المعنى النَّحويّ في تفسير لباب التَّفاسير للكَرماني (ت بعد 500هـ) دراسة في ضوء نظرية السِّياق

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : علي عباس نجم عبد

اسم المشرف : محمد حسين علي زعين

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية واَدابها / اللغة

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

الحمدُ لله الذي لا يبلغُ مِدحتَهُ القائلون، ولا يُحصي نعماءه العادّون، ولا يؤدي حقَّه المُجتهدون نحمدُه استتمامًا لنعمته، واستسلامًا لعزته،واستعصامًا من معصيته، والصَّلاة والسَّلام على أبي الزَّهراء محمَّد وعلى آله الطَّيبين الطَّاهرين.
أمّا بعد:
فقد أكرم الله تعالى أمة العرب بأنْ جعل لغتها لغة القرآن الكريم، فحفظها وصانها على مرِّ العُصور. وقد خصَّ الله بهذه اللغة رجالاً كرَّسوا حياتَهم لخدمتها، وكشفوا ما حُجِب من معانيها، وحلّلوا ألفاظها وتراكيبها، لمعرفة مراد الله تعالى من كتابه، وبيان سرِّ إعجازها.
وهكذا بدأت جميع دراسات المعنى النّحويّ تتجه نحو خدمة القرآن الكريم ولغته، وقد امتلأت هذه الدِّراسات بالمعاني النَّحويّة، وعُدَّتْ مصدرًا لا يمكن إغفاله أو تجاهله.
كان لدي شوق شديد ورغبة ملحة في معرفة أحد تفاسير القرآن الكريم والتَّعرف عليه، وبعد مراجعة(لباب التفاسير)، لتاج القُرّاء الكَرْمانيّ المتوفى بعد سنة(500ه) فوجدته إمامًا كبيرًا محققًا ذا شخصيةٍ متميزةٍ ونظرةٍ متفرِّدة ورؤية مستقلة، وكان عجبًا في دقة الفهم، وحُسْن الاستنباط، و من أهل التَّدقيقِ والتَّحقيق، ويُعَدُّ الكَرْماني إمامًا في استحضار القراءات القرآنية، وإمامًا في اللُّغة، وإمامًا في النَّحو، وقد ظهر هذا جليًا في تفسيره الموسوم بـ(لباب التَّفاسير)، فهو تفسيرٌ لغويٌّ اشتقاقيٌّ تأصيليٌّ، وهو موسوعةٌ لزخم من الرّوايات، ومعاني القراءات، وقد جمع الكَرْمانيّ فيه بين التَّفسير بالرّأي والتَّفسير بالمأثور، وضمّنه توجيهات تربوية وإيمانية، ولطائف بيانية وبلاغية فجعله تاج القرَّاء في عصره تاجًا.

Rp- The Grammatical Meaning in Interpretation of " Luban Al Tefsear" by Al Kermani ( Died after 500 H.): A Study in the light of the Context Theory.pdf

The current dissertation which is entitled’ The grammatical meaning in interpretation of ” Luban Al Tefsear” by Al Kermani( died after 500 H.): A Study in the light of the Context Theory’ includes the The grammatical meaning that Al Kermani inducted from holy Quran in the light of the Context Theory.
The context was present in most of the dissertation joints whether in the linguistic or non-linguistic context. His personality was represented in many issues in his interpretation when he mentioned that scholars’ opinions, his preference among opinions, and his denial to many opinions relying on his linguistic and grammatical education. His interpretation was a linguistic derivation original one. It is an encyclopedia of huge number of narratives and reading where the readers’ crown combined the interpretation by opinion and interpretation by the convention he included it educational faithful directions as well eloquent rhetorical tales. Therefore, the readers’ crown made it as a crown for interpretation.
After completing the matter collection, comprehensive awareness and apprehending with the most important subject’s aspects, the research was forced to present the topic in three chapters preceded by a preface, and followed by conclusion. The preface which is entitled ‘interpretation cores the grammatical meaning, and influence of the context in it, was divided into three items.
The first item discussed Al Kermani’s life where his name, origin, family, birth, growth, students, grammatical school. Writings, scholars’ praise to him, death, an idea about his publication” Luban Al Tefsear” , attention to him, scholars’ interest to it, his method in interpretation, styles, references, were all mentioned. The second item tackled the grammatical meaning to the old and the modernists. So, the researcher started with the grammatical meaning concept beginning from the old till the modernist. The third item dealt with the context from several aspects: the context in the light of the linguistic and terminological concept, the context to the old, the context to interpreters, and the context to the modernists.
Nature of the study required to be divided into a preface, three chapters, and conclusion.
The first chapter which is entitled ” the linguistic context and its influence in stating the grammatical devices’ meanings”, has three sections.
The first section was about the linguistic context and its influence on meanings of the single devices. The second section tackled the linguistic context and its influence on meanings of the dual devices. The third section dealt with the linguistic context and its influence on meanings of the triple and more devices.
The second chapter which is entitled “the linguistic context and its influence on the constructions meanings “, has three sections. The first section was about the linguistic context and its influence on deletion and estimation. The second section tackled the linguistic context and its influence on fronting and delaying. The third section dealt with the linguistic context and its influence on pronoun repetition.
The third chapter was about the non-linguistic context and was entitled “the non- linguistic context and its influence on the grammatical meaning “, it has three sections. The first section was about the two sides of discourse and their influence in stating the grammatical meaning. The second section tackled reasons of descending and their influence in stating the grammatical meaning. The third section dealt with the non- linguistic context and its influence on the shadow of the grammatical meanings.
The study ended with conclusion contained the most prominent results. Concerning the study method, it adapted the descriptive analytical method. The scope of the dissertation is represented by mentioning the issues that Al Kermani tackled with a condition that the start should not be about Al Kermani’s, and then to set up from the old to the modernists with shedding the light on the issues that Al Kermani agreed or disagreed with others’, as well stating denials and preferences that Al Kermani adopted in his interpretation. At the end, the dissertation mentioned the following results:
1.The contemporary grammarians agreed the old grammarians in clarifying the grammatical meaning though their style of expressing were different. The grammatical meaning is the meaning that is generated in the speaker’s mind when building the sentence and this cannot be achieved but inside the construction that the modernists called the grammatical meaning or the functional meaning.
2.The study showed that the greatest grammarians and interpreters scholars include their books texts from Al Kermani such as Ibn Malik, Al Semean Al Helebi Abu Heyan, Ibn Hisham, and Ibn Al Shejri that shows Al Kermani’s prestige and his significance in interpretation.
3. Justification, preference, and denial were the interest of Al Kermani. It is a field that links the grammatical meanings concept with the modern studies. Thus, the grammatical meaning is the cognitive meaning that is generated in the speaker’s mind when building the sentence. These meanings are established through limiting relations among things that are called speech. So, it connects them together as the transparent wire links the necklace beads. Therefore, the speech became a kind of irrational talk when it is lost and this meaning cannot be recognized without context whether it is linguistic or non-linguistic context.