منهج المقريزي (ت:845هـ) وموارده في كتاب النـــزاع والتخاصم بين بني أمية وبني هاشم

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : زينب جميل عبادي

اسم المشرف : هاشم ناصر حسين

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : التاريخ الاسلامي

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث


بعد توفيق الله سبحانه وتعالى وبعد اختيار موضوع الدراسة عن كتاب (النزاع والتخاصم بين بني أمية وبني هاشم )، دعوت الله التوفيق في تقديم دراسة هادفة عن هذا الكتاب القيم في موضوعه ومنهجه وفائدته العلمية ، للمساهمة في أحياء وكشف وبحث عن أسباب النزاع والتخاصم بين بني أمية وبني هاشم ، متبعتاً دراسة علمية منهجية ، جرياً على خطى من سبقني من الباحثين في دراسة منهج وموارد العلماء كالطبري وابن الجوزي والذهبي وابن كثير وابن الأثير … وغيرهم دراسة منهجية تقويمية ، سلطوا فيها الضوء على مؤرخين كان لهم الباع الطويل في تدوين تأريخ الأمة العربية الأسلامية وتسجيل مآثرها وآثارها وحضارتها المجيدة ، وتعد الدراسة الاولى لهذا الكتاب التاريخي القيم، عن طريق رسالة الماجستير الموسومة بـ(منهج المقريزي (ت:845هـ) وموارده في كتاب النـــزاع والتخاصم بين بني أمية وبني هاشم). فمن المعروف ان لدراسة التأريخ وأحداثه والعوامل المؤثرة فيه ورجاله ميزةً لايعرفها إلا من اشتغل في هذا الضرب من المعارف والعلوم ، وكان للمؤرخين العرب والمسلمين فضل في تدوين أحداث الماضي، والتعليق عليها وتحليلها واستقرائها وابراز خفاياها والحكم لها أو عليها.

ويعد كتاب النزاع والتخاصم بين بني أمية وبني هاشم من الكتب المهمة التي حوتها مكتبات التاريخ الاسلامي ، لشيخ المؤرخين أحمد تقي الدين المقريزي( ت: 845ه/1441م) الذي عاش في القرنيين (الثامن والتاسع الهجريين/ الرابع عشر والخامس عشر الميلاديين) وكان المقريزي تجسيداً لنمط من المفكرين الموسوعيين الذين أنجبتهم الحضارة العربية الإسلامية فقد كان مؤرخاً عارفاً فاهماً ، وكان من النمط الذي نسميه المتفرغ أي إنهُ متفرغ للكتابة التاريخية. وكان نموذج فذ للعلماء ، والمفكرين ، إذ كان رجلاً موسوعي المعرفة غزير النتاج.

Manhaj Al-Miqrizii (Died: 845 AH) wa-mawaridah fi kitab Alnizae wa AL-Takhasum baina Bani 'Umayya wa Bani Hashim


