المعايير النّصّيّة ومفسرو الشيعة الإماميّة حتّى القرن السادس الهجريّ

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : زهراء حسين جعفر

اسم المشرف : جنان منصور كاظم الجبوري

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية واَدابها / اللغة

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

الحمد لله رب العالمين، وأفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم على أشرف الخلق أجمعين محمد وآل بيته الطيبين الطاهرين.. وبعد…
اعتنى العلماء بالقرآن الكريم اعتناءً كبيرًا منذ نزوله على أشرف الخلق نبينا محمد(صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)، في تفسير آياته، وبيان إعجازه، لهذا اندفع العلماء بعد وفاته(صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)نحو الغوص في هذا الميدان الشريف بهمةٍ لاستجلاء حقائقه واستخراج جواهره، فقد تعمق علماء الشيعة وفضلاؤهم في هذا الميدان بجدٍ وإقدامٍ ومنذ عهد مبكر قاموا بتأليف كتب التفسير، فمنهم من ذكر الروايات والأحاديث بأسانيدها، كما في التفاسير المعروضة في القرون الثلاثة الأولى هو التفسير بالأثر، ومنهم من حذف أسانيد الروايات والأحاديث ايثارا للتخفيف، وركزوا على المسائل اللغوية، وهو التفسير العلمي التحليلي بدأ منذ أواخر القرن الرابع.
وأول من ألف هذا المنهج هو الشريف الرضي(ت:406هـ) في تفسيره(حقائق التأويل)، ثم توالت التأليفات على هذا المنهاج من الشيخ الطوسي(ت:465هـ) في تفسيره(التبيان في تفسير القرآن)، وتبعه الشيخ الطبرسي(ت:538هـ)، وما زالوا حتّى عصرنا الحاضر، بل كثير منهم لم يكتفِ بتأليف تفسيرٍ واحدٍ حتى ضمَّ إليه آخر فرفدوا العلم بمكتبةٍ قرآنيةٍ زاخرةٍ؛ لأنَّ للتفسير شأنا عظيما بين العلوم، وذلك بتوظيف كثير من العلوم والآليات التي تحيط بالنّصّ القرآني من جوانب متعددة وتكشف إعجازه البلاغي فكان هذا العلم أقرب إلى النهج الذي نهجته الدراسات النّصّية الحديثة التي عُنيتْ بدراسة النّصّ بوصفه وحدة لغوية كبرى تتطلب البحث والتنقيب والاستكشاف في الدلالة، لما تحمله هذه البنية من التماسك النّصّي.
وتعدُّ الدراسات التي قدمها عالم اللغة(دي بوجراند)من أفضل ما انتهت إليه الدراسات النّصّية في تحديد المعايير التي بوساطتها يقاس تحقق النّصّية، وجعلها أساسًا مشروعًا لإيجاد النّصّوص واستعمالها من عدمها في النّصّوص اللغوية فاقترح لنظريته سبعة معايير هي:(الاتساق والانسجام، والقصدية، والمقبولية والمقامية، والتناص، والإعلامية).
والقرآن الكريم هو أوضحُ نصٌّ تتجلى فيه مظاهر التماسك النّصّي، وما يحمله النّصّ من مقصدٍ وغرضٍ بالنظر إلى السياقِ والمقامِ، وكيفية تأثيره على المتلقي فضلًا عن بيان الآيات التي تشتمل على البعد الإعلاميّ ، فالقرآن الكريم نزل بلغة العرب وهو يخاطب أهل هذا اللسان بلغتهم. فكان علينا دراسة (المعايير النّصّيّة ومفسرو الشيعة الإمامية حتى القرن السادس الهجرى) .
والهدف من هذه الدراسة هو المقاربة بين التراث واللسانيات النّصّية عبر جهود علماء الشيعة الإمامية في تفاسيرهم للقرآن الكريم، وبيان مظاهر التماسك النّصّي.
وتضمنتْ الدراسة تمهيدًا وثلاثة فصول وخاتمة. تناولتُ في التمهيد: مفاتيح البحث، جاء على قسمين: الأول: اشتمل على علم النّصّ والمعايير النّصّية، تحدثتُ في البداية عن مفهوم النّصّ لغةً واصطلاحًا، ثم ذكرتُ فيه المعايير النّصّية عند(دي بوجراند) بما يسمح به المقام. أمًا الثاني فقد تناولت فيه المدونات التفسيرية لعلماء الشيعة الإمامية وأهم مؤلفاتهم ، في البداية بينتُ فيه المفاهيم الأساسية ومن ثم ذكرت فيه تفاسير الشيعة الإمامية حتى القرن السادس لهجري .

