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Kerbala University Discussing a Study entitled “The Impact of Waiting Lines Analysis on Improving Services performance

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed the study which is entitled “The Impact of Waiting Lines Analysis on Improving Services performance: A Practical Study in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs / Social Protection Authority”
The study, which has been presented by the student, Shorouk Shaker Mahmoud, aims at reducing the waiting period for the beneficiaries (customers) in order to ensure the customers’ satisfaction
The study sheds light on the application of Queuing theory so as to develop appropriate solutions to reduce waiting times for these institutions.
It has been concluded that waiting lines models have not used for decision-making in Social Protection Authority, and the reason for this is due to the lack of specialists in the field of quantitative methods at the level of the authority, and the management’s failure to realize the importance of these methods and how to use them since they lack knowledge.
It is recommended that using quantitative methods, especially the technology of waiting lines at the level of the authority may contribute in programming the service time which can be compatible with the time of beneficiaries.