تأثير انموذج (Neale ) في التفكير التفاعلي وتعلم الاداء التحكيمي بالكرة الطائرة للطلاب

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : هيفاء محمد فليح

اسم المشرف : أ.د. حيدر سلمان محسن

الكلمات المفتاحية : انموذج (Neale ) , التفكير التفاعلي , الاداء التحكيمي

الكلية : كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة

الاختصاص : التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

مستخلص الرسالة
تأثير انموذج (Neale) في التفكير التفاعلي وتعلم الاداء التحكيمي بالكرة الطائرة للطلاب
يهدف البحث الى إعداد مقياس للتفكير التفاعلي للمعرفة القانونية وكذلك اعداد وحدات تعليمية باستخدام انموذج (Neale) في التفكير التفاعلي وتعلم الاداء التحكيمي والتعرف على تأثير انموذج (Neale) في التفكير التفاعلي وتعلم الاداء التحكيمي بالكرة الطائرة للطلاب. استخدمت الباحثة المنهج التجريبي وبتصميم المجموعتين التجريبية والضابطة المتكافئتين ذو الاختبارين القبلي والبعدي لملائمته مع مشكلة واهداف البحث. وكان مجتمع البحث من طلاب المرحلة الثالثة في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة _جامعة كربلاء للعام الدراسي (2022_2023) والبالغ عددهم (157) طالباً موزعين على (6) شعب تم اختيار شعبتين منها بالطريقة العشوائية لتمثل عينة البحث الرئيسية وهي(أ، ب)، المجموعة التجريبية والبالغ عددهم (20) طالباً، و المجموعة الضابطة والبالغ عددهم (20) طالبا. وفي ضوء النتائج التي حصلت عليها الباحثة استنتجت بأن لأنموذج (Neale) التأثير الايجابي في تفوق ورفع مستوى طلاب المجموعة التجريبية في التفكير التفاعلي وتعلم آلية التحكيم بالكرة الطائرة. وتوصي الباحثة في ضرورة الاعتماد على النماذج التدريسية التي يعد الطالب محورها الأساسي من أجل تحقيق أفضل النتائج ومنها انموذج (Neale) في تعليم آلية التحكيم بالكرة الطائرة لطلاب المرحلة الثالثة في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة- جامعة كربلاء.

Rp-The effect of (Neale) model on interactive thinking and learning arbitration performance in volleyball for students.pdf

The effect of (Neale) model on interactive thinking and learning arbitration performance in volleyball for students
B Advisor
Haifa Mohammed Prof. Dr. Hayder Salman

The importance of the research appears in increasing students’ potential in legal knowledge of volleyball, through the use of the most effective teaching method that works to increase positive interaction with the educational environment using the (Neale) model, as well as developing their abilities in employing knowledge for the applied side and its reflection on the field arbitration mechanism., And thus obtaining high-level educational outputs, and the research problem lies in the presence of fluctuation in the level of the arbitration mechanism among students of this stage of study, and the researcher attributes this weakness to two matters. This depends on its field application, and the second matter is the nature of the teaching used, which sometimes does not allow to increase knowledge, especially the legal and arbitration mechanism, because it lacks teaching information in a functional way and does not solve the problems facing the student in understanding the material, as well as its distance from attracting students’ attention and arousing their motivation to increase knowledge because it does not
Technology is often used to provide information based on evaluation, Therefore, the researcher decided to delve into this study by applying the (Neale) model in interactive thinking in learning the arbitration performance in volleyball for students, because of its advantages that correspond to increasing legal knowledge and developing the arbitration mechanism for students..
The research aims to prepare a measure of interactive thinking for legal knowledge as well as preparing educational units using the (Neale) model in interactive thinking and learning arbitration performance and identifying the impact of the (Neale) model in interactive thinking and learning arbitration performance in volleyball for students.
The researcher used the experimental approach and designed the two equal experimental and control groups with pre and post tests to suit it with the problem and objectives of the research. Division, which is Division (A, B, C, D, E, and F), and two divisions were chosen randomly (lottery) to represent the main research sample, which is (A, B), as Division (B) represents the experimental group of (20) students, and Division (A) the control group, whose number is (20) students, Four students were excluded from each group due to absences and non-attendance, as the research sample constituted (25.47%) of the research community, as the experimental group will use the (Neale) model, and the control group will use the method used by the teacher, after which the appropriate statistical treatments were conducted the other.
In light of the results obtained by the researcher, the researcher concluded that the (Neale) model had a positive
effect on the superiority and upgrading of the students of the experimental group in intera ctive thinking and learning the mechanism of arbitration in volleyball.
The researcher recommends the necessity of relying on teaching models in which the student is the main focus in order to achieve the best results, including the (Neale) model in teaching the volleyball arbitration mechanism to students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – University of Karbala, and the introduction of various visual presentation methods such as posters and data shows in He studied physical education in order to see the parts of movement in detail, as well as its importance in linking the sense of hearing with sight, and this in turn leads to accelerating learning for students