A Lecturer in Kerbala University Getting the 3rd position in the Tennis companion.

       Mr. Sahib Abd Al-Hussein, a lecturer at The Faculty of Physical Education  the Kerbala University,  owns the 3rd position in the Men's World Tennis tournament for pioneers which is hold at Antalya- Turkey.…

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Kerbala University Holding a Training Course entitled ” Isolating fungi from their places and Developing and diagnosing them in the laboratory “

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the College of Education for Pure Sciences at Kerbala University  has hold a training course entitled isolating fungi from their places and…

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Kerbala University Holding a Course entitled “Diseases of the maxillary joint and its relationship to diseases of the neck, head and limbs”

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the Faculty of Dentistry at Kerbala University has hold a course entitled "the relationship of diseases of the maxillary joint to neck,…

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Publishing a Scientific Research on Fixed-frequency Beam Steering in an International Journal

          Dr. Mwaffaq Kadhim Al-Hasnawi, at the Faculty of Engineering - Kerbala University, has published a scientific research on fixed-frequency beam steering using the double-gap technique for the leaking…

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Kerbela University Holding the 5th Scientific Conference for Postgraduate Students

With the participation of researchers and students, the Faculty of Science at Kerbala University has hold its 5th scientific conference for postgraduate students. The conference includes many scientific research which will contribute to build the…

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Kerbala University Holding a Scientific Symposium Entitled “Legal Protection of National Products”

     With the participation on a number of researchers and specialists, The Faculty of Law at Kerbala University has hold a scientific symposium entitled "Legal Protection of National Products" .  The…

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