You are currently viewing A Ph. D. Dissertation  Discussing the Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Boswellia serrata and Commiphora molmol on some Biochemical and Histological Criteria

A Ph. D. Dissertation Discussing the Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Boswellia serrata and Commiphora molmol on some Biochemical and Histological Criteria

      The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences -Kerbala University  has discussed the doctoral dissertation which is entitled (the Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Boswellia serrata and Commiphora molmol on some Biochemical and Histological Criteria in Rats induced renal failure),

      The study presented by the Ph.D. student Ahmed Neama Issa Al-Mousawi, aims at explaining the preventive and therapeutic role of the aqueous extract of the Boswellia serrata and Commiphora molmol materials in different doses for animals in which the kidneys are induced using kidney failure using cacium chloride on some biochemical and histological criteria, and given the role of the kidneys in organizing vital activities in  The body.  The study deals with some biochemical and histological criteria for the kidneys resulting from the development of kidney failure, and the contribution to finding a botanical treatment. It  works on some biochemical parameters as good biomarkers to predict kidney failure induced with cadmium chloride early rather than other common indicators such as urea and creatinine.  Mechanism for containing bitter and colloidal gum plants containing phenolic substances, resins, clicosides, flavonoids, tannins, turbines, carbohydrates, ficomarines and soaps and does not contain alkaloids.  This, in turn,  leads to the introduction of chronic renal failure with cadmium chloride in male rats to a decrease in the level of albumin, glomerular filtration rate, a rise in urea, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and a kidney-injuring molecule.

 The study ends up with the most common recommendation which requires to conduct more studies on the active substances in the myrrh and gum plants, and indicates the therapeutic effect of these compounds. It also focuses on studying the effect of the biological effectiveness of the active substances extracted from gum and pain in the fertility of laboratory animals, and examining the effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of the myrr and gum on functional and histological parameters in  laboratory animals induced by kidney failure, and a study of the effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of bitter and mucilaginous glucose on some antioxidants such as clotathione, bilirubin, melatonin, and others.