المَرجعياتُ الثقافيَّةُ عندَ الشُعراءِ الشيعةِ في العَصرِ الأُموي

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : عادل عبد مجيد

اسم المشرف : حسن حبيب عزر

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية

الاختصاص : اللغة العربية واَدابها / اللغة

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

تأتي أهميّة الموضوع (المرجعيات الثقافيّة عند الشعراء الشيعة في العصر الأموي) لتسليط الضوء على حقبة مهمّة من حقب الأدب الإسلامي بُغية الوقوف عند محطات الشعر الذي قيل في حقّ أهل البيت (عليهم السلام)، والمرجعيات الشعريّة والنثريّة التي تكوّنت في ضوء تفاعل أو تداخل خطابه مع خطاب آخر ديني أو أدبي أو تاريخي وما إلى ذلك، فالشعر ليس شعورا خاليا من الأفكار، وليس أفكارا مجرّدة لذاتها، بل هو تجربة شعوريّة عقليّة، استمدت ثقافتها من الماضي والحاضر، استجابة لمتغيرات كل مرحلة وظروفها.
تتبعت هذه الدراسة مفهوم الشعر الشيعي في العصر الأموي ومرجعيّاته الثقافية بوصفها منطلقاً أساسًا في دراسة النص الشعري والوقوف عند أنساقه وطبيعته وتراكماته النصيّة المعرفية، والفكرية، منها الدينية التي تمثلت بالقرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف والمرجعيات الأدبية التي أظهرت تأثرهم بمن سبقهم من الشعراء وعلاقة ذلك بنتاجهم الأدبي فضلاً عن اطلاعهم على الأمثال العربية التي شكلت جزءاً كبيراً من ثقافتهم كما أننا لم نغفل المرجعية التاريخيّة ومرجعيّة القيم الاجتماعيّة التي تضمنت شعرهم.
وقد اقتضت الدراسة اختيار المنهج التحليلي الوصفي عبر استقراء الأبيات الشعرية وتحليلها بشكل أساس وإن تداخل أحيانا مع المنهج التاريخي في الكشف عن الشخصيات المؤثرة في المجتمع الإسلامي بُغية الوقوف عند الواقع الذي عايشه شعراء التشيع في تلك المرحلة ومخالفيهم، ميدانها التطبيقي؛ ذلك أن النص الشعري هو أساس البحث وغايتنا الكشف عن مرجعياته في النقد والتحليل بوصفه مكوّنا من علاقات متشابكة ومتداخله وهدفنا إبراز قدرة الشاعر في الكشف عن المستودعات الثقافية الموروثة التي امتلكها وطوعها في خدمة نصّه الشعري.

The Intellectual Authorities to Shia Poets during Umayyad Era

The significance of the current subject” The Intellectual Authorities to Shia Poets during Umayyad Era” springs from its shedding the light on one of the most important period of the Islamic literature to stop at the verse stages concerning what was said about the prophet’s progeny ( p.b.u.t.) and the poetic and prose authorities that were formed due to the influence of its discourse with other religious or literary or historical and other discourses. Therefore poetry is not a feeling without thoughts and not mere abstract thoughts by themselves; rather it is an emotional mental experience that took its intellectuality from the past and the present as a response to the variables of every stage and its circumstances.
The current study followed the culture concept as a basic starting point in studying the poetic text and stopping at its patterns, its nature, its knowledge, and intellectual accumulative texts, including the religious ones which are represented by the holy Quran and honorable prophet’s speech; and the literary ones that showed their influence by those poets who preceded them, and the relation of this with their literary product. This is beside their knowledge to Arabic proverbs which formed a great part of their culture. Moreover, we did not ignore dates. Days, origins, and the characters that contained their poetry.
According to this desire we tried to build the study data of three stages that constructed the thesis chapters, preceded by a preface that contained illuminations to the concept of intellectual authorities and their influence on poetry and poets equally, in addition to its description as keys for reading the text and uncovering their secrets. Moreover, we succeeded in the second part of the preface about the first beginnings of Shia verse during Umayyad era. We intentionally called for the religious authorities in spite of their cultural loads in poetry to establish the first chapter material when we tried to explore the influence of these cultural loads on poetry. As a result, the chapter required three sections. The first section was about the Quranic culture and the semiotics. The second section discussed the honorable prophetic speech, while the third section tackled the culture authorities in saying of the prophet’s progeny ( p.b.u.t.).
The second chapter was about the intellectual literary authority within three section too. The first section mentioned the literary poetic authorities. The second section studied the authorities of the prose culture. The third section was devoted to dimensions of the conventional social culture.
The third chapter tackled features of the historical culture within its cognitive and intellectual framework; it has three sections. The first section was about the authorities of the accidents and military events that the poet exploited. The second section was based on recalling the historical, Islamic, and literary characters. The third section was about the poet’s interest concerning the relative and tribal culture and its influence on his historical authorities similar to what was found in the poetic text, as well its role in formation. Later, this was followed by conclusion that contained the most important results during our research procession; in addition to a list of the most significant references and bibliographies and an abstract in English.
The study mainly adopted the descriptive analytical approach through deducting and analyzing the poetic lines. Sometimes, there was an interference of the historical approach to discover the influential characters in the Islamic society to stop at reality that Shia poets and their opposed lived in. Other times, the empirical field was adopted for the poetic text is the base and the aim to uncover its authorities in criticism and analysis since it is composed of interference and interlocked relations; and our goal to emerge the poet’s ability in discovering the cultural inherited stores that he possessed and subdued to serve his poetic text