المظاهرُ السَّرْدِيَّةُ في ديوان شعراء بني كلب بن وبرة في الجاهلية والإسلام

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : لمياء محسن عبد الحسين الكريطي

اسم المشرف : علي ذياب محيي العبادي

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية/ادب

سنة نشر البحث : 2021

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث


انتظم البحثُ في تمهيدٍ وأربعة فصولٍ تسبقها مقدمةٌ، وتتلوها خاتمةٌ فيها أهم نتائج البحث فقائمة المصادر والمراجع، جاء التمهيد على ثلاثة محاور: تناولتُ في الأولِ مفهوم السرد لغة واصطلاحا، أمّا المحور الثاني فَعَرَضْتُ فِيه السردَ في الشعرِ العربيّ القديم، وجاء المحور الثالث مسلطا الضوءَ على قبيلة (بني كلب بن وبرة) نسبًا وأيامًا ووقائعًا.

ثم جاء الفصل الأول ودرست فيه عنصرَ الحدثِ وأنواعه الخارجيّ والداخليّ في مبحثٍ أول ، ودراسة أهم أنساقه في مبحثٍ ثانٍ.

أمَّا الفصلُ الثاني فقد عَرْضتُ فيه عنصرَ الشخصيةِ، ما استلزم تقسيمه على مبحثين درس الأول تصنيف أنواعِها، أما الثاني فعرض طرائق عرضها من جهة الإخبار عند شعراء بني (كلب بن وبرة)، مشيرةً إلى قدرة الشاعر على رسمِ أبعاد شخصياته، وبيان طبائعها كاشفةً عن بعضِ الجوانبِ النفسيةِ عن طريقِ حديث الشخصيةِ عن نفسِها.

وتكفّل الفصلُ الثالث بدراسة (الفضاءِ السرديّ)، كان مبحثه الأول عن (الزمان)، وأنواعه : الحقيقي ، والنفسي ، فضلاً عن علاقاتِ الترتيبِ من استرجاعٍ واستباقٍ .

وفي مبحثه الثاني درست (المكان) عِبر نوعيه: الأليف والمعادي مع إبراز تأثير هذه الأماكن على الحالة النفسية للشاعر.

و درس الفصل الرابع (الحوار) في مباحث ثلاثة، درس الأول منها أنواعه و هي: الخارجيّ (الدايلوج) ، والداخليّ (المنولوج )، وتابع الثاني دراسةَ أطراف الحوار فكان الحوار مع (العاقل) ، ومع (غير العاقل) ، و عني المبحث الثالث بدراسة الأساليبِ النحويّةِ الخاصة بالحوار متمثلة بأساليب: (الاستفهامِ ، والنداءِ ، والأمرِ).

The Narrative Features in the Poets' Collection of Beni Kelb Bin Webrah before and after Islam


