“سياسة فرنسا الاقتصادية وانعكاساتها على لبنان في محاضر مجلس النواب اللبناني 1920- 1943”

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : سجاد كشاش ماضي

اسم المشرف : باسم احمد هاشم

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

تعد دراسة موضوع سياسة فرنسا الاقتصادية وانعكاساتها على لبنان في محاضر المجلس النيابي اللبناني من المواضيع الهامة ، كونها ازاحة الستار عن سياسة الدولة المنتدبة (فرنسا) ، واجراءاتها التي طبقت في لبنان خلال المدة من (1920-1943) في الجانب الاقتصادي. تلك السياسة التي لم تكن بعيدة او مفصولة عن ما شهده جبل لبنان من سياسة عامة تحت الحكم العثماني وحتى عام 1920 ، ذلك ان الولوج بسياسة اقتصادية جديدة ازاء بلد متنوع الاثنيات والاديان والمذاهب من قبل فرنسا امرا صعبا جدا ما لم تستند الى اوليات تأريخية استمدت تجاربها المرحلة المدة التأريخية الطولية للحكم العثماني على جبل لبنان خاصة وبلاد الشام عامة . سياسة وضعت ازائها فرنسا ضرورة مراعاة المزيج الطائفي في لبنان وجعله ارضية خصبه لقبولها قبل غيرها كدولة منتدبة ، بحكم الروابط القديمة مع الطوائف المسحية، خصوصا المارونية منها، فأعطت لموقع لبنان المطل على البحر المتوسط اهمية خاصة، من حيث ما يحوي من مرافئ واطلاله بحرية تلعب دور مميز في حركة النقل والتجارة، بمجاليها الاستيراد والتصدير، فضلا عن جمال الطبيعة في لبنان وانعكاس ذلك على السياحة والاصطياف، اضافة الى ما تملكه البلاد من ثروات وما تنتجه ارضيها من محاصيل زراعية مهمه، واتخاذ لبنان كسوق لتصريف المنتجات الفرنسية والاعتماد على محاصيل البلاد وثرواته كمادة اولية للصناعة.
تكمن اهمية الموضوع في محاولة الباحث استشفاف القدرة على امكانية بناء منظومة تشريعية برلمانية مؤهلة في ظل تقييد الحريات السياسية والاقتصادية اللبنانية من قبل الانتداب الفرنسي . فضلا عن بيان اهمية ذلك التناكف الفكري والايدلوجي اللبناني ازاء المؤثر الخارجي المتمثل بالانتداب الفرنسي ، كما ان للموضوع اهمية اخرى تنطلق من ان فترة الانتداب الفرنسي على لبنان 1920 -1943 كانت كفيلة بخلق برلمان لبناني مارس دورا تشريعيا كبيرا خلال مرحلة الاستقلال بعد عام 1943 ، ذلك العام الذي ارتأى الباحث الوقوف عنده رغم انتهاء النشاط البرلماني عام 1939 بسبب ضرورات الحرب العالمية الثانية (1939-1945) ليكون عام الاستقلال مفصلا زمنيا وتأريخيا لمرحلتين مختلفتين في البناء التشريعي اللبناني.
جاء اختيار الباحث لموضوع الدراسة للوقوف على دور المفوضية الفرنسية العليا، ومندبيها ودور المفوض السامي الفرنسي في ادارة البلاد، واتخاذ القرارات، وتطبيق القوانين المتعلقة بالمجال الاقتصادي ، اضافة الى توضيح دور الطبقة السياسية المتمثلة بمجلس النواب اللبناني، وكيفية تعامله مع ما يصدر على لسان الدولة المنتدبة، من اجراءات وقوانين وقرارات، تتعلق بالجانب الاقتصادي خلال مدة الدراسة بل واكثر من ذلك “عندما نرى في مجمل المناقشات النيابية خاصة الاقتصادية منها ان انطباع الاستقلالية فيها واضحا ، نجد ان تلك الاستقلالية وان وجدت فهي مقيدة برهن وجود وحضور المفوض السامي الفرنسي او وكيله او حاكم لبنان الفرنسي الذين يراقبون عن كثب تلك المناقشات او يشرفون مباشرة على القرارات المرسلة من الحكومات بل والايعاز الى تعديلها او المصادقة عليها من عدمه حسب مصلحة الانتداب الاقتصادية” . ولهذا كان الدور النيابي في مراحل التأسيس وصولا الى الاستقلال دورا “بنيويا” تأثر الى درجة كبيرة بتدخل سلطة الانتداب المباشرة او غير المباشرة عن طريق التكتلات الحزبية الموالية داخل البرلمان. اسبابا نجدها مناسبة لان نضع افتراضا تأريخيا نحاول الاجابة عليه في ثنايا دراستنا مفاده : هل كانت كل التدخلات الفرنسية الاقتصادية بعمل المؤسسة التشريعية اللبنانية هي سلبية ام كانت هناك في احيان اخرى ايجابية ؟ . وما امكانية تمرير بعض القرارات الاقتصادية الهامة من خلال التكتلات (مسيحية) الموالية للسياسة الفرنسية واثرها في خلق معارضة برلمانية ذات صبغة (اسلامية) رافضة لموضوع الانتداب جملة وتفصيلا؟. وهل هناك سياسة فرنسية محددة تجاه بعض الموارد الاقتصادية اللبنانية حاولت فرنسا انعاشها على حساب موارد اخرى لها ثقلها في مناطق لبنانية معارضة ؟. كل هذه الاسئلة نحاول الاجابة عليها في ثنايا البحث.

