A Lecturer from Kerbala University Publishing a joint Research on the Images of rabies for Coronavirus patients

Dr. Ali Abdul-Redha Abu Tahin, a teacher at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Kerbala publishes a joint scientific research with a group of doctors in the holy…

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Kerbala University Discussing a Scientific Study entitled “The Aesthetics of Narrative Construction in Hamid Al-Aqabi’s Novels “

The Faculty of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Kerbala has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled "The Aesthetics of Narrative Construction in Hamid Al-Aqabi's Novels". It has been…

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Kerbala University Discussing the Role of Banking Information Technology in Maximizing the Value of the Bank

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled "The Role of Banking Information Technology in Maximizing the Value of the Bank :An Analytical…

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Kerbala University Participates in the Swedish Academy Course on the Method of Publishing in Scientific Journals

The Assist. Lect. Ali Hassan Al Saadi, from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at Kerbala University, participates in the publishing style course in the first scientific journals…

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Kerbala University Publishing a Paper in the Field of Chemistry in a German Journal within the SCOPUS Containers

The teacher at the Faculty of Science at the University of Kerbala, Assist. Prof. Dr. Haitham Dalol Hanoon, has published a scientific research paper in the journal “Research on Chemical…

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 Kerbala University Holding a Training Course entitled Volatile Oils, Its Importance and Extraction

  With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Kerbala  has hold a training course entitled "Volatile oils, its importance and…

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An International Scientific Journal Chooses Two Professors from the University of Kerbala to Write a Medical Article on Respiratory Diseases

The Australian (Respirolog) journal, which  is specialized in publishing research related to respiratory medicine, has chosen the two teaching staff from the Faculty of Medicine at Kerbala University, Haider Abdul…

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