الافتراض في شرح الشافية لمصنِّفها ابن الحاجب ( ت 646 هـ) دراسة في ضوء علم اللغة الحديث

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : رقية يوسف داخل

اسم المشرف : محمد حسين علي زعين

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية واَدابها / اللغة

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

فالافتراضُ يُسهمُ في التّحليلِ والتأصيلِ اللغويِّ، فهو يُصَوِّرُ لنا عقليّةَ علماءِ العربيّةِ في تقعيدِ مسائلِ اللغةِ، وَمِنْ هؤلاءِ العلماءِ ابنُ الحاجبِ الذي وقعَ اختياري على أحدِ كتبهِ ليَكوُنَ ميدانَ الدراسةِ الموسومةِ بـ (الافتراضُ في شرحِ الشافيةِ لمُصَنِّفِهَا ابنِ الحاجبِ (ت 646ه) دراسةٌ في ضوءِ علمِ اللغةِ الحديثِ) ؛ إذ تَكشفُ هذه الدراسةُ عن مواضعِ الافتراضِ في مستويينِ مِنْ مستوياتِ اللغةِ هُمَا : المُسَتَوى الصوتيُّ والمستوى الصرفيُّ، ووجدتُ أنَّ الافتراضَ في المستوى الصوتيِّ قائمٌ على قَضيةِ الأصلِ والفَرعِ ومَعرِفةِ أيُّهما أصلٌ وأيُّهما فرعٌ عليه؛ وهذا الأمرُ متأتٍّ من ارتباطِ الأصلِ في الذهنِ وتصوّرِ مراحلِ الانتقالِ من البِنيةِ العَمِيقةِ الذهنيّةِ إلى البِنيةِ السطحيّةِ الواقعيةِ، أمّا الافتراضُ في المُسَتَوى الصّرفيِّ فَيمُثِّلُ أحدَ الأسالِيبِ المتّبعةِ في تقعيدِ المسائلِ الصرفيّةِ المَبنيةِ في تحليلها على التّخمينِ والتصوّرِ؛ لأنّه يُقدّرُ أشياءَ غيرَ موجودةٍ في الواقعِ اللغويِّ.

Rp-Presupposition in Al Shafiya Explanation by its Classifier Ibn Al- Hajib ( born 646 H.): A Study in the light of Modern Linguistics.pdf

Presupposition was one of the most important ways in which scholars explained the topics. Presupposition may mean deleting something from the origin through it we prove which one of the two voices is the origin and which one is the branch through the phonological laws where the human tongue takes the simplest ways of articulation. Old linguists follow interpretation and Presupposition or abuse in analyzing the linguistic system. Since morphology is one of the language level, they followed the same method in complicated its material and treated it in the light of Presupposition due to its simplicity in the linguistic analysis, as well as shortness of acceptable explanation for some issues.
This requires returning to the morphological and phonological levels to measure truth. Based on this, the current thesis was entitled” Presupposition in Al Shafiya Explanation by its Classifier Ibn Al- Hajib (born 646 H.): A Study in the light of Modern Linguistics”. Therefore, Al Shafiya Explanation book was a wide field for this study where it includes many hypothetical issues.
The study contained three chapters preceded by a preface and followed by conclusion, references, and bibliography. The preface tackled the concept of Presupposition linguistically and terminologically as well synonyms of Presupposition. This is in addition to defining Al Shafiya book and the Presupposition in it and showing the purpose of Presupposition.
The first chapter which is entitled “Presupposition in novel “, has three sections. The first section stated “The Presupposition by inversion”. The second section discussed “Presupposition by the vowel of deletion”. The third section was about “Presupposition by the conveying”.
The second chapter which is entitled “Presupposition in apposition “has three sections. The first section studied “Presupposition by replacing the glottal stop”. The second section was entitled” replacing the voiceless by voiceless”. The third section clarified “replacing voiceless by the voiced”.
The third chapter was entitled “Presupposition in assimilation”, it has two sections. The first section was entitled “Presupposition in assimilating synonyms”. The second section was about “Presupposition in approached assimilating”.
The conclusion included the most important results with a list of references and bibliography. The study relied on a number of old linguistic references such as sibawayh book, Al Mugatheb book by Al Mubred, Al Munsif and Al Khesais we sir Sena’t Al Irab by Inb Jini, and Al Shafiya Explanation including explanation of Shafiyat of Redhi ul Din Al Isterbadi, Al khuder Al Yezdi. Concerning the modern references, the most important ones were by Dr. Abdul Sebour Shahin, Dr. Ibrahim Anis, Dr. Jewad Kadhum Enad, and Dr. Husam Al Ne’aimin.
It is worth to mention that my study was not the unique in this field; rather, it was preceded by many that paved the way to the researcher