Rp-France's economic policy and its repercussions on Lebanon in the proceedings of the .. pdf .

The study is preparing for the issue of France’s economic policy and its implications for Lebanon in the Lecturer of the Lebanese Parliamentary Council of the important topics, as it is to remove the curtain and its policy, which was applied in Lebanon, during the period from 1920-1943 The economic events in the country at the end of Ottoman rule were addressed from 1908-1920 that the economic aspect depends and significantly on the nature of the political side in Lebanon during the duration of the study. France sought to impose its assignment to Lebanon, according to By the Saix Pico Convention 1916, taken from the sectarian mix in Lebanon fertile ground for acceptance before others as an obliged state, by virtue of old ties with souvenirs, especially the Maronite, and gave Lebanon on the Mediterranean overlooking the Mediterranean, In terms of what contains ports and freely play a distinctive role in transport and trade, in its import and export, as well as the beauty of nature in Lebanon and reflected this on tourism and falsification, as well as the country’s wealth and so on Their land is produced by an important agricultural crops, and took Lebanon as a market for the disposal of French products and rely on the country’s crops and its wealth as an industry.
The choice of the researcher came to seek the role of the French Supreme Commission, and its delegates and the role of the French High Commissioner in the country’s management and decision-making and the application of laws relating to the economic field, as well as clarifying the role of the political class of the Lebanese Deputies, And how to deal with what is issued on the tongue of the country, a laws and laws and decisions, relating to the economic aspect during the duration of the study, that layer that has passed in multiple stages until he has reached so-called (Lebanese House of Representatives), as the beginnings of this class Dating for the period of Lebanon for Ottoman control, when the regime (Naator’iteen, 1843-1861), then the regime, is due to Mount Lebanon or (Basic System 1861) and then the Board of Directors in the time of Federal (1908), The Administrative Committee (1922) is the time of mandate, and then the House of Representatives (1926) and its position on mandate and its supreme commissioner, which their two delegates attend the two sessions held by the House of Representatives 0 lies the second reason in choosing the subject The positions of parliamentary characters, towards decisions taken on the agricultural side, they are supported by those who refuse or impose France from laws and decisions, belonging to Lebanese agriculture, which is an economist, and the reflection The impact of these positions and decisions on the reality of farmer and Lebanese farms, as well as the reflection of positions themselves in the case of industry, the merchants and their trade, as the Lebanon industry and its trade is suffering from the authorized state through the Governor of Lebanon The High Commissioner and the High Delegate from statements and steps, most of them serve the French interest, and at the same time harm the damage to the poles of the Lebanese economy (agriculture trade industry), as well as on the side of tourism and falsification 0 positions For the majority of the political class in Lebanon and its acceptance and rejection of everything issued by decisions and legislation in Lebanon throughout the French mandate period 0 The study consisted of the introduction and three chapters and conclusion, without researchers that reach results in this area 0 Chapter I: (Mount Lebanon at the end of the Ottoman Testament), it is important because it reflected the nature of the political system in Mount Lebanon, when submitted to Ottoman control, and revealed the role of the French government in dealing with the sectarian structure of Lebanese Community Textile 0 This chapter of three investments included the first top: (Political reality in Mount Lebanon until 1920) 0 A reality shows social diversity and nationalists, including the Lebanese society and the political system of the Ottoman Empire, which was not at the required level It prevents any interference in its internal affairs by foreign countries, especially France.
