عيدان

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

كانت الحروب الصليبية إحدى حلقات الصراع الطويل بين الشرق والغرب طوال قرنين كاملين منذ أواخر القرن الخامس الهجري/الحادي عشر الميلادي إلى أواخر القرن السابع الهجري/الثالث عشر الميلادي، وقد أعدَّ الأوروبيون كل ما في استطاعتهم من قوة وعتاد وبشر، مُتسلِّحين بصكوك الغفران ورعاية الكنيسة لكل المخطئين، مؤمِّلين إقامة الفردوس الأرضي في بلاد الشام حيث منطلق المسيح والمسيحية وقد أشارت المصادر والنصوص التاريخية أن المرأة الصليبية في فترة العصور الوسطى شاركت في الحروب الصليبية ، إما عن طريق القتال أو الترفية عن الجند أو قيامها بمراسلة أهم الملوك والأمراء الصليبيين الذين كان لهم دوراً كبيراً في المحافظة على عرش مملكة بيت المقدس ، والتصدي لمحاولات الصليبين لاستردادها . وتميزت تلك الدراسة بسرد أشهر الزيجات السياسية بين الصليبيين في الشرق ،والتي كانت من ضمن العوامل المساعدة على ترسيخ أقدام المرأة الإفرنجية في مملكة بيت المقدس وباقي الإمارات الصليبية ،كملكة ووريثة للعرش . كما وضحت الدراسة صورة خاصة عن المرأة الصليبية ومدى تأثرها بالحياة في الشرق ،وذلك من خلال العادات والتقاليد الإسلامية ، وظهر هذا التأثير واضح في عدة نواحي ، منها النظافة الشخصية مثال على ذلك أن الصليبيون كانوا معتادين على غسل ملابسهم بمياه البحر، ولم يعرفوا الصابون إلا بعد قدومهم للمشرق الإسلامي، ومن ناحية الطعام والشراب والملبس و حفلات الزفاف وغيرها فقد كانت الطبقات الراقية تستأجر الطاهيات الشرقيات إعجاباً بطريقة طهيهن . فتعلمن طريقة عمل الفطائر والمعجنات الأخرى و تعرفن على البهارات التي تستخدمها الشرقيات في الطهي وبعضهن امتنعن عن أكل لحم الخنازير تشبها بالمسلمين ،أما بالنسبة للمشروبات فاصطنعن منها المعطرة والمثلجة والمحلاة ، ثم تأثيرها على المرأة الشرقية سواء كان تأثير سلبياً أم ايجابياً بيد أن ابن جبير كان ممن التفت إلى ولع فريق من النساء الصليبيات والفرنجيات بتقليد النساء المسلمات في التزيِّين والتنقُّب والتحلِّي والتخضُّب والتعطُّر.

The Frankish woman and her role in political, military and social life during the Crusades (490-691 AH/1096-1291 AD)

Muslim sources have witnessed a clear interest in mentioning the history of women from the beginning of Islam to the present day and in all fields (political, social, scientific, cultural and religious), so we find clearly when reviewing Islamic sources of their diversity, translations of women from different specialties, we find the nurse, we find the poet, we find the queen, we find the princess and we find the roles of women In all fields. In addition to the foregoing, women played an important role throughout the ages, starting from the Rashidi era until the end of the Abbasid era. Men participated in various sciences, and the authors of Islamic sources recorded this. Women witnessed a distinguished literary activity in various Islamic cities, including the Levant. A distinguished presence in the literary and scientific councils, the narration of the Prophet’s hadith, and the preaching and guidance councils. The scientific movement witnessed the emergence of women who were disciples of famous scholars, and the wars that witnessed women were ravaged by the Islamic cities, especially the Levant, which went through a great war represented by the Crusader invasion of the Arab land, which later became known as wars The Crusades, those wars destroyed the country and people, and not only Arab or Muslim women were affected by those wars, but even European women. What prompted us to dive into this study is the history recorded by European sources about women and their activism, which centered on two aspects: the first aspect is the activity of princesses and rulers women and the other The second is the activity of women from the general class, and whatever the matter is, we have just begun to find out about the behavior of the Crusader women during the Crusades. The “behavior of the Frankish woman during the Crusades” and what prompted us to study the subject was that we did not find a study that specialized in European women and traced their activities in a detailed and analytical manner. Especially in European society, and how she worked for the purpose of her strength day and night. The first chapter came under the title: “The Political Impact of Women during the Crusades,” which in turn was divided into four sections: the first dealt with the effect of intermarriages in the political role of women, and the second topic dealt with the feudal system and its relationship to the role of women The political, and the third topic came to treat the impact of women in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and all the aforementioned investigations talked about the impact of European women, except for the fourth topic, which came to show the impact of Muslim women at the time of the Frankish-Islamic conflict, for the purpose of comparison and standing on the difference between the two effects. As for the second chapter, it was under the title “The Military Mobility of the Crusader Woman” and it was divided into five sections. The saying and we touched on the role of contemporary sources of the event and what they said about the impact of women and their participation, as well as our use of some modern references that spoke about the impact of women and how they evaluated their participation. The second topic came to present the impact of Queen Iceland and her military movement, while the third topic was devoted to the role of Princess Alice in the military movement, while the fourth topic came to show the role of Princess Constance in military events, while the fifth topic touched on the participation of the general Crusaders women in military events.
The third chapter constituted an important basic building block of this study, as it touched upon the impact of the Crusaders woman on the social aspect, as it included showing the social behaviors of the Frankish women during the Crusades. The second topic came to show the social effects of the Crusades on the Crusaders women, while the fourth and final chapter was devoted to highlighting the cultural impact of women and their influence on Arab society, and it took place in six sections, the first: dealing with women’s share of education in the Middle Ages, and the second under the title The impact of scholars on urging People and keeping them away from vice, and the third came under the title: The influence of the Crusader woman on the cultures of the Arab society, as this topic reflected how the Frankish woman was affected by the cultures of the Arab Islamic society in terms of food, drink, and so on.