Rp- The Textual Criteria and Imami Shia Interpreters up to Sixth Hijri Century .pdf

It is undoubted that interpreting Holy Quran and understanding its meanings and intentions was and is still considered one of the most important sciences that scholars were interested in since descending of the Angel Jabrial on our prophet Mohammed ( p.b.u.h.) up to our day despite that Quran interpretation science had been started after the prophet’s death; but in reality it started during the prophet time. So, he was the first interpreter to the Holy Quran.
Interpretation science graded along centuries and its devices developed so, other sciences emerged as linguistics, grammar, jurisprudence origins science, and other large group of Quran sciences. This interpretation has great significance among science especially for Imami Shia, every thing that linguists mentioned about the sentence and cohesion including harmony and concord in their linguistic levels; in addition to the poem, location, and media which were considered important elements in the modern studies of text science for it is the highest linguistic unit that requires digging and exploration in semantics due to what this construction carries of prominent agreement.
Therefore, text scholars took much care to the significance of coherence in fixing the text principles, as the text is formed by highest construction of a group of simple sentences that for a discourse and these sentences in turn are connected together by a group of stylistic devices and forms. So they become harmonious with each other and that leads to e understandable through the context.
Since the holy Quran which was descended on the prophet M. contains many Ayas and Suras. It is the clearest text where textual criteria are represented, that’s why we had to study Shia imami interpretation up to the sixth Hijri century in the light of the text criteria which consider these devices very important to understand the Quranic text and to state the aesthetic and artistic influence in it.
The main aim of this study is to clarify the role of Shia Imami in interpreting Quran through the connection attempt to link between the ancient’s efforts and modern studies. So, Arab old scholars were the first who stated the role of text cohesion and the interpretation and purpose it carries by looking at the context, location, and the way of its influence on the audience. Besides, there is the ayas clarification that indicates the media in accord with modern criteria where this research importance is represented to serve the holy Quran.
The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach and contained a preface, three chapters, and conclusion. The preface tackled the research basic concepts and has two parts: The The first: It included the science of the text and textual standards. I spoke at the beginning about the concept of the text linguistically and idiomatically, then I mentioned in it the textual standards of (de Bogrand) as permitted by the position. As for the second, I dealt with the exegetical blogs of the Imami Shiite scholars and their most important works. In the beginning, I explained the basic concepts, and then mentioned the interpretations of the Imami Shiites until the sixth century AH.
Followed by the first chapter: it came tagged with (consistency and harmony in the interpretations of the Imami Shiites), and I was concerned with three topics: the first: theoretical framing of the text through consistency and harmony: in the first requirement, consistency included its concept and elements, then I detailed the types of consistency in it, the first: grammatical consistency, and it includes ( referencing, deletion, substitution, and linking). The second: lexical consistency, in which I showed repetition of its types, symbiosis and its means. As well as harmony, our focus was on (the mechanisms of semantic relationships such as causation, generality, and specificity, as well as the overall structure, context, and the science of occasion.)
The second chapter included the criteria that relate to text users, these are the intentions and acceptability criteria. It has two sections. The first discussed the intention concept and its types. The second stated the acceptability. Scholars showed success of the holy text, raise its acceptability on others. So, this criteria- acceptability- can be applied on the general linguistic texts. It is a divine text and it is undeniable and differs from other texts where acceptance and refusal depend on the audience culture.
The third chapter contained the criteria that connect with the external context. These are the spatial and the media, it was divided into two sections. The first section stated two issues, the first is the spatial concept linguistically and terminologically, the second mentioned spatial representation in Shia Imami interpretation as causes of descending and semantic context. The second section was about the media which is criteria of significance. In the beginning, I tackled the media theoretical framework concerning the media concept. Then, I explained spatial representations in Shia Imami interpretations and what Quran ayas and suras carry including news and media. Then, these chapters were ended with conclusion contained the most important results.
It is worth to mention that we didn’t intend to tackle the seven criteria ( intertextuality) according to its concept and meaning which is considered one of the Quranic studies problems in Holy Quran since it is a divine text. We see that the similarities in Quranic texts do not necessarily mean to affect or to be affected, rather it may mean completeness or perfection.
So, these styles intended to emerge the text miracle and state its eloquence. Since the text textuality do not obligatorily require carrying out the seven criteria in every text, for it is possible for the texts to be formed with a less number of these criteria as some researchers believe like Mohammed Khutabi and Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Younis in their research about the textual linguistics when text textuality in six criteria, as well as from the point of view of Dr. Bushra in her research about the text concept and its criteria when text textuality the holy Quran textuality be achieved in four criteria; that’s why the current research was interested in concentration on the six criteria only.
The most important criteria that achieve text textuality are represented in harmony, concord, intention, acceptability, spatial, and media. This suits the holiness of the Quranic text. It has privacy to all fascinating forms that Arabs had already known.
I did my best in this research in spite the difficulties that I faces in order to be new work that supports science and knowledge and I did not claim perfection, which is for Allah only.

There is no power in me to do something except through the help of Allah. In him do I put my trust and to him I always turn. Allah is sufficient for us and he is an excellent disposer of affairs