إضطرابٌ المسلكِ وعلاقتهٌ بالتفكير التشاؤمي و الانتحاري لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : أنفال عادل رشيد محسن

اسم المشرف : حيّدر حسن اليعقوبي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : علم النفس

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

يستهدف البحث الحالي التعرف الى: إضطراب المسلك، فضلاً عن التفكير التشاؤمي والتفكير الانتحاري لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية، والعلاقة بينهم. وأيضا الدلالة الإحصائية للفروق في إضطراب المَسلك لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية على وفق متغير الجنس (ذكور، اناث)، والدلالة الإحصائية للفروق في التفكير التشاؤمي لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية على وفق متغير الجنس (ذكور، اناث)، والدلالة الإحصائية للفروق في التفكير الإنتحاري لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية على وفق متغير الجنس (ذكور، اناث). وأخيراً إيجاد الفروق في العلاقة بين كلَّ من إضطراب المَسلك والتفكير التشاؤمي والتفكير الإنتحاري) لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية، ومدى إسهام التفكير التشاؤمي والتفكير الإنتحاري في إضطراب المَسلك لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية.
تحدد البحث الحالي بعينة من طلبة الخامس الإعدادي في مدينة كربلاء وللعام الدراسي (2022-2023). وبعدما حددت الباحثة التعريفات المتبناة، والإطار النظري والدراسات السابقة ذات العلاقة. استعملت المنهج البحث الوصفي ومن النوع الإرتباطي، وحيث ان مجتمع البحث البالغ (10604) طالبا وطالبة، موزعين على (4738) طالبا، و(5866) طالبة. و إتخذت الباحثة عينة البحث الأساسية بنسبة (5%) من المجتمع الأصل فبلغت العينة (530)، وأيضا تم إختيار العينة بالطريقة العشوائية.
وتحقيقاً لذلك قامت الباحثة ببناء ثلاثة مقاييس كلها ذات التدرج ثلاثي للإجابة هو: (أعتقد بها جدا (3)، أعتقد بها الى حدّ ما (2)، لا أعتقد بها (1) درجة). أولهما مقياس إضطراب المسلك لـ فريك (Frick 2003) وتكون المقياس بصيغته النهائية من(32) فقرة موزعة على ثلاثة مكونات: المكون الأول العدوان نحو الناس وتدمير الممتلكات وعدد فقراته (12) والمكون الثاني الخداع والسرقة وعدد فقراته( 10) أما المكون الثالث الانتهاكات الفقيرة وعدد فقراته (10) ، لذا فإن أعلى درجة يمكن أن يحصل عليها المستجيب عن إجابته على فقرات المقياس هي (96) درجة وأقل درجة يمكن أن يحصل عليها هي(32) درجة، والمتوسط الفرضي للمقياس مقداره (64) درجة، ومن هنا فمن يحصل على قيم اعلى من (64) يتسمون والذين يحصلون على قيم اقل من ( 64) فهم لا يتسمون.

Rp-Conduct disorder and its Relation with the Pessimistic- Suicidal Thinking to Preparatory Stage Students.pdf

The current study aims at knowing the behavior turbulence and the pessimistic- suicidal thinking to preparatory stage students and the relation between them; this is in addition to the statistical indication of differences in behavior turbulence to preparatory stage students in accord with the gender variable ( male – female) and the statistical indication of differences in pessimistic thinking to Preparatory stage students in accord with the gender variable ( male – female) and the statistical indication of differences in the suicidal thinking to Preparatory stage students in accord with the gender variable ( male – female); finally, finding the differences in the relation among behavior turbulence, its Pessimistic thinking, and suicidal thinking.
The research sample was limited by Preparatory stage students in Kerbala city for the academic year 2022-2023. The researcher adopted the descriptive approach/ the interrelated type after limiting the adopted definitions the theoretical framework and the related previous studies.
The research community consisted of 10604 male and female students distributed on4738 male students and 5866 female students. The researcher took the main research sample by 5% of the original community where the sample reached 530 and the sample was chosen by the random method.
To achieve this, the researcher designed three measurements, all have triple steps answers: highly I believe ( 3 marks), I believe it to some extent (2 marks), I don’t believe it ( 1 mark). The first is behavior turbulence by Frick 2003, where its final form has 32 items distributed into three components. The first component is aggression towards people possessive destruction with 12 items. The second component is deceiving and theft with 10 items, while the third component was about the poor violation with 10 items. Thus, the highest degree that the accepting gets from his answer from the measurement items was 96 and the lowest degree that can be obtained was 32 degrees, and the hypothetical average of the measurement was 64 degrees. Therefore, those who get degree more than 64 they have, and those who get less than 64, then, they don’t have.
The second one is the pessimistic thinking measurement according to Dien stag 2009 which is composed of 30 items distributed into two components. The first component is the sad vision for things and situations with 15 items, while the second component is the exaggeration issuing judgments with 15 items. Therefore, the highest degree that the accepting gets from his answer from the measurement items was 90 and the lowest degree that can be obtained was 30 degrees and the hypothetical average of the measurement was 60 degrees.
The third is suicidal thinking measurement according to Penven et. al. 2013 which has 32 items distributed into two types: planning for suicide and suicidal considerations. So, the highest degree that the accepting gets from his answer from the measurement items was 96 and the lowest degree that can be obtained was 32 degrees and the hypothetical average of the measurement was 64 degrees. Therefore, those who get degree more than 64 they are characterized by the pessimistic thinking, and those who get less than 64, then, they are not characterized by the pessimistic thinking or they don’t think pessimistically.
The third is suicidal thinking measurement according to Penven et. al. 2013 which has in its final form, two components. The first is planning to suicide with 16 items. The second is the suicidal considerations with 16 items. So, the highest degree that the accepting gets from his answer from the measurement items was 96 and the lowest degree that can be obtained was 32 degrees and the hypothetical average of the measurement was 64 degrees. Therefore, those who get degree more than 64 they are characterized by the suicidal thinking, and those who get less than 64, then, they are close to the suicidal thinking.
Devices were applied within the same time during the two months ( April and May) in all its details from 26 April 2023 Wednesday to 28 May 2023 Sunday; accordingly, the following were concluded:
1.Preparatory students have behavior turbulence and have differences in this turbulence due to the results that were concluded in the statistical analysis process and to find differences between them.
2.It was shown that preparatory students think in a pessimistic method and there are differences in the pessimistic thinking between them.
3.The preparatory stage students ( all the sample) do not have suicidal thinking according to the available data.
4.The researcher found that there is a relation between behavior turbulence and the Pessimistic Thinking, according to the following:
1.The sad vision of the pessimistic thinking indicates aggression and possession destruction as a form of behavior turbulence.
2.Exaggerssion in issuing judgments about the pessimistic thinking indicates deception and theft of Behavior Turbulence.
3. The sad vision of the pessimistic thinking and the suicidal consideration of suicidal thinking indicates the dangerous violations of behavior turbulence.
4.The researcher showed that planning for suicide refers to the sad vision of the pessimistic thinking. Based on this, the researcher presented a number of suggestions.