دور اهل البيت (عليهم السلام ) في مواجهة الحركات الفكرية الهدامة من (203-260هـ/818-873م)

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : عباس علي حسين كسار الشمري

اسم المشرف : هاشم ناصر حسين الكعبي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

اٍنَّ ائمة اهل البيت (عليهم السلام ) جميعهم ابواب مدينة علم رسول الله (صل الله عليه وآله وسلم) لا يختلفون في سعة العلم ، ولا تختلف أهدافهم ومواقفهم ، انما الاختلاف والتنوع في الأدوار ، حسب الظروف السياسية ، والاجتماعية ،والسلطوية التي تتحكم في مساحة تحرك كل امام على الساحة الإسلامية ، وفي صفوف الامة .
اٍذ فرض الله تعالى ورسوله (صل الله عليه وآله وسلم) على الائمة(عليهم السلام) في نص الشريعة الإسلامية دوراً في صيانة الرسالة الإسلامية وتعميقها في المجتمع المسلم فكرياً وروحياً وسياسياً ، ثم المحافظة على حقيقة الدين من الانحراف .
وقد نجحوا في قيامهم بهذا الدور ، واستطاعوا الإبقاء على المعالم الدينية والحفاظ على هويتها الفكرية .ومقاومة التيارات المنحرفة التي تشكل خطراً على الرسالة الإسلامية . ومن هنا يتبين ان الرسالة الإسلامية تعنى بالإنسان فكرياً واخلاقياً وعقائدياً وتأخذ بيده في دنياه واخرته .
حيث ظهر في العصر العباسي كثيٌر من الحركات الفكرية الهدامة التي انتشر خطرها ، واتسع نطاق ضررها ، وأصبحت مسألة الدراسة والتصدي بالفكر لها واجباً على القيادات الدينية لعظم خطرها ، وكثرة شرورها على الإسلام والمسلمين ، لكون يراد منها اضعاف الإسلام وكسر شوكته ، وقد تنوعت أساليب هذه الحركات واختلفت اشكالها لاسيما على طول فترة وجود الائمة (عليهم السلام ) ، وكيف انهم واجهوا هذه الحركات وتصدوا لها بأدلة عقلية وعلمية لكشف زيغها وبيان ضلالها .
ومن هنا جاء اختيار هذه الدراسة الموسومة ” دور اهل البيت (عليهم السلام ) في مواجهة الحركات الفكرية الهدامة من (203-260هـ/818-821م)” . لتسليط الضوء على الأدوار التي مارسها أئمة اهل البيت (عليهم السلام) خلال هذه الفترة في التصدي للحركات الفكرية الهدامة ، وكيف تمكنوا من القضاء عليها ، اثناء الظروف السياسية التي تصدوا فيها للخلفاء العباسيين الذين عاصروهم آنذاك .

Rp-The Role of the People of the House of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon them) in Confronting the Destructive Intellectual Movements .pdf

