منهج الداعي إدريس عماد الدين القرشي (872هـ/1469م) وموارده في كتاب نزهه الأفكار وروضه الأخبار

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : رنا فضل فرحان الاسدي

اسم المشرف : حيدر محمد عبد الله الكربلائي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

تعد دراسة التاريخ واحداثه عملية تفاعليه تعتمد على عناصر بعضها علمي والاخر عملي ، تساهم بالكشف عن حقائق وأحداث تتعلق بكل العلوم وأصنافها لا نستطيع اظهارها وابراز قيمتها العلمية الا بعد أن نحددها بعنوان الموضوع وأصالته من أجل إظهار الحقائق التاريخية التي لم يكشف عنها مسبقاً تساهم في اضاءت حقبه زمنية أو فترة أو عصر كان يكتنفه الغموض والتكهن وفك رموزه.
وفي مقدمة هذه العناصر التفاعلية العلمية التي رفدت الدراسات بكل مجالاتها واسهم في تقديمها المؤرخين الذين يعود لهم الفضل في سرد العديد من الاحداث ولهذا أن دراسة شخصية المؤرخ ونتاجاته المعرفية أثر فعال في بروز العديد من الحقائق طالما كانت مغيبة ولان الاراء والاقوال ، تعد مرأة تعكس علم وخبرة وكفاءة صاحب الشخصية ومكيال لمعرفة مقدار خزينه الكمي والنوعي من العلوم.

Method of the Propagandist Idris Emad ul Din Al Qarashi ( Died 872H./ 1469AD.) his sources in the Book Nezhat Al Ifkar wa Rawdhat Al Ikhbar

The historical studies which is interested in studying historians and their methods are considered the most valuable studies in supporting the modern scientific research methods in order to know about their sources, information, and significance for it is the main support due to its knowledge with the historical events. The interest in studying Arabs historians and their method in writing the history in the last years was important in showing the cultural aspects and revealing the outcome of the Arabic Islamic ideology in all the various knowledge and sciences fields.
These studies had dimensions included many various scientific researches that widely spread in different Arabic universities that were responsible in reviving our nation’s brilliant heritage and uncovering the Arabic nation’s cultural personality as well its experiment along history in all aspects of the cultural creativity and the intellectual principle that enriched this nation’s civilization during its eras of renaissance and prosperity. Based on this, significance of the current study which is entitled” Method of the Propagandist Idris Emad ul Din Al Qarashi ( Died 872H./ 1469AD.) his sources in the Book Nezhat Al Ifkar wa Rawdhat Al Ikhbar” appears.
The study included the method and source of the Propagandist Idris Emad ul Din in his book ‘ Al Nezha’ concerning the plan of’ Al Nezha’ book, the subjective and objective authoring motifs, the style, the history ideology in his method, his citation with holy Quran verses, sayings and speeches of the chaste Imams and citation of the verse, the use of the strange issues in his method, his belief in the fate and destiny, committing and issuing judgments relating to the narratives, one time, issuing positive judgments and negative judgments in another, biographies to the propagandist Idris Emad ul Din and his assessment to them that are divided into several parts such as the name, title, and origin, his bibliographer’s death, the propagandist’s style in selecting the historical material and his use of the narrative style in writing.
He also preferred rhyme way rather than others as was prominent in his time and era, beside his use to detail that added more depth to the subject as well his use to abbreviations and commitment in many aspects; this is beside the book’s sources that the propagandist took his material from. Those were from Isma’ili sources, general references as well as oral sources and written ones. Concerning his origin series, the Propagandist presented it in handwriting who was ‘Idris Emad ul Din bin Al Hassan bin Abdalla bin Ali Al Anf Al Qarashi’ who descended from beni Al Waleed family whom theirorigin belongs to Ibrahim Al Anf, the family grandfather.