تأسيس الدولة المغولية وانهيارها في ضوء نظرية التحدي والاستجابة لتوينبي

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : حيدر حسوني مهدي الموسوي

اسم المشرف : عبير عبد الرسول محمد

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : فلسفة التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

يُعدعلم التاريخ من أهم العلوم الإنسانية وأصعبها للوصول إلى النتائج الواقعية الدقيقة أما من جهة أهميته, فلأنه يكشف عن حركة الإنسان الحضارية عموماً ويقف على أحوال الأمم والشعوب على وجه التعيين, ومعرفة نتاجات المبدعين ومن يُقتدى بهم وما أُثر عنهم.
وأما من جهة صعوبته, فهو ليس كبقية العلوم النظرية التي تعتمد على البراهين اليقينية والمقاييس القطعية, أو العلوم التجريبية التي تعتمد على المشاهدة والتجربة والاستقراء, بل يعتمد على معطيات غابرة وأثار مندثرة عفى عليها الزمن وأسدل عتمته. والأصعب من ذلك معرفة دقة هذه المعطيات ومدى موافقتها للواقع لأنها كانت رهينة بذمة من نقلها أو دوّنها من المؤرخين, وقلما نجد من هؤلاء من تجرد عن أفكاره القبلية أو أهوائه السياسية والمذهبية والقومية ودون أحداث التاريخ كما هي واقعاً ناهيك عن توظيف كثير من المؤرخين من قبل الحكام والسلاطين لتدوين سيرتهم وتاريخ أسلافهم، ومن دون أدنى شك أنهم لم يدونوا الوقائع التاريخية كما هي حاصلة, بل سطروا ما يرضى هؤلاء الحكام والسلاطين, من ذكر أمجادهم والإشادة ببطولاتهم، وتعظيم مكارم أخلاقهم، ومدح سيرتهم في الرعية, وإخفاء ظلمهم وطغيانهم وسوء سيرتهم وسريرتهم , فضلاً عن وصف خصومهم بأقبح الأوصاف لذلك جاءت معظم الأحداث التاريخية مشوشة وبعيدة عن الواقع، ومن ثم صعب على الباحثين والدارسين معرفة الحقائق؛ لذلك كان من الضروري تناول فنّ التاريخ فلسفياً لأن الفلسفة تعتمد على مبدئي الكلية والسببية, وعناصر أحداث التاريخ هي الإنسان والزمان والمكان, وحتى نصل إلى النتائج الدقيقة المرجوة لا بد من إعمال تلك المبادئ على هذه العناصر عند دراسة أحداث التاريخ .

Rp-Establishment and collapse of Mogul state in the light of challenge and Response Theory by Toynbee.pdf

The Seventh Hijri century/ thirteenth AD witnessed formation of the biggest emperor included geography of the most Asia continent and parts of Eastern Europe when Mogul were the force that set this empire when Genghis Khan could unify those disputed tribes and changed them to an independent state that has its existence and constitution, when he moved in the east and west till he established the biggest empire in its distance.
How did he succeed in carry out this? And how did he control over the various challenge? And how was the response to these challenges?
Therefore, our study was about ‘ Establishment and Collapse of the state in the light of challenge and Response theory by Toynbee’ and we concluded a number of results. In the preface, we clarified, in this study, that Mogul is not Tatar but they belong to one origin which is Turkey origin and they were all called Mogul title after Genghis Khan could unify those tribes and imposed his authority over them.
We also concluded that Genghis Khan personal represents a real fact and due to his abilities to incarnate the heroism role that Toynbee considered an urgent necessity to establish, grew, and prospered civilizations that was through the works that he did especially concerning gathering Mogul scattered tribes, uniting them, establishing a state with political, legislative, religious, economic, military, and informational organization, and working to expand its geographical area.
We also stated the main reason that evoked Mogul to move westerly to defeat Khwarizmi state was imprudence, lameness, and mismanagement of Sultan Ala Din Khwarizmi particularly when he killed Mogul merchants and took over their goods despite the testaments between him and Genghis Khan to facilitate trade movement between them. This matter was a start to eradicate Khwarizmi State, rather, all Islamic caliphate.
Concerning the reasons that made Mogul to invade Islamic state, Abbasid state was passing through a real deterioration and real corruption on the political, military, administrative, and behavioral levels, and other types of corruption that included all the state joints. Thus, the conflicts and wars among Muslim Sultans in their highest degree while caliphate center had no power as well as emergence of the national affiliation among Muslims and its appearance over the Islamic affiliation.
Concerning Toynbee, we stated the most influential figures in crystalizing his historical philosophy including Saint Augustin, Ibn Kheldoun; and we referred the similarities and differences among them, we showed the most important basics that this philosophy stands on.
The basic principle that Toynbee philosophy stands on in history is what he decided about challenge and Response theory indicates that growth of civilizations happens due to setting a creative minority of society individuals to challenge difficulties and hard conditions – whether they were natural, human, or political – then to achieve a successful response to pass these difficulties. For the response to be successful, there should not be continuity to this challenge and surrender to meekness and looseness otherwise, the civilization deterioration and collapse. This is beside denying theory of human civilization unity and diagnosing causes of civilizations collapse.
We also mentioned the most noticeable drawbacks of Toynbee philosophy as unreliability of the scientific approach in deciding his opinions, his total biased to Western civilization, his dealing with civilizations as alive organic entities: born, grew, and get old and his vision of inability of non- western civilization’s sons to create and progress culturally and they are not reliable to imitate Western civilization.
Concerning his vision to Islamic Arab civilization, it was behind truth especially when he considered it a daughter of Syriac civilization and he considered the two civilizations: Arab and Persian one civilization and his claim that Mohammed ( p.b.u.h.) was inspired from Judaism and Christianity and took him out of prophet hood collection. He considered the Meccan Islamic mission as the creative response duration, beside his thought of fruitfulness of creating Islamic civilization and no way for its sons but alienation. These are crucial mistakes and total remote from the reality.
We also stated the most significant causes that destroyed the process of challenge continuity to the creative minority especially after their thunderously fall in Ain Jalut battle and collapse of most of their factors, I mean the very influential information regime that employed the saying ” Mogul are undefeatable people”. Then inability of the creative minority to support the challenge momentum beside corruption spreading to this minority that led to collapse