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Kerbala University discussing an MA. Thesis entitled The Legal Regulation of the Prime Minister’s Resignation

Faculty of Law/Kerbala University has discussed the MA. thesis which is entitled “The Legal Regulation of the Prime Minister’s Resignation : A Comparative Study”
The thesis, presented by Hashem Ali Hassan, aims at addressing one of the most important legal problems facing the regulation of public authorities,
The thesis deals with some comparative constitutions that discuss the issue of resignation, however it do not undertake to address all the problems related to it in terms of provisions, especially the Iraqi constitution which does not address that issue.
The study concludes that the Iraqi constitution has organized the public authorities, but there is a legislative vacuum, regarding the resignation of the Prime Minister and the regulation of the authority concerned.
The researcher suggests a number of proposals including the need to address the shortcomings of the legislative texts provided by the Iraqi legislator in organizing the resignation of the Prime Minister.