Through this research, the nature of the political system during the period of the diesel regime reached a year and to announce the French mandate and the establishment of the large Lebanon 0 either the second group was under the title (National division in Mount Lebanon towards French mandate 1920-1943), as in this sectarian structure was addressed to the sectarian installation, which was prepared by Alibaba International Interference in the Lebanese, which pushed France to subjugate the land of Levant and Syria And a special Lebanon, depending on community and national divisions, following various policies, the important cities and sensitive sites in Lebanon are under its control, regardless of the nature of the population formation of those cities, Sectarianism as a weapon to impose its dominance in the country 0 as the researcher presented in the third aspect (parliamentary life in the era of French mandate 1920-1939), as it has been addressed by parliamentary life in the first two phases French mandate and the 1920 Lebanon State Declaration of the Lebanese Constitution in 1926, and the second phase of 1926 -1939, which has been transformed by parliamentary life to the life of the mercury, where the freedom of intervention in the legislative institution 0 The French authorities issued a number of resolutions, for the organization of power in Lebanon 0 and discussed the second chapter of the study (Lebanese economic reality under the discussions of the Parliament and is also located in three investments, reviewed the first top: (parliamentary discussions) For agricultural reality and its problems from 1920-1943). A daughter of agriculture for Lebanon as a country of agriculture and France as an assigned state, according to agriculture, according to the nature of the country, “Easy was Mountain” as well as the impact of geographical worker on farmer and farmers and the type of plant. As among this page, how France has dealt with this sector, on the part of attention or neglect, and the position of the Property Council of those dealings. While the study was dealt with in the second resistance: (Lebanese industrial reality in the light of the Property Council processors 1920-1943), as the researcher reviewed some types of craft industries, which were papa to win a living for large numbers of Lebanese families before After Lebanon’s submission of French mandate, as not limited to workshops, but the commercial machine has emerged tightly, as well as large factories that existed in the French mandate period, which took its production shrinks by politics by authorities French mandate 0 The third aspect came, including: (Trade and Property Sector 1920-1943), with the importance of Lebanon’s maritime site, in the field of trade, especially the harbows, and its impact on Lebanon trade, and after submission For French mandate, and the position of the political class of French policy in this area. The researcher at the third and last chapter from this study: (Parliamentary policy towards state imports 1920-1943), as the first sight included: (Parliamentary discussions of French policy in the management of joint interests), as highlighted procedures Which was followed by the French authorities, and its intention to control the capabilities of Syria and Lebanon, establishing the “Joint Interests Service” of the French Supreme Commission, as this department did not apply for the table during a period French mandate. The second search was under the title: (Patrolling discussions of French policy in tax management and fees), and the researcher reviews the title a lot of taxes that imposed the time of the Ottoman state, which remained in paralysis if not all in the mandate period The French and the impact of those taxes according to the field imposed, and the parliamentary position.
The third page of this chapter: (The role of the Parliament Council has discussed economic legislation in French mandate), as the French authorities have made important economic legislation in the economic field, they have not given up from the parliamentary attitudes Tara and rejection of another, according to what they see suitable for the benefit of the country. The conclusion is included in the researcher to write for the above-mentioned topics.