Asst. Lect. (Hawra Ali Abdullah), College of Dentistry , University of Kerbala, participates in the (Fourth Iraqi International Orthodontics Conference) which has been held at Iraqi Dentists Syndicate – Baghdad.
In cooperation with Iraqi Orthodontics Association, the conference discusses the latest academic, scientific and professional developments in field of orthodontics, as well as the most prominent technical developments in medical and laboratory equipment and supplies in this specialty.
Delivering her study, Dr. Hawraa Ali’ paper is entitled “dental arch from a sample of Iraqi Adults with sickle cell anemia using 3D scanning technique : A cross sectional study”.
It aims at identifying some common types of (jaw arch) in sickle cell anemia patients. It is also worth noting that this conference is held annually in the capital with the participation of many local, Arab and foreign specialists, in addition to contribute from many companies specialized in manufacture of orthodontic materials and supplies.