Every beginning has to come to an end ، and here we are after this arduous and enjoyable journey، among the folds of valuable information that helped us in identifying the role of Ahl Albayt the People of the House of the prophet Mohamed (peace be upon them) in confronting destructive intellectual movements. And how
They confronted the Abbasid caliphs who lived with them.
Perhaps the most prominent results that the researcher reached in this study are:
-One of the important lessons in the life of Imam Al-Jawad is that the Imam was a role model for all people، as he was a young man in the prime of his youth، and even though Al-Ma’mun at that time lavished abundant money on him، and the legal rights were returned. He was a Shiite، but he did not spend any of it on himself، rather he spent it on poverty and the deprived.
-Imam Al-Jawad (peace be upon him) faced difficulty in the conditions he experienced during the rule of the Abbasids، a period in which blood was shed for the sake of power and money. Among its examples was Al-Ma’mun’s effort to bring Imam Al-Jawad (peace be upon him) closer to him، as he had done before him with Imam Al-Rida (peace be upon him) ، and this was for many motives، including spite against the Abbasids who stood up to him and took Al-Amin’s side، also the fact that people knew that the Abbasid kings were unjust for the sake of power and prestige، so they leaned towards the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them)، so Al-Ma’mun wanted to show people that he is one of the Imam’s fans in order to absorb the nation’s anger، so he summoned him from Medina to Baghdad so that he would be under direct supervision.
-Imam Al-Jawad (peace be upon him) performed the mission of religious leadership and preaching in order to consolidate and defend beliefs and confront deviant trends and all the suspicions that arise، through his speeches، correspondence and his debates that were held in scholars’ forums.
-Despite the deteriorating political conditions that Imam Al-Jawad (peace be upon him) experienced، he did not leave the nation to live in its ignorance and intellectual confusion. Rather، he practiced extensive intellectual activity، relying in this on.
A group of informers to spread his political directives and doctrinal fatwas and introduce the methodology of the Ahl al-Bayt، peace be upon them، in various regions of the world. They served as preachers to the Imam who exercised their Intellectual، political and social responsibilities.
-Imam Al-Hadi peace be upon him took over the affairs of the Imamate، and he exercised his guiding role as one of the imams of guidance، the lamps of darkness، and the forefront of the people of knowledge for political guidance and a source of concern for the Abbasid authority at that time. He was the best of the people of the earth and the best of those whom God Almighty created in his time..
-The era of Imam al-Hadi peace be upon him was characterized by the spread of chaos and loss of security. The imam witnessed the rule of al-Ma’mun the Al-Mu’tasim، Al-Wathiq، Al-Mutawakkil، Al-Muntasir، and Al-Musta’in، and he was martyred during the time of Al- Mu’tazz Al-Abbasi..
-Imam Al-Hadi was following what was happening in the intellectual arena and pursuing deviant ideas
and the suspicions that are raised here and there in the face of authentic Islamic thought. The Imam confronted some of the deviant doctrinal trends and misguided sects who existed in his time، and based on the legal and scientific responsibility assigned to the Imam، he sought to preserve the apostolic line that was defended by his fathers، the Imams (peace be upon them)، and by his companions behind him، and they stood on the lookout for all its symbols، as he warned his companions and all Muslims from contacting them and mingling with them because they are a source of temptation and misguidance for the people. Despite the injustice and persecution of the rulers that he was exposed to in his life.
-Imam Hassan Al-Askari grew up in the shadow of his father، who surpassed the people of his time in knowledge، asceticism، piety، and jihad. He accompanied his father for twenty-two years، during which he received the inheritance of the Imamate and prophecy. He was just like his honorable fathers in knowledge، work، leadership، jihad، and reform for the nation of his grandfather Muhammad، peace and blessings be upon him.
-Imam Hassan Al-Askari assumed the duties of the Imamate after his father، as the intellectual and spiritual authority for his companions and followers and a guardian of their leadership and social interests. His Imamate lasted for about six years، during which he exercised his greatest responsibilities in the most critical circumstances and the most difficult days for the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them ) . -The era of Imam Hassan Al-Askari was characterized by the weakness of the central power of the Islamic State and its gradual loss of its prestige that it had inherited from the first era for many reasons، including: the rulers’ preoccupation with their own pleasures and desires. Also the Turks’ control over the reins of public policy after the rulers’ preoccupation with pleasures، which reached an unparalleled extent، as to The inauguration and removal of caliphs was carried out according to the will of these Turkish commanders، and the multiplicity of political administrations and the weakness of the caliphs produced a very dangerous phenomenon: the short lifespan of their governments، the rapid change of caliphs، and the instability of the center of the caliphate، which represents the central power to the Islamic State.
–The most important characteristic of Imam Hassan al-Askari’s imamate is that it was subject to the harassment of the authorities
of the spiteful Abbasids، and their complete censorship، during the six years of his Imamate، he went to their prisons for several times، they also thought about getting rid of him away from people’s eyes، but these attempts failed. Despite all this، the Supreme Imam، with his wise policy and sophisticated behavior، was able to abort the all these attempts which earned him special respect among those who followed the authority، so that they turned from their closeness to trustworthy، faithful people who are keen on his supreme safety.