تجليات اللون في شعر السَّتالي (ت676هـ)

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : رشا علي عبد الأمير نايف المسعودي

اسم المشرف : فهد نعيمة مخيلف البيضاني

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية/ادب

سنة نشر البحث : 2021

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

يمثل اللون انعكاساً لمظاهر الحياة اليومية لارتباطه بالطبيعة والبيئة المحيطة التي تشكل بامتزاجها صوراً أخاذة يهنأ بها الإنسان عن طريق حاسة البصر التي تمثل المصدر الرئيس لإدراك مظاهر الحياة المختلفة بما فيها من سماء وبحار وغابات وازهار وصحاري وجبال…الخ، ومع ما تحملهُ هذهِ العناصر من ألوان خاصة بها إلا إنها قابلة للتبديل اللوني؛ لأن الكون في حالة تغير لوني دائم طوال الفصول الأربعة ليلاً نهاراً.
وَالإنسان بطبيعتهِ يتأثر بهذهِ الظواهر وتأسرهُ المظاهر في الحياة فيذهب للتعبير عنها بطرائق شتى، ومنها التعبير النفسي؛ لأنهُ يُعَدُّ وسيلةً للشاعرِ في التعبيرِ عن عمقهِ العاطفي، وجوهرهِ الفكري، مستعيناً بالألوان، وكأنه رسَّام عارف بخفاياها ودِلالاتِها ومدى تأثر الإنسان فيها معبراً عنها بصور جمالية تعكس امكانيته اللغوية وخبرته البصرية، وَوعيه التأريخي؛ لذا جاءت قصائد الشعراء مفعمة بالألوان، لأنهم وجدوا فيها مُتنفساً وملجأً للتعبير عمّا يشعرون به فكانت أداة فصل بين التوضيح للمتلقي ووصل لمشاعرهم الوجدانية وخلجاتهم النفسية، فنجد الشاعر عند تسطيرهِ لحالة الحزن يميل إلى السّواد، وعند الفرح يميل الى البياض، وفي وصف رغد العيش وجمال الطبيعة يوظف اللون الأخضر. وتَتَعدد الدِّلالات الرمزية للألوان بحسب الحالة الشعورية التي يمر بها الشاعر فيوظفها في قالب معين يحمل دلالات موحية ومعبرة، لذلك سلطتُ الضوء على تأثير الألوان في ديوان الشاعر، فكان العنوان (جمالياتُ اللون في شعر السَّتالي (ت676ه)).

Transfigurations of Color in Al Settali's Verse ( died 676 H.)

All praise is due to God, creator of the creation, granting good, praise suits His dignity as he must be praised, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed and his progeny, the light of right guidance whom God removed all impurity from them and to make them completely pure.
Color represents a reflection of the daily life aspects due to its connection with nature and the surrounded environment which is formed by its mixing attractive images that human enjoy with, through sight perception that represent the main source of comprehending the various life activities including sky, sees, woods, flowers, deserts, mountains, etc. despite of the limited colors of these things, they were ready to color change, for the color is in state of change along the four seasons days and nights.
Naturally, human is affected by these aspects and appearances , charms him, therefore, he expresses himself variously including psychological expressions; for it is considered the poet’s device to express his emotional depth and intellectual essence relying on colors as if he is a painter who knows their potentials, senses, and the extent of human influence on them. He expresses them with aesthetic images that reflect his linguistic abilities, his sight experience, and his historical awareness, that’s why poets’ verses were activated by colors. That because they found in these poets breath and a resort to express themselves. However, it was a separation device to the addressee and a linking device to their emotional feelings and psychological thinking. So, when the poet tends to blackness when he expresses sorrow, to whiteness when he expresses happiness, and the green when he describes luxury and nature beauty.
The symbolic references of colors are multiplied according to the sensitive state that the poet passes through; that’s why he employs it in a particular framework which carries hidden and expressive references.
Thus, the researcher sheds the light on colors impact in the poet’s collection, as a result, the title emerged “Transfigurations of Color in Al Settali’s verse ” who was suggested by my supervisor Prof. Dr. Fehaf Neaimeh Mkhelif Al Bedhani who had the favor, after Allah Almighty in reshaping the topic, starting from its idea, seriousness, significance, and the possibility to get out with nice results that enrich the literary library.
The study required to divide the research into three chapters, preceded by a preface and followed by conclusion. The preface was entitled ” the poet’s life and the color impact in poetry and art”.
The first chapter which is entitled ” color reference in the poetic purposes” has three sections. The first section displayed the neutral colors ( black, white ). The second section studied basic colors ( red, yellow, blue). The third section discussed secondary colors ( green, violet, brown, reddish brown )
The second chapter was entitled ” colors reflection and their influence on the poet’s spirit”. The first section studied color’s references in Al Settali’s verse ( black, white, red, yellow, green ). The second section tackled the color’s psychological dimensions where the psychological aspects were displayed, that the poet employed the color as a device to reveal his potentials and expressed about them depending on his intellectual storage.
The third chapter was about the aesthetic imagery and its relation with colors. The first section studied the aesthetic imagery elements represented by emotion and imagination. The second section was devoted to devices of drawing images represented by simile, metaphor, metonymy, synonymy.
The researcher, in this study, relied on a number of references where the poet’s collection was a base for them. These references enlighten the researcher for their implications connect with the study topic. These were varied including the old and modern, as well as a number of university theses and Arabic periodicals.
The researcher adopted the analytical approach in her study by diving in the poetic text depth and digging deeper in the symbolic references of colors.
At the end, I would like to thank and appreciate my respected supervisor Prof. Dr. Fehaf Neaimeh Mkhelif Al Bedhani for his supervision my thesis and defeating difficulties that I faced during the writing stage, in addition to his continuous advising and guidance.
I also thank the respected committee members for their acceptance my debate. I thank you all for the opinions that you are going to show in order to reshape the thesis.
Finally, I don’t claim perfection for my work or I gave the study its right, rather, if I was right, this is due to Allah favor. If I am mistaken, this belongs to me.
All praise is due to God, creator of the creation, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed and his progeny.