Kerbala University Discussing an MA Thesis on Evaluating the Financial Soundness of Banks

Faculty of Administration and Economics/ Kerbala University has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “Evaluation of the Financial Soundness of Banks: An Applied Comparative Study of a Sample of…

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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/ Kerbala University Spreads Awareness posters about the concepts of integrity

Based on the instructions of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/ Kerbala University spreads awareness about the concepts of integrity, combating corruption, job exploitation and…

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Kerbala University Discussing a Ph. D Dissertation entitled “The Impact of the Determinants of Financial Structure on Market Value”

Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed the doctoral dissertation which is entitled “The impact of the determinants of the financial structure on market value an…

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Faculty of Nursing / Kerbala University Conducting a Maintenance and Restoration Campaign for 2021-2022

In preparation for receiving the students of the academic year 2021-2022, Faculty of Nursing has organized a campaign to maintain and equip the infrastructure which includes the maintenance of a…

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President of Kerbala University inspects the Progress of Reconstruction Projects at AL-Muadhafeen Campus

President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nile, has conducted an inspection tour of the projects carried out by engineering and technical cadres for more than a month in…

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Medical Graduates of Kerbala University Participate in Courses held by American Medical organizations

More than 20 trainees, graduates of the (Integrative System) from Faculty of Medicine / University of Kerbala, have participated in a number of courses held by American medical organizations on…

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A Lecturer from Kerbala University Receives a Letter of Acknowledgement from a Journal classified within Scopus and Clarivate Containers

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hamed Mohsen Jadah Al-Masoudi, who is one of the teaching staff members of Faculty of Administration and Economics/Department of Banking and Financial Sciences, has received an email…

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Kerbala Journal for Engineering Sciences KJES Publishes its Papers in its 1st Volume (Vol. 1)

Kerbala Journal for Engineering Sciences KJES has published the first Volume of scientific research, which is issued by Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University, The Journal has launched in 2020…

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