After the success of God Almighty and after choosing the subject of the study for the book (kitab Alnizae wa AL-Takhasum baina Bani ‘Umayya wa Bani Hashim), I called upon God to grant success to present a purposeful study on this valuable book in its subject, methodology and scientific benefit to contribute to the biology, detection and research of the causes of the case and the dispute between Bani Umayya and Bani Hashem , following a systematic scientific study, following in the footsteps of those who preceded me in studying and researching the method and survey of scholars such as al-Tabari, Ibn al-Jawzi, al-Dhahabi, Ibn Katheer, Ibn al-Atheer… and others from an evaluation study. The first is to study in the Bible, through a master’s thesis marked with (Manhaj Al-Maqrizi’s). It is known to study history, its events and the factors affecting it, and its men are a feature that only he knows about this kind of knowledge and science, and Arab and Muslim historians had the merit of writing down the events of the past, commenting on them, ascertaining them, highlighting their secrets and judging them or them.
The book and kitab Alnizae wa AL-Takhasum baina Bani ‘Umayya wa Bani Hashim is one of the important books contained in the libraries of Islamic history, by the sheikh of historians Ahmed Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi (died: 845 AH / 1441 AD), who lived in the eighth and ninth centuries AH / fourteenth and fifteenth AD) and al-Maqrizi was the embodiment of a style It was the style that was the style that was changed from the style that was changed, and they were due to be born by the Arab-Islamic civilization. He was a feat model for scholars and thinkers, as he was an encyclopedic man of abundant knowledge.
He was followed by the facts from their available original sources, and he was the author of the elegant, fresh, honest and penetrating sentence that had been completed in the past, and the former Egyptian had the good fortune of Islamic thought in the presence of scholars specialized in historical research.
Enough historical information, including history, including travel, including authorship. From the first moment, reading what he left of the works undoubtedly are of interest, and accordingly we do not find a way to describe them explicitly, for the reader to understand what the starting points, ideas and directions bear; To embody a mental image, file, his cognitive abilities, and it is not surprising that Al-Maqrizi spent that great effort in studying the subject of conflict and contention between the Umayyads and Bani Hashim, because the topics remained behind the topics of living politics that Muslims never tire of talking about for all its era a current political problem, which fell between Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) and Muawiyah, and they discuss and argue about the issue as if it is one of the problems of the hour.
The reason for choosing the topic is that there are many studies that dealt with the study method in his books, such as the researcher’s doctoral thesis. Balqis Idan Louis Al-Rubaie, tagged ((AL-Miqrizi manhajhu wa Mawaridah fi kitab Aitieadh AL-Hinafa bi’akhbar alayimaa alfatimin alkhalafa ))
As well as the message of researcher Sinaa Fadel Muhammad Zahir from the College of Education, University of Mosul manhaj almiqrizi(766-845AH \ 1365-1841AD) fi kitabih darar aleuqud alfaridah fi tarajue alaeian almufida
, and other studies. Detailed guide and close to the airlines, good and dangerous details, trolley and we got to know this search for the researcher. I made an effort during the course of the subject, and I write it upon us to study this book as a study of A. And contained in the export of historical novels.
The information contained in the valid information group, the picture, the available information, the information contained, while others were omitted. Al-Maqrizi cited the Noble Qur’an, the Noble Prophetic hadith, Arabic poetry, correspondences and speeches, and he drew his information from the Akhbaris, the Companions, the Followers, the Followers of the Followers, and the Followers of the Followers.
Accordingly, the study necessitated dividing it into three chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a summary that includes the results reached by the researcher. And a list of sources and references adopted by the study.
The first chapter is devoted to studying (the biography of Al-Maqrizi’s complex, which necessitated its discussion in three sections): The first topic: came in the features of Al-Maqrizi’s era at the political level, then the economic level, then the social level, ending with the intellectual and scientific level. While the second topic studied: the author’s personal life, which dealt with his name, surname, lineage, birth, upbringing, sect, family, and finally his death. As for the third topic: concerned with his scientific status, which included his scientific effects and the sayings of scientists about him, then his sheikhs and students, and finally his scientific trips and his writings.
While the second chapter was concerned with: the nature and approach of Al-Maqrizi in his book (kitab Alnizae wa AL-Takhasum baina Bani ‘Umayya wa Bani Hashim ), and it was divided into two sections. Its arrangement and classification. The second topic dealt with Al-Maqrizi’s approach in his book kitab Alnizae wa AL-Takhasum baina Bani ‘Umayya wa Bani Hashim in terms of defining the method, then the scientific methodology that Al-Maqrizi followed in his book, the subject of study.
The third chapter: the title of the nature of the resources of Al-Maqrizi in his book The Conflict and Dispute between Bani Umayyah and Bani Hashim, which is the widest and most important chapter, which came in three sections, the first topic included: the resource in language and terminology, and also dealt with the authorized resources as they were divided into the Holy Qur’an, And the noble Prophet’s hadith, Arabic poetry, then correspondences and sermons, and what Al-Maqrizi learned from the Akhbaris, then the second topic came: to identify the resources of the Book of Dispute and Dispute from the Companions and the Followers, and the resources from the followers of the Followers, and the resources from the followers of the followers of the Followers. Between Bani Umayyah and Bani Hashim that are not authorized, in terms of the nature of their words, and the narrations whose source is not indicated.