A Workshop in College of Sciences- Kerbala University about the Principle of Security and Safety in Educational Laboratories

 With the attendance  of a number of teaching staff members of the  and some specialists, College of Sciences- Kerbala University  has organized  a workshop entitled "the Principle of  Chemical Security…

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Kerbala University Holding a Training Course entitled “Balanced Scorecard and its Role in Supporting Education Quality

With participation of a number of researchers and specialists,  Faculty of  Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has hold a course entitled " Balanced Scorecard and its Role in Supporting Education Quality".…

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Kerbala University in Cooperation with the British University of Aberystwyth Inaugurates the Project of Digital Robots

      As part of the University's programs to promote E-learning and benefit from pilot experiences, University of Karbala has make cooperation within University of Aberystwyth concerning the project of digital…

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