تقييم كفاءة النقل واتجاهاته التنموية في قضاءي الهندية والجدول الغربي

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : محمد طاهر عوده اليساري

اسم المشرف : سلمى عبد الرزاق عبد الشبلاوي حسين علي عوض

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : فلسفة في الجغرافية البشرية

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

يعدُّ النقل الشريان الحيوي لجميع الانشطة الاقتصادية بجميع المفاصل ، كما وإنهّ يعدُّ أهم المرتكزات الاساسية التي تُبنى عليها المدن واقاليمها ، وكان ذلك سبباً للخوض في هذا الموضوع ودراسته بشكل مفصل, والبحث عن المتغيرات المكانية التي تساعد على النهوض بواقعه من أجل معرفة متطلبات المرحلة الحالية لحل بعض مشكلاتة واكتمال الصورة المستقبلية له والتخطيط لمتطلباته عن طريق عدد من السنوات المقبلة, من هذا المنطلق تمثلت المشكلة الرئيسية للدراسة بالسؤال الآتي: ما مقدار كفاءة النقل في قضاءي الهندية والجدول الغربي واتجاهاته التنموية ؟ للمساهمة على أبرز العوامل والاعتبارات التي لها أثر كبير في تخطيط النقل ودوره التنموي.
ركزت الدراسة على مدى تاثير العوامل الجغرافية ( الطبيعية ، البشرية ) وانعكاساتها المختلفه على النقل ودوره التنموي عن طريق دراسة المناخ وعناصره لا سيما تأثير التباين الكبير لدرجات الحرارة في العام ، وهذا ما يؤثر على البنى التحتية لطرق النقل ويتسع تاثيرة على المركبات وسائقيها .
اوضحت الدراسه تأثير العوامل البشرية المختلفة (حجم ونمو السكان ، الانشطة الاقتصادية الزراعية ، الصناعية ، التجارية ، السياحية ، الخدمية ) ، وكان لعامل السكان الاثر الأكبر من بين العوامل الأُخر ، لكونه يعد العامل الأكثر والأسرع تغيراً عن طريق نمو السكان المتزايد والذي سيولد المزيد من الضغط على شبكات النقل المختلفة لحاجة السكان اليها في جميع انشطنهم المختلفة ( الزراعية ، الصناعية ، الخدمية ).

Rp- Assessment of Transportation Efficiency and Directions in the Two Districts: Al Hindiyah and Al Jedwal Al Gherbi .pdf

Transportation is considered the vital artery to all economic activities of whole joints. It is also considered the most important basic principles that on which cities and regions are built. That idea was the cause of indulging in the subject, studying it in details and investigating the spatial variables that help in raising its reality in order to know requirements of the current duration so as to solve its problems, to complete its future image, and to plan for its demands through a number of the coming years. Based on this, the main problem was represented by the following question; what is the efficiency and the developmental directions of transportation in the Two Districts: Al Hindiyah and Al Jedwal Al Gherbi? This is in order to stop at the most prominent factors and considerations that have a big role in transportation planning and its developmental role.
The study concentrated on the extent of geographical factors’ influence ( the natural and human factors) and their various reflections on transportation and its developmental role through studying climate and its elements especially impact of the great difference of temperature during the year; and this affects the roads infrastructure where its influence increases on vehicles and their drivers.
The study stated impact of the various human factors number and growth of population, the economic, agricultural, industrial, commercial, tourist, and service activities). The population factor has the greatest impact among other factors, for it is considered as the more amount and speedier varying factor through the increasing growth of population which in turn will generate more pressure on the various transportation nets due to the need of population to it in all their different activities( the agricultural, industrial, and service).
The study also tackled the transportation dynamic reality in Two Districts: Al Hindiyah and Al Jedwal Al Gherbi classification of roads on international, regional, and national bases and criteria in analyzing transportation dynamic reality by following the statistical methods of traffic, evaluating their efficiency in the main and secondary roads and intersections with the use of mathematical formulas that state the current indicators of transportation web by the use of turning coefficient and showing whether the turning is negative or positive, and then discussing the most significant correlative indicators in the main and secondary roads web and the mutual relation among the web knots through the existing connections. Thus, measurement of the connection degree is considered among the web knots one of the most significant measurement indicators in the field of transportation geographical because the connection degree among the various knots in the web reflects the development level that the region achieved.
The study also worked for the extent of efficiency of these methods in the study area and connect it with the population number, number of daily, weekly, and yearly journeys; beside the problem resulted particularly traffic jam, bottlenecks, and events. This is followed by giving a future vision and what may result from including comprehensive economic developmental traces through focusing on the increasing population number and the extra roads they need. This is in addition to stating transportation impact on the economic and serving sectors.
The study reached many results. The most prominent one is the study area suffers from extra population that works press on transporting web which does not enlarge with the resulting population and architectural enlargement as well as the system default in presenting services in a complete way. This is because it does not include all places of the study area with all its administrative units. Therefore, it is necessary to give great interest in planning transportation and emphasizing the sustainable development which is found in the study area (Al Hindiyah and Al Jedwal Al Gherbi districts).
The study also presented innovated criteria to evaluate transportation web. Thus, the researcher could add a criterion abbreviated into ( mt) as a short form of the researcher’s name. Then, this criterion was checked beside studying it then matching it, this again showed compatibility. It was also checked on previous studies where the checking results matched to what was displayed.