All praise is due to God, creator of the creation, granting good, praise suits His dignity as he must be praised, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed and his progeny.
Literature, poetry in particular, has great importance in the nation life, for it is considered as the brief of last experiments and a sources to write down its various knowledge and a witness for its progress. Thus, we find in it what is sufficient to prove the saying ” poetry is the Arab Divan”. So, we cared to study and preserve it to take form it the lesson and to connect with it to be a teacher for generations, a pure spring of literature springs for what accidents and events it contained, and a clear mirror for Arabs’ conditions, conventions, and life style among themselves. The current study tackled an important part of our Arab heritage represented by verse of Beni Kelb Bin Webrah before and after Islam, that’s why there was a need to shed the light on these two elements and to discover its language secrets that researchers’ pen couldn’t reach by studying and analysis for these storytelling aspects. This is what I noted in reading the studies that tackled the storytelling or narrative aspects which were interested in the narrative features. The verse collection of Beni Kelb Bin Webrah had a wide spread for those studies and the story formed a remarkable phenomenon of Kelbi’s poet. Thus, texts were qualified to be studied according to the new approaches to study the story telling text. After this search, I found what I was looking for taking my masters’ opinions in the scientific committee. Therefore, I started analyzing the texts that dominated by the narrative impression who had great efforts to translate the study under the title ” The Narrative Features in the Poets’ Collection of Beni Kelb Bin Webrah before and after Islam”. It is worth to mention that there were a number of previous studies that tackled the story in the Arabic poetry such as ” characteristics of storytelling narration in pre – Islamic poetry” by Dr. Hakim Al Greati, ” story and tale in the Arabic poetry during beginning of Islam and Umayyad era” by Dr. Bushrah Al Khateab, ” the story in the Arabic poetry in the beginning of the second hijri century” a study by Al Nejdi Nasif, ” the storytelling constructing in pre –Islamic poem” by Dr. Mahmoud Abdul Allah Al Jabir, ” the dramatic origin in Arabic poetry” a study by Jelal Kheyat. And other studies that tackled the story according to a traditional approach ( approach based on the topics it implied).
The current study is distinguished on previous studies that it tackled the narrative elements due to an event, character, time, place, and dialogue which all form construction of poetic story, as well as its richness in this tribe including poetic collections in accord with modern narration approaches. One of the problems that I faced that most of their poetry was stanzas and not complete poetic collections which did not exceed two or three lines that matter makes it difficult to show the narrative construction unless one has to do much efforts. This, in turn, led to repetition of some poetic texts which was obligatory to repeat them since they carried more than one example that concerns the study. Another difficulty represented by the pandemic that spread all over the world, our beloved country in particular, that caused a cut to practice our right in transportation, searching, resource from our respected masters.
The nature of the study required to be divided into four chapters preceded by a preface and followed by conclusion.
The preface which is entitled “lights on narrative aspects, concept, and tribe of Kelb bin Webrah ” has three sections. The first section tackled the narration concept linguistically and terminologically. The second section stated narration in the old Arabic poetry. The third section discussed origin, days, and events of Beni Kelb tribe.
The first chapter which is entitled” the event” has a preface and two sections. The first section was about types of the event, while the second was devoted to the event constructional symmetry.
The second chapter was interested in the ” character”, it has two sections preceded by a preface where I tackled the ” character” concept, its significance in the narrative texts, and its relation with other narrative elements. The first section studied ” character” classification, while in the second section, methods of displaying characters were investigated.
The third chapter was interested in the narrative atmosphere which included time and space, it has two sections. The first section stated the factual time and psychological time. The second section in investigated time where two kinds were mentioned the tame and the aggressive.
The fourth chapter which is entitled ” the dialogue” has three sections. The first section was about the external dialogue and the internal monologue. The second section was discussed for studying ” the dialogue participants” which included the censurer And the nature, while the third section tackled ” dialogue style” including interrogative, vocative, and order.
The study ended with conclusion contained the most important results. I would also mention that some poetic texts were repeated in the study due to the multiple readings for these texts as well they were examples. It is worth to mention that every poetic text took its right position according to the section it occurred in. It is worth to mention that I depended in my study on ( collection of Beni Kelb Bin Webrah poets, their news and verses before and after Islam ) collected, investigated, and studied by Dr. Mohammed Shafeeq Al Bitar, first print, 2002 AD. Thus, I made it a body for my study. This is in addition to a number of references which enriched the study. These references were divided into literary and critical, old and modern; as well as theses and dissertation, and a number of published papers in some enhances journals. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach in investigating poetic texts and taking their narrative elements.
I am proud to thank my masters in Arabic department for their interest, conduct, and knowledge generosity especially my grand master (Dr. Ali Dheyab Al Ibadi ) for his acceptance to supervise my thesis; he was real master and father, I ask Allah all success for him.
Finally, if I completed the paper properly and gave the subject its right, then this is what I wished; Allah knows how I did my best to carry out this aim. If I had any default, then this indicate that human is incomplete and perfection is divine, true praise belongs
to Allah the Lord of the world”.