المفارقة في شعر نازك الملائكة

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : يسرى صالح خضير الجنابي

اسم المشرف : رفل حسن الطائي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية/ادب

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

الحمدُللِه مجري القلَمَ فوق متن الكتابْ، وهادي الامَّة الى السَّنةِ والكتابْ، الحمدُللهِ على ما أنعمَ ، وعلى ما أعطى وعلَّمَ ، الذي أعزَّ بالعلمِ بلالاً، وهو العبد الحبشيُّ، وأذلَّ بالجهلِ أبا جهلٍ وهو الحرُ القرشيُّ ، رفع بالعلمِ أقواماً ، وأذلَّ بالجهلِ حكَّاماً، والعاقبة للمتقينْ ، وبعد ..
عُنيت هذه الدراسة ( المفارقة في شعر نازك الملائكة ) بالمفارقة وقوامها التضاد ، وما يرافقها من إنزياح لغوي و تناص معنوي كسرت به افق اللغة التقليدي وبوصفها من آليات التكثيف الدلالي في النصوص الشعرية ، وما حازته من إهتمام عند كثير من نقاد الغرب عامة ، والعرب خاصة إلا إنّ العرب لا زالت جهودهم في هذا المجال محدودة لا سيما التطبيق ، فالشعر هو الميدان الرحب وأخصب فنون القول التي نتجت عن توظيف آليات المفارقة ، ومظاهرها كما وثقت رؤية الشعراء لتناقضات الحياة ، وللتقلباتها والوقوف على جماليات المفارقة في شعر نازك الملائكة فقد شكلت في شعرها ملمحا أسلوبيا بارزاً بكل أنواعها وفي مختلف الأغراض حيث تمكنت من خلالها أن توحي بجملة من الدلالات المتنوعة ، والمعاني التي تنسجم مع تجربتها الشعورية والفنية بوصفها أحد رواد الشعر العراقي الحديث ، والشعر الحر على وجه التحديد، لذا تفرض المفارقة ذاتها ظاهرة شعرية في شعر نازك الملائكة ولا تكتفي بأن تكون عارضة في النص أوطارئة على ملامحها الشكلية والموضوعية ، وإنما أرتبطت بكل العناصر المكونة للخطاب الشعري والتي كانت متغلغلة في أعماق بنيتها لتمنحها الإختلاف المنشود عبر كسر السائد ومنحه المغايرة والحداثة .

Rp- Paradox in the Verse of Nazik Al Mela'ikah .pdf

The current study which is entitled ‘ Paradox in the Verse of Nazik Al Mela’ikah’ is interested in paradox, its attribution by contrast and what accompanies it including the linguistic deviation and moral intertextuality as one of the semantic condensing procedure in the poetic and the interest paid by many western critiques in specific and the Arab ones in general, despite that Arabs efforts were limited particularly in application.
Thus, poetry is a fertile field,; indeed it is the most fertilized verbal arts which was produced due to deploying paradox procedures and their views; it also recorded the poets’ vision to life contrast and changes through time up to our current time.
Starting from this point, the research idea emerged in this fascinating subject and due to the supervisor’s guidance Prof. Dr. Refel Hassan Taha Al Ta’ee who advised me to tackle Nazik Al Mela’ikah verse ( collection of the whole works) in a way to highlight the poet’s effort in applying the paradox and its types in all her works.
The study composed of a preface, conclusion, and three chapters. The preface tried to answer the questioning of how the paradox was formed and its semantic intensive in Nazik Al Mela’ikah verse. This was branched into basic inquiries about what is the paradox ? what is its significance in the verse formation? How the poet’s texts affected due to the poet’s use of the rhetorical arts and what are these arts and styles? The poet’s role in originating the term in the modern Arabic criticism was investigated.
The first chapter was devoted to the rhetorical aspects and entitled ‘ the rhetorical paradox’, it has three sections. The first section discussed some styles of paradox in semantics that the poet employed in building the paradox such as command, interrogative, vocative, and negation styles. The second section dealt with styles of eloquence science which was ordered as the following simile, metaphor, metonymy, and personification. The third section stated paradox in rhetoric science which included antithesis, opposition, alliteration, eulogies similar to dispraise and the dispraise Similar to eulogies, and insulting.
Sections of the second chapter studied types of the imagery paradox that carries this title, it consisted of five sections. The first section was entitled paradox of simple alienation, its meaning and construction and debate to employ this paradox by the poet. The second section was entitled ‘ events paradox’. The third section was about the dramatic paradox. The fourth section was about paradox of self-deceit. The fifth section was about entanglement paradox.
The third chapter which is entitled ‘ styles of paradox formation’ was divided into three sections. The first section was about paradox of intertextuality which has three axes.
The first axis was about the intertextuality of the religious paradox. The second axis was about the intertextuality of the legendary paradox. The first axis was about the intertextuality of the poetic paradox respectively according to intensity of the poet’s use to these types. The second section tackled repetition which has great importance to the poet where she devoted a part for it in her book (issues of the contemporary poetry) and she made three classifications beside presence of paradox in its formation and condensing its reference.
The third section studied paradox of irony which has two axes. The first was about the irony of fates and life and the second was about the political irony in the most of the collection texts. The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach in observing types of styles and paradoxes that the poetic texts displayed descriptively analytically and to induce a critical vision towards the poet’s Nazik Al Mela’ikah. production ( collection of the whole works).
The study relied on many and various linguistic, critical, and literary references and bibliographies, some of them are western which were translated and theoretical Arabic studies, the most important study belongs to De See Myouk translated by Abdul Rehman Lo’lo’ah entitled ( The paradox and its attributes), a study by Dr. Khalid Sulaiman entitled ( Paradox and literature), a study by Dr. Nebealah Ibrahim which is included in her book ( Story art between theory and application), an article by Seza Qasim entitled ( Paradox in the art of contemporary narrative), and a book in paradox in the verse of Pioneers by Dr. Qais Al Khefaji, and some theses and dissertations like ( stylistic of language in the verse of NA by Jabbar Hlail from Babylon university 2011, thesis of Paradox in the verse of Abi Newas by Saqar Ahmed Hussein Urabi from Al Yarmouk university 2016, and Paradox in the verse of Al Senoberi by Yusrah Kheleal Abdul Rehman from Al Gkekeal University).