اوضاع التعليم في سوريا 1985-2000 دراسة تاريخية

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : صنعاء حسين علوان المسعودي

اسم المشرف : نعيم عبد جودة

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

يمثل التعليم الاساس في تطوير المجتمع في المجالات كافة, لاسيما وان الحقل التربوي في سوريا في عهد الرئيس السوري حافظ الاسد حتى نهاية حكمه قد شهد عملاً تربوياً مرَ بالعديد من التغيرات وفقاً للحالة السياسية التي مرت بها سوريا في تلك المدة, اذ سعت الحكومة السورية الى تحقيق التعاون التعليمي مع المؤسسات التربوية من خلال المشاركة في الندوات والاجتماعات والمؤتمرات التربوية التي عقدتها وزارة التربية مع المؤسسات التعليمية الاخرى من اجل تطوير التعليم داخل سوريا والنهوض بالشعب السوري بما يتوافق مع التطور العلمي العالمي, كما ان التعليم في سوريا يشكل حجر الاساس في التنمية البشرية ويقوم بدور رئيس في بناء قوة عمل منتجة ويؤدي دوراً مهماً في تربية الاجيال على المواطنة والحقوق والواجبات وتطوير العقل الذي يساعد في عملية البناء والتطوير لان التعليم هو القاعدة الاساسية للتقدم الاقتصادي والاجتماعي في سوريا.
شهد التعليم في سوريا عدداً من التغيرات التي طرأت على مسيرته متأثراً بتطور النظام السياسي للدولة لاسيما المدة (1985-2000),بعد ان دخلت الابتكارات العلمية والتقنية , اذ اصبح من الصعب على الانسان التخلي عنها لما تتسم به من مزايا تيسر وتحقق نتائج مذهلة في العلم والعمل وتضفي الراحة عليهما ومن ابرز تلك العلامات المميزة التطور الكبير الذي طال الحاسوب وبرامجه وادخاله في جميع المناهج الدراسية ليأخذ التعليم دور المنظومة التعليمية فالتعليم الجيد يؤدي الى استثمار جيد ونهضة كبيرة, لذا بدأت الحكومات العربية, ولاسيما الحكومة السورية تفكر في تغير الانظمة التعليمية والعمل على تطويرها بشكل يواكب العصر.

تتحدد مشكلة البحث في تحليل الاساس السياسي والاجتماعي والاقتصادي للتعليم في سوريا خلال عهد الرئيس السوري حافظ الاسد, لاسيما التعرف على دور الرئيس في اهتمامه بالتعليم من اجل ايجاد مجتمع سوري متعلم وفقاً للتطور الذي يواكب العصر, فضلاً عن التعرف على مجموعة المراسيم والتشريعات التي اصدرتها الحكومة السورية على المناهج الدراسية وطرق تدريسها من اجل تطوير التعليم بما يوافق التطور العلمي.

RP- Education Status In Syria 1985-2000 : A Historical study.pdf

The thesis material was distributed in an introduction, a preface, three chapters and a conclusion. The preamble came under the title: The development of education in Syria since the Arab opposition movements until 1985. As for the first chapter, it bore the title: Formal Education 1985-1992. It was divided into three topics: The first topic dealt with: primary education Official 1985-1992, while the second topic included: official secondary education 1985-1992, and the third topic: official higher education 1985-1992.
Formal education in Syria 1992-2000, divided into three topics: the first topic: official primary education 1992-2000, the second topic: formal secondary education 1992-2000, and the third topic: formal higher education 1992-2000
The third chapter, titled: Non-formal education and educational management in Syria for the period 1985-2000, was divided into three topics: the first topic: religious education 1985-2000, the second topic: private education 1985-2000, and the third topic: educational administration. The thesis concluded with conclusions, proposals and recommendations.
The study relied on several sources, foremost of which are the published Arabic documents issued by the statistics and books of the Syrian Ministry of Education, as well as other United Nations development programs and other published documents, which provided the letter with information related to education in Syria during the period (19985-2000), and some documents of the Syrian state. Which contributed information employed in the chapters of the letter, which enriched the message with important information.
Theses and university theses contributed: basic information, including the researcher Ahmed Zarzour’s message, evaluating the application of the new university reform in the light of preparing students for the world of work, and the researcher Rabie Muhammad Amin Ahmed Shalaldeh’s thesis, the extent of the contribution of the educational administration master’s program in the professional development of An-Najah graduate students and those enrolled in the program. Among the important theses that I adopted are the thesis of the researcher Alaa Mahmoud Masoud, Syrian Ministry of Education, the thesis of the researcher Muhammad Zuhair Masharqa, the problems of compulsory education in the Syrian Arab region, and the thesis of the researcher Lamia Malik Abdul Karim Al-Shammari, Hafez Al-Assad and his military and political role in Syria 1970-1985 and other letters And the important treatises.
Arabized and Arabized publications and publications, which provided the study with important information, including the author Ibrahim Abbas Al-Zuhairi, School and classroom administration, the comprehensive quality system, and the author Ahmed Ali Kanaan, Quality indicators in higher education, the College of Education in the Syrian Arab Republic as a model, and the author Jamal Al-Sayed Abdel-Wahhab, Private education and its objectives And its dangers, the author Hussein Salameh, self-management and decentralization of education, the author Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the education of the Arab nation in the twenty-first century, the author Saliha Sinqur, the development of higher education in Syria, and the author Abdullah Singer, the development of higher education in Syria 1970 until the year 2000 and its future directions, as well About the Arabized books, including by the author Khaled Kartoush, Education in Syria, Its Origin and Development, Translated by: Nizar Abaza, and the author Patrick Seale, The Assad Struggle over the Middle East, Translated by: The General Organization for Studies, Publishing and Distribution, and a number of books in English: Anas Bahnassi, Pharmacy Education And Practice Syria: Past, Present.
The books of encyclopedias and glossaries provided important introductory material for personalities and some events, including the encyclopedia of the author Bawab Suleiman Salim, the encyclopedia of Syrian media in the twentieth century, the encyclopedia of politics, the encyclopedia of Hamid al-Jumaili and others, the encyclopedia of Arab media.
Periodicals enriched the message with solid scientific material, including Al-Omran magazine, Al-Nazir magazine, and others, as well as published research magazines, including a research by researcher Muhammad Ahmed Al-Hallaq, the requirements necessary to achieve decentralization in basic and general secondary education schools in the Syrian Arab Republic, a field study in the province of Damascus, and the researcher Mahmoud Al-Sayed, the system Education in Syria, reality, challenges and advancement, researcher Sami Muhammad Abdel-Maksoud Nassar and others, expansion of private pre-university education in Syria, researcher Ali Saeed and others, introduction to national standards in pre-university general education curricula in the Syrian Arab Republic, and researcher Saad Eddin Kherfan, research Scientific in Syrian universities, Tishreen University as a model, and researcher Sahar Omran, Syrian experience and patriotism in adult education, and other published research. , As these newspapers presented a bold and detailed analytical article on the reality of Syrian education during the era of President Hafez Al-Assad and the most important developments that occurred and the impact of those developments on Syrian society.
In addition to that, the information of the information network (the Internet) was employed in a number of explanatory margins, and the researcher was keen to document that by day, month and year.
The researcher faced many difficulties, foremost of which was the scarcity of impartial sources that talk about education in the life of President Hafez al-Assad, in addition to the lack of time. However, the researcher tried to overcome these difficulties by making efforts to find important information about education and about the contributions of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad in the field of education.