منهج ابن الكلبي ( ت204هـ / 819 م ) وموارده في كتابه جمهرة النسب

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : يحيى صالح جلات فرحان الشافعي

اسم المشرف : أ. د عبّاس جبير سلطان التميمي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين , الحمد لله الذي رفع السماء بغير عمد, الحمد لله كما هو أهله , الحمد لله في السراء والضراء , والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمةً للعالمين حبيب الله ابي الزهراء المصطفى محمد وعلى آله الاطايب واصحابه المنتجبين .
أما بعد :
أولى العرب قبل الاسلام, اهتماماً كبيراً بالأنساب وحفظها, ولا يخفى على المتتبع اللبيب أن العرب قبل الاسلام اعتنت بالأنساب؛ ليحموا أنفسهم من الطعن بهم, فكانوا يفتخرون بها، وكذلك ليحافظوا على نقاوة دمائهم ايضا وعلاقاتهم مع القبائل الاخرى وتوثيق صلة الرحم، فضلاً عن ذلك إنًّ الاسلام وقف موقفاً إيجابياً باتجاه علم الانساب ولكنه نهى عن سوء استخدامه؛ لتعم المساواة بين المسلمين.
وكان علم النسب في البداية واحداً من فروع علم التاريخ ثم ما لبث ان صار علماً مستقلاً له أصوله وفنونه وقد اشتغل فيه عدد كبير من العلماء امتداد لانشغالهم بعلم التاريخ الذي لا يستغني عن علم الانساب والإحاطة به لمن أراد أن يعرف أمته واعلامها من الصحابة والتابعين والقادة والفاتحين والعلماء والمحدثين وغيرهم , وقد تواتر عن علماء الامة التأكيد على هذا العلم ولأهمية هذا الموضوع جاء اختيارنا واستقر الموضوع على هذا العنوان لتكون الرسالة ( منهج ابن الكلبي ت204ه -819 م وموارده في كتابه جمهرة النسب )، فضلا عن ذلك ان كتاب جمهرة النسب لابن الكلبي لم يدرس دراسة اكاديمية في موضوع مستقل سابقا، الى جانب رغبتي في سبر اغوار دراسة المورد والمنهج.
ولقد خاض في الدراسات المنهجية عدد من الباحثين والمؤرخين , فقد كتبوا عن منهجية بعض الاخبارين والمؤرخين ولفترات مختلفة من التاريخ الاسلامي , لما من كتب عن هشام بن محمد الكلبي , فلم اعثر على حد اطلاعي على من كتب عن ذلك سوى دراسة الدكتور اسامة كاظم عمران عن فكر هشام بن محمد الكلبي عن الاحوال السياسية في شبة الجزيرة العربية منذ العصور القديمة حتى عصر ما قبل الاسلام وقد افادتني كثيراً . ومقاله الى محمد علي هوبي الربيعي عن مرويات ابن الكلبي اللغوية

Rp- Ibn Al Kelbi's Approach (Died 204H./ 819AD.) and his Sources in his Book " Jemharat Al Neseb" .pdf

At the end of my thesis, I like to say All praise is due to God, creator of the creation, granting good, praise suits His dignity as he must be praised, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed and his progeny, the light of right guidance whom God removed all impurity from them and to make them completely pure.
My study journey was hard and I beard a lot of difficulties in order to reach results that have revelation with my topic and this is what made me work very hard and seriously try to call causes and limit the results as the following:
1.Most historical references neglected a significant figure that has, if we can say, the complete knowledge about ancestry science, rather, they gave us little about his life.
2.The political and cultural atmosphere in Ibn Al Kelbi’s era might have an importance to scholars of his time, as Ibn Al Kelbi’s himself.
3. Ibn Al Kelbi’s descended from a famous family known by science and intellectual brilliance. This is also positively reflected in Kufa city.
4. Most historical references did not mention a limited date for his birth; the matter that formed a knot accompanied his life. In contrast, most scholars agreed about the truth of his death.
5. Ibn Al Kelbi’s devoted his life for science and knowledge due to his growth in a home that was interested with the scientific and intellectual aspects from one side and his deep curiosity towards the external regions for filling his scientific desire from the other side.
6.Scholars differ in conveying Ibn Al Kelbi’s narratives. Thus, some of them defamed Ibn Al Kelbi and did not accept his narrative branch and root and some accepted Ibn Al Kelbi’s narrative, rather they consider him a trust. This belongs to the differences in doctrine and ideology.
7.Arabs before Islam interested in origins and ancestry and families and were proud of them. Islam gave origins great importance by the generous prophet and his accompanies and trespassed to the verse.
8.Undoubtedly, the interest and care with origins did not stop at a certain linit or a particular duration but it was continuous during all days of Arabic Islamic
9. Ibn Al Kelbi gave Iraqi narratives dominant prestige in the book for he was born in this environment.
10. Ibn Al Kelbi’s approach is considered in its type in conveying narratives. He conveyed most narratives from his father, only in rare cases, Hisham conveyed from other than his father.
11.The local specialization in ‘ the events’ novel is the narrator’s tendency to specific tribe or group. Ibn Al Kelbi restricted to this which was very clear in ” Jemharat Al Neseb” book.
12. The follower to most scholars who declared the book of Hisham Bin Mohammed was originally a repetition with widening to his father added to it some important notes about well-known scholars in all fields.
13.Most references that Ibn Al Kelbi used in his book ” Jemharat Al Neseb” from ‘Awanah Ibn Al Hekem ‘ and ‘ Abi Mekhnaf’ but he did not mention their
14. Any one investigates Ibn Al Kelbi’s book, finds that he used many historical witnesses in order to show origins and that what holy Quran and prophetic Sunnah emphasized.
15.Concerning hearing at Ibn Al Kelbi, he relied on the first who originated the hearing; that is the holy Quran and prophetic Sunnah, verse, and proverbs. Hence, he did not trespass the common principles in conveying narratives when documenting the historical witnesses.
16. Ibn Al Kelbi’s approach in” Jemharat Al Neseb” book indicated the great attention in the references that Ibn Al Kelbi relied in his novel. This refers to his investigation and reservation in conveying news that he mentions in his book.
17. Ibn Al Kelbi employed in his book the most important verse arts to Arabs such as satire, lamenting, etc. and this definitely refers to his wide knowledge and huge education.